Student Affairs

Student success and well-being is at our core in Student Affairs. Our departments work to help lay the foundation for KPU students to thrive, not only in their studies, but beyond. Students feeling respected and included, having timely access to the supports and services they need, and connecting their university experience with their larger career and life aspirations are central to how focus our efforts.

Student Affairs employees are certified in AMSSA’s award-winning Safe Harbour: Respect for All diversity and inclusion training workshop for workplaces.



Our approach will be ambitious, innovative and collaborative so that students discover their potential and reach their goals.


We empower students to learn, connect and thrive.


Integrity – we hold ourselves and our institution as a whole to the highest standards of trustworthy, ethical and consistent practices. We will be transparent in our processes and our progress.
Compassion – we foster an environment of mutual respect and equity that recognizes the needs of the individual learner and each student as unique and worthy of respect.
Innovation – we endorse a culture of experimentation and creativity as a progression to learning and growth.
Collaboration – we embrace the joy in learning and education and in working with students, faculty and other colleagues. 


Annual Reports

Past Annual Reports