Frequently Asked Questions

What is the waitlist like?

  • KPU maintains an admissions waitlist of qualified applicants for each intake.  The waitlist will vary dependent on the admission pool for each intake.

How do I decide if psychiatric nursing is the right path of nursing for me?

  • Prior to registration, volunteer work in service delivery agencies, hospitals or community mental health programs, such as long-term care or residential mental health centres, is where you gain firsthand experience with individuals or families with psychiatric problems
  • You also learn about the services provided by mental health professionals.
  • With such experience you should be able to make a decision pertaining to your student nursing career.

Is it possible for me to specialize within psychiatric nursing?

  • The KPU BPN program recognizes a variety of informal specializations which exist within the field of mental health including: Forensic psychiatry, psychiatric emergency care, eating disorders and substance use services. Although not formally recognized as accreditation specialties, students can be supported by faculty to facilitate exposure to such specialties within the context of regular curriculum, in addition to specific placement requests for areas of student interest.

Do psychiatric nurses go for Masters or Doctoral degrees?

  • In the 21st century, the field of psychiatric nursing is ever expanding while psychiatric nursing practice is increasingly becoming evidence-based.
  • Evidence to support nursing practice is obtained through well-grounded research which is becoming an integral part of psychiatric nursing. This is supported by revolutionary discoveries in nursing, medicine and neurosciences.
  • In adapting advanced knowledge through research and professional development, psychiatric nurses achieve the educational and practice competencies for master's degrees and PhD levels.
  • These nurses could become educators in post-secondary education, nurse researchers, psychotherapists and private counsellors or discover new service areas for psychiatric nursing.

I am a Registered Nurse - do I receive Advanced Entry into the KPU BPN program?

  • No. This is not available.

I've completed my Diploma at Stenberg College and am a Registered RPN, do I qualify for the degree completion program?

  • No. All intakes for this program have been postponed indefinitely.


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