Which Orientation Should I Attend?

For some programs where the majority of courses are held at a particular campus, we recommend certain Orientation dates. However, you are encouraged to attend ANY Orientation - even if you don't attend on your home campus or the campus we recommend. To see our recommended campus, you'll need to know your Faculty and program. Keep in mind that you may also be invited to program-specific information sessions or orientations. It is reccomended that you attend all programs you are invited to. Please note: Some campuses may not host an Orientation every semester.

What is a Faculty?

A Faculty is a division or branch of learning within a college or university. At KPU, we have seven main Faculties:  Arts, Business, Science & Horticulture, Health, Academic & Career Advancement, Design and Trades & Technology.

What is a Program?

"Program" is a term used to describe a certificate, diploma or degree. Each Faculty has several programs within it. A few examples of programs would be: psychology, English language studies, accounting and fashion design & technology.

What is the Difference between a Program and a Course?

Courses are individual classes or subjects. In most cases, each program consists of several courses students will take in order to earn their credential. A couple of examples of courses would be: English 1100 and Educational Studies 1150.

Find your Faculty and program below to see which campus we recommend for your Orientation: