Student Loans

Student loans are a form of government-funded financial assistance that must be repaid. This funding is intended to assist students in financing their post-secondary education. Eligibility is determined by a standard means test developed by the federal and provincial governments. While you pursue post-secondary studies on a full-time basis, the government pays the interest on your loan.

To obtain a loan, apply directly to the government assistance provider in your home province. This is one-step process that considers you for federal and provincial loans and grants. If you apply for a loan, it is your responsibility to understand how your province's program works.  Please read their information carefully.

To be eligible for consideration for student financial assistance under StudentAidBC, an applicant must be:

- a Canadian citizen within the meaning of the Citizenship Act, or
- a Permanent Resident within the meaning of the Immigration Act, or
- a Protected Person as defined within the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Residents of BC should apply for student loan and grant assistance via StudentAidBC.

For more information on loan and grants please contact the KPU Student Awards and Financial Assistance Office.


Canada Student Loans

Student loans are a form of government-funded repayable financial assistance. This funding is intended to help students finance their post-secondary education. Eligibility is determined by a standard means test developed by the federal and provincial governments. While you pursue post-secondary studies on a full-time basis, the government pays the interest on your loan.

To obtain a loan, apply directly to the government assistance provider in your home province. This is a one-stop process that considers you for federal and provincial loans and grants. If you apply for a loan, you are held responsible for understanding how your province's program works, so read their information carefully.

To receive a loan or to establish Interest-Free Status for a previous loan, students must be attending on a full-time basis. This is very important, as dropping below this threshold can mean early repayment and loss of funding.

For the purposes of most university-level programs offered at KPU, a student is considered to be attending on a full-time basis provided that they are registered in a minimum of 9 credits per semester (in courses numbered 1100 or higher). Repeated courses do not qualify as part of the minimum course load. Generally, students attending in trades, career or vocational programs are deemed to be attending on a full-time basis. Some exceptions apply and it is the student’s responsibility to confirm the eligibility of their program of studies.

Residents of BC should apply for student loan and grant assistance via StudentAidBC. For more information on the Canada Student Loan, BC Student Loan and Repayment Assistance Programs, and to access application forms, please contact Kwantlen Polytechnic University Student Awards and Financial Assistance Office, or visit the Ministry of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology or call their toll free number 1.800.561.1818 for information.

Students who are undertaking post-secondary level studies on a full-time basis are not required to make payments, or pay interest on previously negotiated government student loans. It is, however, the student responsibility to inform their government lending institution that they have returned to full-time study.

Students can inform their previous lender of their return to full-time by applying online for interest-free status at or by obtaining signed Schedule 2 from Student Awards and Financial Assistance on any KPU campus. Students who have negotiated student loans with a province other than BC may be required to submit alternate documents. For any questions visit Student Awards and Financial Assistance on any campus.

Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 credits at the 1100 level of higher. Repeated courses do not qualify as part of the minimum course load.

Students are not required to make payments or pay interest on government student loans for a period of six months after leaving full-time studies. Interest begins to accrue the day after students cease to be a full-time student. Students returning to full-time study within six months will have this interest paid on their behalf by the government. Canada Student Loans and Provincial Student Loans are held by separate lenders and repayment arrangements must be made with each individual lender. Students having difficulty with student loan repayment can pursue debt relief measures with their lender(s) but must contact them directly.

To receive most government student loans and grants, the federal and provincial governments will consider a student with permanent disabilities to be studying full-time at a 40% course load (the equivalent of 6 credits of study per semester for most KPU students). Students must submit an appeal to Student Aid BC (or the student loan authority in their province of residence for students who are not BC residents) documenting their disability in order to receive full-time funding while enrolling in a reduced course-load..

Students in receipt of government student loan and/or interest-free status are required to maintain registration in, and successfully complete, a minimum of 60% of a full-time course load. Students who withdraw from full-time studies while in receipt of student loan or interest free status will be ineligible for further assistance following a 2nd withdrawal. Students who do not successfully complete a minimum of a 60% course load during 68 weeks (the equivalent of 4 semesters) of study will be ineligible for further assistance.


Confirmation Deposits for Admissions

All students who are offered admission to KPU must pay a non-refundable, non-deferrable confirmation deposit to accept their seat. Students who are unable to pay the confirmation deposit are encouraged to contact a representative from Student Awards and Financial Assistance for more information and to review their financial plan.


Grant Funding for Part-Time and Adult Upgrading Students

Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Students (CSG-PT)

This Canada Student Grant is available to assist students studying on a part-time basis in an eligible post-secondary level program. Eligibility is determined on the basis of assessed financial need. The CSG-PT has a yearly (August 1 - July 31) funding limit of $2,520 per student. Once this limit has been reached, students have the option to apply for the Part-Time Canada Student Loan.

Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG)

This program is available to assist students who are upgrading their education in preparation for post-secondary level studies. Eligibility is determined on the basis of assessed financial need. Eligible students must be Canadian citizens or Landed Immigrants studying either full or part-time in one of the following areas:

  • University Qualifying Studies
  • English Language Studies (ELST)
  • Adults with Permanent Disabilities Program (APPD)
  • Adult Basic Education (ABE)


Tuition Fee Deferrals

Students who have applied for Canada Student Loans/Grants for Part-Time Students (CSG-PT) and/or Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG) or who are in receipt of a Direct Award may be eligible for a deferral of the tuition fee payment deadline.

Please complete review information here regarding fee deferrals