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Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems

A resilient and equitable food system is needed to sustain healthy communities in a changing world. We expect this system to be built on a diverse foundation of ecologically-sensitive farming practices that emphasize mutually beneficial relationships and human connection to the land. Our students pursue these ideals through a unique blend of classroom and farm-based studies in agro-ecosystem design and stewardship; innovative and ecologically sound crop production; sustainable farm business management; and the economic, social, and environmental challenges facing our food system. An integral part of our programs is the Institute for Sustainable Food Systems, which engages in applied, multidisciplinary food systems research.

Our research and teaching farms provide space for students to participate in hands-on learning on working operations. The orchard, market garden, and farms are living laboratories for research projects that address challenges faced by local farmers while fostering a deeper understanding of agro-ecosystems. The development and demonstration of regionally-adapted sustainable agriculture practices are core principles of our programs.

Also see our non-credit Farm Schools program:

In this section

Student Profile

Individuals interested in gaining a practical understanding of sustainably growing food for their communities as well as those who wish to see this type of local-regional agriculture and food system integrated fully into society. This program will appeal to students who recognize that environmental stewardship and community involvement are critical to our food system and who wish to be part of a new approach to agriculture. Students looking for creative, hands-on work on farms and in the community will thrive in this program.

Career Opportunities

Sustainable, local food production is a rapidly developing component of sustainable community/ regional planning and development is on the minds of the public and governments alike. Program graduates will be sought after in areas as diverse as planning, resource management, politics, government, non-government organizations, related business, and production agriculture.

Last Updated: 20-Dec-2018

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