This part-time program prepares you to work effectively with young children and to set up a childcare business within the home environment.
The Family Childcare Program consists of core courses that are offered as evening classes, with the exception of 9 five-hour Saturdays. The program, to be completed within one year, consists of 154 hours of instruction, including practicum.
Students without experience in a licensed family childcare setting must complete 15 hours of work orientation. Licensing requires that students doing orientation must have a current criminal record check.
The Childcare Program is recognized by Fraser Health Region Licensing Department and Western Canada Family Childcare Association of BC.
Specialty Programs such as The Early Years: Investing in our Future, Child Abuse and Mini-Musicians are run on Saturdays from 10 am to 3 pm. These programs are offered only once a year with attendance being mandatory for successful completion of the Childcare Program.
This part-time program prepares you to work effectively with young children and to set up a childcare business within the home environment.
Regular Kwantlen admission requirements apply. In addition, applicants must have a personal interview with the Program Coordinator, achieve successful completion of the orientation and successful completion of a criminal record check.
The deadline for application is August 30th. Late applications will be considered if space is available. Upon acceptance to the program, students will register and pay a non-refundable deposit.
CHLD 1101 Child Development
CHLD 1102 Health and Safety
CHLD 1201 Guiding Children’s Behaviour
CHLD 1202 Supported Child Care
CHLD 1203 Managing a Family Child Care
CHLD 1204 Planning Children’s Experience
CHLD 1210 Child Abuse Workshop
CHLD 1211 Mini Musicians
CHLD 1212 The Early Years
Christine MacLeod at 604.596.3619.
Upon successful completion of this program, students are awarded a Statement of Completion in Family Childcare.