> Kwantlen University College > Calendar > Programs > Placement in Mathematics Courses

This is an ARCHIVED version of the Kwantlen University College Calendar for 2007-2008 (FALL) and is provided for historical reference only. See the current version of the Calendar for updated information.

Placement in Mathematics Courses

Your initial placement in a Mathematics course at Kwantlen is determined primarily by your British Columbia high school record in Mathematics. However, if you do not satisfy the requirements for direct admission to a Mathematics course, you may qualify, on the basis of your high school grades, to write the Mathematics Placement Test. Marks obtained in Kwantlen Mathematics courses supersede any MPT result.


If you are currently registered in a Mathematics course at Kwantlen, you cannot write the MPT to qualify for admission into a course for which the course you are taking is a prerequisite.

The requirements for direct entry in terms of high school grades and for entry on the basis of high school grades combined with successful completion of the MPT are given in the following chart

Principles of Math 12 (B or better) MATH 1120  
Principles of Math 12 (C+ or better) MATH 1130, 1140, 1190 MATH 1120
Principles of Math 12 (C or better) MATH 1112, 1115, MATH 1190* MATH 1120, 1130, 1140, 1190
Principles of Math 12 (P or better) MATH 1093, 1117, ABEM 0011/MATP 1011 MATH 1112, 1115, MATH 1190*
Applications of Math 12 (C or better) MATH 1093, 1115, 1117, ABEM 0011/ MATP 1011 MATH 1112, MATH 1190*
Applications of Math 12 with a P ABEM 0010/MATP 1010 MATH 1093, 1117, ABEM 0011/ MATP 1011
Principles of Math 11 (B or better) MATH 1112, 1115 MATH 1190*  
Principles of Math 11 (C or better) MATH 1093, 1117, ABEM 0010/ MATP 1010, ABEM 1011/ MATP 1011 MATH 1112, 1115, MATH 1190*
Principles of Math 11 (P) ABEM 0010, MATP 1010, ABEM 0011, MATP 1011 MATH 1093, 1117
Applications of Math 11 (C or better) ABEM 0010/ MATP 1010, ABEM 0011, MATP 1011 MATH 1093, 1117
No credit for Principles or Applications of Math 11 or 12 or less than a C in Applications of Math 11   MATH 1093, 1117, ABEM 0010/MATP 1010, ABEM 0011/ MATP 1011

These requirements apply only to students who have 18 credits of Kwantlen courses numbered 1100 or above (or equivalent).


Students who wish to take a MATH course (other than MATH 1116) but do not have at least a C in Principles of Math 11, at least a C in Applications of Math 12, or at least a P in Principles of Math 12 are required to write the MPT for placement in MATH 1093, 1115, 1117 or an ABEM/MATP alternative. If you want to enter an ABEM/PSPM course, you can also write the ACP Math Assessment. Please contact Academic and Career Preparation for details.

Because your direct entry into a Mathematics course and your eligibility to write the MPT for entry into a course may depend on your Mathematics grades prior to enrolling at Kwantlen, it is very important to ensure that relevant official transcripts (from secondary school and/or from other post-secondary institutions) are on file at Enrolment and Registrar Services. If you have completed a post-secondary Mathematics course at another institution (including secondary schools) with a minimum grade of C, you may qualify for transfer credit and/or advanced standing. In order to do so, you must submit a Request for Transfer Credit Form at Enrolment and Registrar Services. Allow at least eight weeks for processing.


The Mathematics Placement Test has four parts:

Part A

This part consists of 15 questions that test your skill at, your understanding of, and your ability to solve problems involving arithmetic.

Part B

This part consists of 15 questions that test your understanding of Mathematics (including arithmetic, basic algebra and geometry) up to a Grade 10 level, with an emphasis on basic algebra.

Part C

This part consists of 15 questions that test your understanding of algebra, geometry, and basic trigonometry up to a Grade 11 level, with an emphasis on algebra.

Part D

This part consists of 20 questions that test your understanding of functions, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, exponentials and logarithms up to a Grade 12 level.

The time limit is 45 minutes for parts A, B and C. The time limit for part D is 1 hour. Depending on the course that you wish to take, you may write more than one of these parts. Please allow enough time to complete all the parts that you plan to write. For students eligible to write the MPT, the scores needed for entry into MATH courses are given in the following:

ABEM 0010, MATP 1010 10      
ABEM 0011, MATP 1011, MATH 1093, 1117 10 10    
MATH 1112, 1115     11  
MATH 1120, 1130, 1140, 1190     11 11
Should I Write the MPT?

If you do not qualify for direct entry into your preferred Mathematics course but your high school grade is near that required, please refer to the beginning of this document to determine for which courses you are eligible to write the MPT If you do not have a B.C. high school transcript and an equivalence cannot be determined, you should seek an interview with a Mathematics faculty member.

If you have not taken a Mathematics course during the past two years, you are strongly advised to write the MPT. It may be advisable to take a lower level course than the course you are qualified for (students can forget their Mathematics skills if these skills are not used regularly).

How do I prepare for the MPT?

Although a thorough review of your Mathematics background could certainly help you to succeed on the MPT, it is not a test that you would study for in the traditional sense. The MPT is designed to test your true level of knowledge and comprehension of Mathematics. As it is not the purpose of the MPT to test short-term recall, it is suggested that you do not cram for the MPT. Just show up and be tested!

How Do I Arrange to Write the MPT?

Arrangements to write the MPT are made through Enrolment and Registrar Services. The current fee is $25.00. Please contact Enrolment and Registrar Services for test dates at the following numbers:

Richmond 604.599.2512
Surrey 604.599.2000
Langley 604.599.3215

How Do I Get My Score?

Your MPT is marked on completion and your score will be entered in the College system. During the registration period, a computerized check will confirm secondary school grades and/or MPT scores.

Can I Write the MPT More Than Once?

You are permitted to write each part of the MPT a maximum of 3 times. There must be a minimum 4-week gap between tests written. In order to rewrite, you MUST bring in your test score receipt(s). Every rewrite fee is $25.00. If you are unsuccessful in all 3 attempts, you will not be allowed another attempt and will be required to take the prerequisite course.

What Do I Need to Write the MPT?

Arrive 10 minutes prior to the examination time and bring the following:

  • Your Kwantlen student number

  • Your $25.00 receipt (cost to write or rewrite the MPT)

  • A current picture identification

  • A pencil

Remember that to rewrite the MPT, you will also need ALL of your MPT test score receipts.

Please note that you are NOT permitted to use a calculator or dictionary when taking any of the Math Placement Tests.

MPT Sample Tests

Sample MPT tests are available in the bookstore on each campus or on the Mathematics Department web site at kwantlen.ca/math