This is an ARCHIVED version of the Kwantlen University College Calendar for 2001-2002 and is provided for historical reference only. See the current version of the Calendar for updated information.

Kwantlen University College

Effective date of this calendar, unless otherwise indicated, is Sept. 1, 2001 to Aug. 31, 2002.


ASTR 1100 cr-5
Introduction to Astronomy

This is an introductory course in astronomy intended for students not specializing in science. No prior study of physics or astronomy is required. Topics include the earth, solar system, stars, Milky Way, galaxies and cosmology. In addition, topics will be drawn from current events of astronomical interest, such as comets and planetary exploration. The laboratory component will include indoor experiments and outdoor observations.

Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

Kwantlen University College
Contact the Admissions Department