This is an ARCHIVED version of the Kwantlen University College Calendar for 2001-2002 and is provided for historical reference only. See the current version of the Calendar for updated information.

Kwantlen University College


Convenient to students on each campus is a year-round bookstore, owned and operated by Kwantlen, with text and supplies specific to each campus, as well as a range of crested clothing, giftware, confectionery, cards, magazines and newspapers. More importantly, the Bookstore publishes a list of the required and optional texts, which are stocked in new and used formats at all campus stores, up to eight weeks before the start of class.

Visit and shop our stores to save time and money on your text purchasing. Go to our website for information about hours, products and much more. Inquires are welcomed by e-mail at or by phone at (604) 599-2020.

Kwantlen University College
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