Academic Advising

Connect with us and get started on planning your path to graduation.

Which Advisor Should I See?

There are different advising teams at KPU to assist you as you progress towards graduation. See below to determine which advising team you should access.

Not sure which advisor you should contact? Send us an email with your question and the appropriate advisors will get back to you.

We have different advising teams to assist you as you progress towards graduation. This tool can help you determine which advisor you should contact.

  • Central Advising (0-60 credits, domestic, PR, refugee students – Arts, Business, Science & Hort, Trades students)

    • I am a new or returning student
    • I am in my first or second year of studies
    • I am completing a certificate, diploma or associate degree
    • I am a business, science, design, or arts degree student with fewer than 60 credits
    • I am a trades student
    • I am interested in nursing

    Contact Central Advising

  • International Advising (0-60 credits, international, – Arts, Business, Science & Hort)

    • I am an international student in my 1st or 2nd year of studies with fewer than 60 credits
    • I am an international student enrolled in an upgrading, ELST or trades program
    • I have questions about study and work permits

    Visit International Advising

  • Upgrading Advising (English, Science, Math upgrading, English Language Studies, Pathways, EACs)

    • I am taking or need upgrading/qualifying courses for English, math, chemistry, biology and/or physics
    • I am in English language studies
    • I need to take an assessment test
    • I don't meet the English proficiency requirements for admission
    • I want to complete the BC adult graduation diploma

    English Upgrading

    Science & Math Upgrading

  • Faculty of Arts, Degree Advising (completed 45-120+ credits pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Arts)

    • I am a declared bachelor's degree student in arts with 45 credits or more
    • I am an arts-intended student with 45 credits or more
    • I am an arts-intended transfer student with 45 credits or more

    Arts-intended students with fewer than 45 credits should book an appointment with Central Advising or International Advising.

    Visit Arts Degree Advising

  • Faculty of Health, Degree Advising (admitted Faculty of Health studies students)

    • I am a declared bachelor's degree student in health with 45 credits or more
    • I am a health-intended student with 45 credits or more
    • I am a health-intended transfer student with 45 credits or more

    Health-intended students with fewer than 45 credits should book an appointment with Central Advising.

    Visit Health Advising

  • Faculty of Science, Degree Advising (completed 45-120+ credits pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Science or Horticulture)

    • I am a declared bachelor's degree student in science/horticulture with 45 credits or more
    • I am a science-intended student with 45 credits or more
    • I am a science-intended transfer student with 45 credits or more
    • I am a declared diploma student in HORT, ENVI or CADD

    Science-intended students with fewer than 45 credits should book an appointment with Central Advising or International Advising.

    Visit Science and Horticulture Advising

  • Melville School of Business, Degree Advising (completed 45-120+ credits pursing a Bachelor's degree in Business)

    • I am a declared business degree student with 45 credits or more
    • I am a business-intended student with 45 credits or more
    • I am a business-intended transfer student

    Business-intended students with fewer than 45 credits should book an appointment with Central Advising or International Advising.

    Note: Students pursuing a post-baccalaureate/graduate program should book an appointment with a Student Success Coach

    Visit Degree Advising and Student Success

  • Melville School of Business, Student Success Coach (admitted Post-Baccalaureate and Graduate Studies students and BBA students with 45+ credits)

    Career coaching and employment support for admitted Post-Baccalaureate and Graduate Studies students and BBA students with 45+ credits

    Academic advising for students pursuing a post-baccalaureate/graduate program or BBA students with 45+ credits.

    Visit Student Success

  • Wilson School of Design, Degree Advising (admitted School of Design students)

    • I am interested in one or more design programs

    Design-intended students with fewer than 30 credits may book an appointment with Central Advising.

    Visit Design Advising

Booking Your Appointment


Current students seeking assistance from an academic advisor are welcome to make a one-to-one appointment based on the advisor's availability. These appointments are intended to assist students with in-depth questions regarding their academic planning. Students make appointments using Advisor Connect.

This online appointment booking system allows current students the flexibility and convenience to book their own advising appointment. To book an advising appointment, follow the instructions outlined below. For additional assistance with how to book an appointment or if you are having difficulties logging in to Advisor Connect, contact Academic Advising.

Note: For optimal performance using Advisor Connect, please use Mozilla Firefox. If you are booking an appointment using your mobile, once you log in to Advisor Connect, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the mobile version on the left.

  1. Log in to Advisor Connect using your KPU student ID and password.
  2. To schedule an appointment, click the "Search Availability" button under the Student Options menu on the left.
  3. Select the appropriate advising team from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the LOCATION (phone, online or campus) for your advising appointment.
  5. Modify the search options (e.g. dates, times, days, etc.).
  6. Click the "Search" button.
  7. Click on the available time displayed on the right for when you would like your appointment (scroll to the right to find more available appointment times).
  8. Choose a REASON for your advising appointment.
  9. Add any NOTES that will assist your Academic Advisor and click SAVE. Please do not leave this field blank.
  10. A confirmation email will be sent to your KPU email in-box (If you activated your text messaging option from the main menu, you will also receive a text message regarding your appointment).

Preparing for an Appointment

  • Make sure you have read and understood all related information such as calendar descriptions of program requirements, your MAP audit, or other KPU websites.
  • Write down your questions or concerns ahead of time.
  • If needed, bring all related documentation (such as test results, transfer credit evaluations, or KPU correspondences) or forms (program declaration, course substitution) to be discussed with an advisor.

For phone appointments: Please pick up the phone at your scheduled appointment time. Try to be near a computer if you can, so that you can view online resources that we may refer to.

For online appointments: Online appointments are hosted on MS Teams. Please check your email for an email invitation from your advisor and follow the directions to connect. Important note: you may need to download a program to connect online. Please click your meeting invitation in advance of your appointment so you have time to download any necessary programs.

Cancelling an Appointment

  1. Log in to Advisor Connect using your KPU user name (student ID) and password
  2. All of your upcoming appointments will be listed on the left under your calendar
  3. To cancel the appointment, click the X next to the appointment (at the end)
  4. Enter your reason for cancelling the appointment (optional) and click the "Confirm Cancellation" button
  5. To make a new appointment, follow the above steps on making an appointment, starting with step 2

If you need assistance booking an appointment, please contact us at 604-599-2828.

Periodic system outages occur due to IT service maintenance, click here for dates/times.

University Calendar and My Action Plan (MAP)

The University Calendar is the official guide to KPU's academic programs, including admission requirements, curricular requirements, course descriptions, academic regulations, fees, and the academic schedule. We know that not all the vocabulary in the University Calendar is easily understood. Check out the glossary to help you better understand some of the terms used throughout KPU's Calendar and website.

Students should consult the University Calendar, along with KPU's graduation audit software, My Action Plan (MAP), in order to plan their courses and ensure they are on track to graduate. See Previous University Calendars if you are fulfilling requirements for graduation from a previous year's University Calendar.

Visit My Action Plan for more information

Understanding University Terms

There are words and abbreviations used in a university setting that are unique to higher education or are used in specific ways. Visit the University Calendar's glossary to learn some of these definitions, like what is a grade point average, what is a major or what is a part-time student?

Exploring University Programs

The University Calendar explains all the requirements for all KPU’s certificate, diploma, associate, baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate programs. You can also find lists of all our courses and their descriptions, as well.

Academic Standing

Academic Standing describes your status as a student at KPU. There are a variety of possible rankings to describe your academic standing:

  • Good Academic Standing
  • Dean's Honor Roll
  • Academic Warning
  • Academic Probation
  • Required to Withdraw
  • Academic Suspension

The University Calendar provides detailed information about academic standing regulations. Visit the University Calendar for academic standing definitions.

Required to Withdraw and Reinstatement

If you're on Academic Probation, have completed a minimum of 27.0 semester credit hours and your TGPA and CGPA are both less than 2.00, you will be required to withdraw and not permitted to enroll in undergraduate courses for two semesters (6 months).

After being required to withdraw, you should meet with an academic advisor to discuss your academic status and the reinstatement process.

Book your appointment now

Visit Required to Withdraw for more information.

To maintain good academic standing at KPU, a student must achieve a 2.00 GPA or higher for all undergraduate courses taken at KPU. Failure to meet this minimum academic standard will result in corrective action and can lead to permanent withdrawal from KPU. KPU Policy ST6 defines the minimum standard of academic achievement for a KPU student.

If you have received a notification that you have been placed on Academic Warning or Probation, Central Advising is here to help you understand your academic standing and find ways to improve your GPA and succeed in your studies.

For more information about academic standing, visit our FAQ or make an appointment to see an advisor.

If you find you are struggling in a class and don't know where to go for help, please speak with your instructor. Your instructor may refer you to Early Alert, an academic intervention service that provides timely and targeted support. Contact us for more information about Early Alert.