Live Well

So you think you’re fit?

You go to the gym two or three times a week. You eat well. You don’t smoke. And you take the stairs whenever you can.

But that’s all about your body. What are you doing for your brain?

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, it’s all about achieving balance among competing priorities. The CMHA defines good mental health as striking a balance in all aspects of your life: social, physical, spiritual, economic and mental. For most of us, that encompasses our personal and professional lives, and impacts the relationships we have with our families, friends, co-workers and community.

The CMHA offers a unique way to assess your own mental health so you can reflect on your strengths and identify areas for improvement. It’s called the Mental Health Meter, and it’s a series of basic questions about what’s going on in your life. While not a substitute for professional advice, it’s a tool that can give you some valuable insight into the state of your own mental health. Take the test here.