Alumni Highlight

Caroline FuchsName:   Caroline Fuchs

Kwantlen Program:  Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurial Leadership

Grad Year: 2007

Employed As:  Investment Advisor with Odlum Brown Limited

Employer Website:


What are your primary responsibilities at your job?

My role is to help clients with their financial future – whether they want to grow their RRSPs, distribute funds efficiently during retirement years or leave a legacy. I work with my clients to establish parameters and goals and achieve desired results by providing disciplined investment advice based on objective research.


What is your favourite part of the job?

Building relationships with clients and having the privilege of being part of their financial success.  Knowing that my clients trust me to guide their investments means so much.


How do you like to unwind/handle stress?

In the workplace, I work with an amazing group of women. We bounce around ideas and strategies, share stories, and vent if necessary – having a great network of support definitely helps during stressful situations!

Outside of the office, exercise is an important aspect of my life.  I love to jog and have recently started to do hot yoga classes. I also enjoy cooking and spending time with my family. 


Where does your inspiration come from?

Inspiration comes from many different aspects of my life.  My children inspire me often with lessons of empathy, humility and patience. Volunteering at my sons’ school makes me proud to give back to my community. 


If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

Princess Diana. I have always been inspired by her charity work, and how she passed along this legacy to her children.


What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my sons.  They amaze me with their fresh perspective on the world and their continuous curiosity.  They always manage to make me laugh and smile. 


Greatest advice for life.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.   When a frustrating situation occurs in any aspect of your life, it’s important to identify if you have the ability to change it.  If you can change it, then do it. If you can’t, then don’t stress about it.


Favourite Kwantlen moment.

After a four-month, in-depth industry analysis, 400-page report, plus a presentation - I would have to say the feat of completing my practicum for the BBA program!


What’s the last book you read?

“Who Moved My Cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson – I read this book at least once per year as a check-in. It gives me perspective on whether I am appropriately handling the changes in my business and professional life.