Live Well

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Your boss just gave you a new project, and you haven’t even finished the last one.

You’re in charge of planning a colleague’s retirement party, which is next week, and you still have to collect for the gift.

Your partner has been delayed at work and it’s up to you to pick up the kids from school, so forget about working late to catch up on things.

And your doctor’s advice to start exercising as a way to manage your high blood pressure has been all but ignored since you have no time or energy.

High blood pressure is experienced by close to 18 per cent of Canadians over the age of 12, according to Statistics Canada. It can lead to stroke, heart attack and kidney failure. In most cases, doctors can’t point to the exact cause, however, high blood pressure has been linked to being very overweight, drinking too much alcohol, family history and inactivity. Making healthy lifestyle choices can lower your risk. Visit HealthLinkBC for more information on the causes, symptoms and treatment for high blood pressure.