NGO Student Projects

Certificate in NGO and Nonprofit Studies

The following are some examples of students’ past projects. All of these community engagements take place with nonprofit organizations in Vancouver’s Lower Mainland.

Fig. 2. Agencies within 5km radius of NSM

One student providing food to those in need noticed possible overlap with other agencies, so she created a map with all of the agencies that bordered Nightshift Ministries.

Students working on a campaign for PADS made up directions of their process so others could complete it more easily in the future.


Facebook post: Richard Hossein

Richard H. helped with the social media campaign leading up to the annual Think Global Link Local event for the United Nations Association of Canada (UNAC)

Mary H. and Nadine M. researched poverty markers from updated statistics to be used for the THIS is poverty event organized by the Surrey Poverty Reduction Coalition.


Brittany helped out Sources Café, a social enterprise started by a local non-profit organization.

Sources Connection Cafe & Catering

Antronig A. was asked by a local community to match current locations with historical photographs and to provide GPS coordinates.


Students in the NGOs in Practice course (January, 2016) were pleased to complete volunteer hours with the following organizations:

Event-planning for United Nations of Canada–Vancouver and their Think Global, Link Local 2016 Networking breakfast.
Thank you to Courtney and the whole UNAC-Vancouver team.


Report-writing and client interviews for Richmond Family Place.
Thanks so much to Janice and Hala.

Family Richmond Place

Research on Cultural Tourism with Seyem’ Qwantlen Business Group for Kwantlen First Nation and the Launch of the QuestUpon app in New Westminster.
Thanks to Ashley, Brenda and the Kwantlen First Nation community.

Seyem' Qwantlen

Research ethics application and survey work for the Surrey White Rock Food Action Coalition.
Thanks to Deirdre!

REB & Surrey White Rock Food Action Coalition

City of Surrey 20X20 Pecha Kucha Presentation on Nonprofit Organizations: Social Innovation Has to Start Somewhere… And the Launch of the Nonprofit Database on this website.

Thank you to everyone we connected with!

Nonprofit Database


These are all examples of the types of projects that students done through ANTH 3190: NGOs in Practice. This is part of an increasing movement at KPU to provide good opportunities for service learning. For more information on Service Learning at KPU, please see our Experiential Learning website.

Are you interested in having KPU students or faculty involved with your organization? Whether you have a project, aren't sure how to get started, or want to gather more information, please contact: