Unveiling the Significance of Academic Integrity: A Pathway to Genuine Happiness

Blog Post by Rajmale Kaur, KPU Computer Information Systems Student (Sept 18, 2023)

Video Transcript - Unveiling the Significance of Academic Integrity: A Pathway to Genuine Happiness

Hi, this is Rajmale, and I’m currently studying Computer Information Systems at KPU. Today, I want to talk about how I see academic integrity as a path to genuine happiness as a student.

Academic integrity is not just about following rules and avoiding punishment; it is about personal fulfillment and happiness. Aristotle's famous quote, "To be happy, you must be ethical," holds true in the context of academic integrity as well. While it may seem tempting to cheat or engage in dishonest practices to achieve short-term happiness or avoid failure, the long-term consequences on personal well-being and character cannot be ignored.

Genuine happiness comes from understanding that one's successes were attained through determination, dedication, and personal development. Academic dishonesty compromises your own integrity and respect for yourself. When an accomplishment is not truly earned, the satisfaction that comes from attaining a good grade or academic milestone is diminished. The sense of pride and accomplishment that comes from knowing that you gave it your all and succeeded in an ethical manner is what makes life truly happy.

Education is not merely about grades and certificates; it is a journey of continuous learning and personal growth. By engaging in academic integrity, you embrace the true essence of education. You develop critical thinking skills, cultivate a genuine understanding of the subject matter, and nurture a curiosity for knowledge. This holistic approach to learning contributes to long-term happiness as you become more enlightened, confident, and capable of making meaningful contributions to society.

Building confidence both inside and outside of the academic community depends heavily on academic integrity. Your peers, educators, and coworkers will have more faith in you if you act with honesty and integrity. Strong connections and partnerships, whether in the office, the classroom, or in personal life, are built on trust. Through meaningful connections, strong social networks, and chances for both personal and professional advancement, developing and maintaining trust leads to happiness.

Academic integrity is more than simply following the rules and regulations; it's a personal decision that represents your values, character, and objectives. By upholding intellectual integrity, you foster self-respect and satisfaction while also making a positive impact on society. The quest of knowledge, personal development, and the joy of knowing that your accomplishments are the product of your efforts and moral behaviour are where you will find true happiness, so keep that in mind.