Citation in Employment and Community Studies


The Access Programs Department’s Employment and Community Studies program is designed to provide students with diverse learning needs an opportunity to prepare for lifelong learning, employment, and community engagement. They will engage in hands-on learning and work experience opportunities in classrooms and community settings. Students will also critically engage with social justice and ableism issues that impact the lives of people with disabilities. They will reflect on their own identities and experiences, develop communication and advocacy skills, and use technology tools. This program is designed for students with diverse learning needs that hinder educational success.

Career Opportunities

Through this program of study students will gain knowledge that will strengthen their abilities and possibilities for lifelong learning, employment, and community engagement in, for example:

  • Community Service
  • Retail and Customer Service
  • Personal Service
  • Manufacturing and Warehouse Service
  • Restaurant and Food Service
  • Business and Administration
  • Entrepreneurship

Admission Requirements

The following program admission requirements apply:

  • Attend a program information session
  • Interview with program faculty to determine
    • Fit for the academic program
    • Satisfactory English ability as assessed according to departmental guidelines

Admission is at the discretion of the program faculty based on the above requirements. Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission. Please see for departmental guidelines used for admission and information session schedule.

Curricular Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 15 credits for the citation that include the following:

  • EACS 0010 Employability Skills (6 credits)
  • Select 9 credits from the following:
    • EACS 0020 Career Exploration (3 credits)
    • EACS 0021 Work Experience (6 credits)
    • EACS 0022 Introduction to Disability Rights (3 credits)
    • EACS 0023 Social Justice in Action (3 credits)

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of this program, students are eligible to receive a Citation in Employment and Community Studies.