Alumni Spotlight

Stefanie Broad
Name: Stefanie Broad

KPU Program: Entrepreneurial Leadership

Grad Year: 2014

Employed as: Transition Programs Coordinator  at KPU

Employer website:

What are your primary responsibilities at your job: At KPU I manage the Orientation & Transitions Department. Our department ensures all KPU students have a successful transition into university through the development of New Student Orientation events, managing a leadership volunteer program (the O-Team), promoting campus services and resources, and developing programming for student transitions.

What is your favourite part of your work? I love watching students gain confidence either through orientation or through the O-Team. There is nothing more satisfying than making a difference in the way students feel about themselves.

How do you like to unwind/handle stress? I like to connect with nature – I visit the beach, go hiking, or get my hands dirty in my veggie garden. I’m also a rugby player, so I always enjoy letting off some steam with my teammates on the field.

Who is the most famous person you've ever met? I met Gene Simmons from KISS. He came into a restaurant I was working at and asked to use the bathroom. It was a very uneventful experience, but cool nonetheless.

If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be? I have so many answers to this question! I would either choose Dr. Sylvia Earle (a world renowned oceanographer), Jane Goodall (a primate researcher), Lady Gaga, or my cat, Turbo. All three of the women mentioned are inspirational to me – they have paved the way for feminism, science, etc. As for my cat, he passed away in 2016, so I just miss him tons!

Where does your inspiration come from? My family and the O-Team volunteers I work with. They are so exceptionally giving and fun to be around!

Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years? In the next five years I hope to complete my MA in Leadership. In ten years, I have no idea! I truly like to be open to opportunities that open up for me – so far, that strategy has worked out for me!

What are you most proud of? I coach a high school rugby team, and some of my proudest moments are when I get to see my players having fun, learning, and socializing. I am proud that I am able to facilitate friendships, physical health, and inclusivity.

Greatest advice for life? Use failure to your advantage. I think learning from failure can be the most valuable form of personal and professional development. 

Favourite KPU moment? Because I work at KPU, I have many! But I think one of the highlights for me was as a practicum student when I got to deliver over 800 items to a homeless shelter and a cheque for over $1,100 to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank as a part of my final project.

What's the last book you read? “Small Great Things” by Jodi Picoult. It was a great read.

What's currently on your iPod? I feel I might embarrass myself by answering this! I definitely don’t listen to hip music. A few artists/bands I’m enjoying lately are Chet Baker and the White Buffalo.