Alumni Spotlight

Name: Ankit Sharma

Ankit Sharma

KPU Program: CISY (Computer Information Systems) and BBA ENTR

Grad Year(s): 2005 & 2007

Employed as: Founder, Owner, CEO

Employer website:


What are your primary responsibilities at your job:

As the CEO, I am the public face of the company. I create the mission, vision and values by which Kitply carries out its day to day operations. I meet with Kitply's best customers and suppliers and build relationships with relevant industry members. I am also responsible for selecting the management team to run Kitply in my absence through process improvement and staff upskilling and motivation.


What is your favourite part of your work?

Ensuring Kitply’s values permeate throughout the organization. I love tracking the important Key Performance Indicators while looking for ways to ensure everyone enjoys their time at Kitply.


How do you like to unwind/handle stress?

I actually love working under stress and pressure and find it invigorating (maybe a function of those all-nighters at KPU during finals & report due dates!) I do like to read, meditate, exercise and socialize to help me wind down now and then.


How do you give back to KPU?

I love KPU and always look for ways to give back. At Kitply, we have hired many Kwantlen students as full time employees and provided work experience to students of the Access Programs. We have also donated $20,000 to establish an Endowed Award at KPU for students enrolled in the Access Programs needing financial assistance. This award is named after my grandparents but to highlight my brother Amit Sharma’s life that changed after a major motorcycle accident four years ago and left him a quadriplegic – wheelchair bound for life.


If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

Einstein – I think he was a genius but more importantly I’d go back just to brag that I had a time machine and see the expression on his face! 


Where does your inspiration come from?

Successful entrepreneurs whether social or for profit – especially those who maintain great work/life balance. I also get my inspiration from my brother who maintains a positive mental attitude despite his physical condition.


Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years?

In the next 1-5 years, I would continue working as the CEO of Kitply Industries and growing and scaling it up to unimaginable heights. In 10 years’ time I would have established an executive team to run and grow the business while I continue to invest in other ventures and play more of a serial social entrepreneur role.


What are you most proud of?

Family, business, staff, and my attitude and mindset.


Greatest advice for life?

I truly believe the universe conspires to bestow upon us our true heart’s desires so be careful what you wish for!


Favourite Kwantlen moment?

Royal Roads International Case Competition where our team of four was tied for first even though we went in with almost no training and were the underdog team in this consortium of international business schools.


What's the last book you read?

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman.


What's currently on your playlist?

Usually an audiobook but Drake most recently – just went to the concert so a bit in love.