Committee Overview: Arts Nominations and Governance Committee


The Arts Nominations and Governance Committee (NGC) is a standing committee of Arts Faculty Council. The mandate of NGC is set out in the Arts Bylaws. NGC exists to advise AFC on matters related to elections, ensure that nominations are made for Faculty and Faculty Council positions, and appoint or recommend members to serve on various Arts- and University-level committees. The committee regularly reviews the Arts Bylaws and the terms of reference for standing committees, and advises AFC on any proposed changes.


  • The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of AFC
  • The Dean or an Associate Dean of the Faculty;
  • Four members of AFC
  • One Arts student representative

Faculty representatives serve three-year terms.

Current Chair: Dr. Mike Larsen (Criminology) –


NGC conducts routine business via email, following a schedule that responds to the need to fill committee vacancies as they arise. Occasional meetings are called as needed.

A Year in Review

NGC coordinated announcements, received applications, and made appointment recommendations for many ad-hoc and standing committee positions throughout the year.

In addition to this work, NGC updated a set of online forms that can be used both by committee chairpersons / coordinators to inform NGC of committee vacancies and by applicants interested in filling these vacancies. These forms will help to streamline the nominations process.

NGC also worked on its own draft terms of reference, including a short set of principles to guide appointment recommendations when positions are contested:

When making its selection recommendations for a contested position, NGC members will strive to: 

  1. Ensure that the composition of the Committee reflects the diversity of programs within the Faculty; 
  2. Ensure that the composition of the Committee reflects a mix of experience levels, recognizing both the value of prior experience and the importance of new voices and perspectives; and 
  3. Ensure that, where specific qualifications and expertise are deemed necessary to the work of the Committee, to recommend qualified nominees 

 Looking Ahead

This year, NGC will be working with the Dean’s Office to develop a consolidated and easy-to navigate website for Arts committee information. This site will provide information about the role and composition of committees, updated postings for committee vacancies, and links to the application forms. Our goal is to facilitate participation in University governance by making it easy to learn about, engage with, and join committees.