Dr. Adrienne Boulton
B.Ed (Saskatchewan), M.A. (UBC). Ph.D. (UBC)
Dr. Adrienne Boulton completed a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Saskatchewan in 1994. She moved to British Columbia in 1996 and taught Visual Art and Social Studies until entering graduate school in 2007. She completed an MA in Curriculum and Pedagogy from the University of British Columbia in 2009 and a PhD in Curriculum from the University of British Columbia in 2015. Her research interests include arts-based forms of educational research, pre-service teacher education, and inquiry. Adrienne is an Instructor in Educational Studies at KPU and is currently completing research as the PI for Walking Home: International and Domestic Students’ Film Making As Mapping Place. She also works as an Instructor, researcher and Faculty Advisor in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia. Additionally, Adrienne is the Senior Editor of the Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues / Revue canadienne de recherches et enjeux en éducation artistique.
Courses taught
- EDUC 1100 Introduction to Higher Education
- EDUC 1150 Introduction to Higher Education International
- EDUC 3240 Social Justice & Diversity in Education
Areas of Interest
My research interests include arts-based forms of educational research, pre-service teacher education, and inquiry.
Scholarly Work
- Boulton, A. (2019). Artistic Inquiry in Art Teacher Education: Provoking Intuition through a Montage of Memory in and of Place. Canadian Revue of Art Education: Research and Issues, 47(2).
- Boulton, A & Thulson, A. (2019). Studio Conversations. Adrienne Boulton and Ann Thulson. Visual Arts Research, 45(88) 110-113.
- Boulton, A. (2018). Finding one’s voice. In Richards, A. & Willis, S. (Eds.), Global Consciousness through the Arts: A Passport for Students and Teachers. (pp.34-39). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publisher.
- McDougall, D., Boulton, A., Irwin, R. L., May, H. & Leblanc, N. (2018). Encountering Research as Creative Practice: Participant’s Giving Voice to the Researcher. In L. Knight and L. Cutcher (Eds.), Arts, Research, Education: Connections and Directions, (pp. 31-60). Springer International Publishing.
- Boulton, A., Grauer, K., & Irwin, R. L. (2016). Becoming Teacher: A/r/tographical Inquiry and Visualising Metaphor. International Journal of Art & Design Education.
- Boulton-Funke, A., Irwin, R., May, H. & Leblanc, N. Intercultural exchange: The Interventions and Intraventions of practice based research. (2016). In A. Nikolova (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research, (pp. 248-258). New York: Routledge
- Boulton-Funke, A. (2014). Narrative form and Yam Lau's Room: The encounter in arts based research. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 15(17) 1-16.
- Boulton-Funke, A. (2014) A Critique and a Proposal: A/r/tography, Arts-based Research, and a Methodology of Intuition. Visual Inquiry: Learning and Teaching, 3(2), 207-221.