Tracy Adole
BSc (Hons) (University of Benin, Nig), MSc (University of East Anglia, UK), PhD (University of Southampton, UK)
Tracy Adole is an Environmentalist and organizational leader in research and development, science-policy integration, program management, and stakeholder management. Apart from teaching Geography, Tracy has worked with a wide range of stakeholders on geographical and environmental programs/projects across multiple countries. To mention a few are; the Independent Verification of UNEP recommendation specific to Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) in Ogoniland, the control of waste induced flooding and health hazards several local government areas in Nigeria, beekeeping development project for youths in collaboration with a UK charity (Bees Abroad), and the Geospatial References, Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3) in five sub-Saharan countries.
She obtained her BSc from Nigeria and her MSc and PhD from the UK. Her PhD from the University of Southampton focused on the Land Surface Phenology of Africa, its drivers and relationship with climate variability. Her current research interest is centered on the disproportionate impact and policies of climate change and understanding human population growth dynamics within the context of sustainable development and climate change.
Tracy is also a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and an avid volunteer who loves contributing to local and international non-profit organizations. She is very passionate about finding solutions to real world issues using data, technology, and partnership. Tracy hobbies are playing the piano and chess.
Areas of Interest
My research interests include the science of climate change, the disproportionate impacts of climate change, clean energy, population dynamics, UN Sustainable Development Goals and using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing (GIS/RS) techniques and data to solve real world problems.
Scholarly Work
- Adole, T., Dash, J., Rodriguez-Galiano, V., & Atkinson, P. M. (2019). Photoperiod controls vegetation phenology across Africa. Communications Biology, 2(1), 391.
- Adole, T., Dash, J. & Atkinson, P.M. (2018) Large scale pre-rain vegetation green up across Africa. Global Change Biology, 24, 4054-4068.
- Adole, T., Dash, J. & Atkinson, P.M. (2018) Major Trends in the Land Surface Phenology (LSP) of Africa, Controlling for Land Cover Change. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-16.
- Adole, T., Dash, J. & Atkinson, P.M. (2018) Characterising the Land Surface Phenology of Africa using 500 m MODIS EVI. Applied Geography, 90, 187–199.
- Adole, T., Dash, J. & Atkinson, P.M. (2017) Recent trends in the land surface phenology of Africa observed at a fine spatial scale. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), (July 2017), 4326-4329.
- Adole, T., Dash, J. & Atkinson, P.M. (2016) A systematic review of vegetation phenology in Africa. Ecological Informatics, 34, 117–128
- Ibaba, I.S., Dube, L. & Adole, T. (2014) Oil spills in the Niger Delta: Reflections and concerns on JIV and community interests. NACGOND JIV policy brief, ISBN: 978-978-52663-0-6, Nigeria.
- Enosakhare, E. D., Attwood, J., Fagbeja, M., Adole, T., Amhandin, E.V., Asuquo, E & Ikenna, J. (2014) A review of environmental impact assessment in Nigeria as compared to selected standards from countries and agencies. NACGOND Research Report, ISBN: 978-978-52663-4-4, Nigeria
- Ezeoke, M., Tong, K., Adole, T. & Lovett, A. (2012) Determining the Geographic Effect of Gas Flaring using Multi-SAR Azimuth Processing. Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications (ACTEA), 2012 2nd International Conference. 215–219.
- Adole, T & Omogbai, B. (2012). Antibacterial effect of crab shell extract on Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science. 1: 1-6.