
Jessica Gnyp

B.A. (U. Vic), B.F.A. (Emily Carr), M.F.A. (U.B.C.)
Phone: 604-599-3333
Surrey Office: S SPRUCE 152A

Jessica Gnyp’s studio practice is grounded in theory and she works with a range of materials and media including digital and analogue photographic techniques, scanning, digital processes, video, sculpture and installation. She received an MFA from the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory at the University of British Columbia a BFA from Emily Carr University in photography and a BA from University of Victoria in anthropology. She is a fellow at Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Berlin where she recently completed a residency and has exhibited nationally and internationally. She has taught as Visiting Assistant Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland and currently teaches photography at KPU Fine Arts Department.