
Scott McBride

B.F.A. (Manit.), M.F.A. (Vic. B.C.)
Phone: 604-599-3333
Surrey Office: S SPRUCE 152F

I have been teaching at KPU since 1992. I received my BFA from the University of Manitoba. While at that institution I also completed three years of Political Science, which has always informed my art practice. My MFA was completed at the University of Victoria.

I have been exhibiting in solo and group shows locally, nationally and internationally since 1988. While I have always considered myself a painter, for the past 15 years I have also been working with digital media.

As an artist I am very proud of the volunteer work I did for 14 years as co-founder and co-director/curator of the Access Gallery in Vancouver. During my tenure at this artist-run-centre I was able to collaborate with many emerging and established artists and curators from both Canada and abroad.

Recently, I have been excited to work on the cover art for two cultural theory texts; Spirits in the Material World: The Challenge of Technology and Dreams of Perfection: Globalization and its Critics.

Areas of Interest

I have been teaching at KPU since 1992. I received my BFA from the University of Manitoba. While at that institution I also completed three years of Political Science, which has always informed my art practice. My MFA was completed at the University of Victoria.

I have been exhibiting in solo and group shows locally, nationally and internationally since 1988. While I have always considered myself a painter, for the past 15 years I have also been working with digital media.