Who can participate in this initiative?

KPU's Global Competencies courses are open to all students at KPU, upon completion of 15 credits or permission of the instructor.

Why should I be interested in KPU's Global Competencies?

Students will gain the following sought-after skills and abilities through participation in KPU's Global Competencies:

  • Deepened awareness of human diversity and cultural complexity
  • Ability to successfully adapt to new environments, challenges, and situations
  • Skills to facilitate intercultural relations and cross-cultural communication in the local community, in the workplace, and in international settings
  • Skills that make students stand out as exceptional applicants to prospective employers, internship opportunities, graduate schools, and volunteer positions
  • Global perspective/appreciation of different perspectives on global issues, and skills that will assist in reducing cultural conflict
  • Personal and community responsibility with a greater understanding of one's place and role in the world.

Can I count the same experience twice? For example, if I enrol in GLBL XXXX and use experiences from my semester abroad on exchange, can I enrol in another GLBL XXXX and draw from the same experiences abroad?

Yes, as you would be looking at the experience through a different lens/competency. You cannot, however, use any of the same coursework you completed in one GLBL course for another GLBL course.

How do I decide which one of the 4 global competencies courses I want to do?

Meet with the KPU International Student Life Coordinator to help you decide. It largely depends on your own personal area of interest/exploration.

What do I need to include in my e-portfolio?

Your course instructor will guide you through the development of your e-portfolio.

What will I receive for completing 1, 2, 3 or all 4 of KPU's Global Competencies?

There will be a line item on your transcript for completion of any/all course(s) completed. Students who complete all 4 of KPU's Global Competencies will also receive a certificate of completion from KPU International.

How long do I have to complete the GLBL course?

One semester, during the specified course weeks. Students must complete the GLBL course in the same semester they enrol into it.  Please note that GLBL courses are 6-weeks long, consisting of 2 hour classes once a week. These courses are mastery courses, so students will get a pass/fail mark.