
Constanza Rojas-Primus

BA (Metropolitana), MA (Alberta), PhD (Alberta), Cert. Intercultural Studies (UBC)
Surrey Office: Fir 108
Surrey Campus: 604.599.2604

Areas of specialization
Sociolinguistics, Creole linguistics, Anthropological linguistics, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Spanish language, Intercultural Studies
Areas of research interest 
Hybrid Languages, Ritual Languages, Language and Gender, Ethnicity, and Identity, Syncretism and Multiculturalism, Indigenous/Creole languages, Language Planning, Linguistic Rights, Intercultural Communication Competence and Development, Unitelecollaboration, Open Education

Courses taught

  • Spanish 1100 – Basic Spanish I
  • Spanish 1101 – Basic Spanish II (with an intercultural telecollaborative project with Universidad de Concepción, Chile in Fall)
  • Spanish 2200 – Intermediate Spanish I
  • Spanish 2201 – Intermediate Spanish II
  • Span 2200 & Span 2201 combined (with an intercultural telecollaborative project with Universitat de València, Spain in Fall)
  • Spanish 2205 – Spanish for Native Speakers
  • Spanish 3310 – Advanced Spanish Through Film
  • LANC 1150 - Introduction to Intercultural Competencies: Thinking, Speaking, Acting Globally
  • LANC 3150 - Advanced Intercultural Competencies
  • LANC/SPAN 3450 - Culture and Society in the Spanish-Speaking World

Areas of Interest

My latest work has focused on Intercultural language education and Open Pedagogy in relation to United Nations Sustainable Goals. I got awarded the 2020 KPU Open Pedagogy Fellowship to design "renewable assignments" and “authentic assessments” that “help students become agents of change in their communities.” The conceptual framework on which this fellowship is based is the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which is a set of 17 goals that address a wide range of social issues, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and peace and justice. As a result of this work, I received an educational Leave for 2022-2023 to collaborate in the creation of two Open Textbooks published under KPU Pressbooks platform to be used in our Spanish classes as part of KPU’s Zero Textbook Cost program. These Pressbooks are “Voy en camino” and “La hora del cuento en español”. To learn more about these Open Textbooks, visit here.