News & Events

UN Model

The department of political science would like to extend its congratulations to the Kwantlen Polytechnic University's new Model UN team who won four Distinguished Delegate Awards at the Northwest Model UN Conference held in Portland, Oregon. We are very proud that some of the delegates are students in political science. Dr. Francis Abiew advised the students, but it is really them who brought this together and we could not be more supportive and happy.

Link to story: The Runner l KPU's Model UN team wins four awards at the Northwest Model UN Conference ( 

About the Canadian International Council (CIC) - Vancouver Branch

CIC Vancouver is one of the five original branches of the Canadian International Council founded in 1928. Our Mission is to provide professionals, academics, students, and community members in the Vancouver area with a platform to stay engaged with international issues and help shape Canada's role on the global stage. We seek to achieve this mission by hosting regular seminars and networking events with leaders and experts in the field of international affairs and public policy. We have partnership with a wide range of post-secondary institution and research organizations across British Columbia and beyond. CIC Vancouver recently launched its Membership program, the first of its kind across CIC branches. This program connects aspiring students and young professionals with experienced public policy and international affairs practitioners so they may learn and grow their own careers in public policy and global affairs. 

Students and faculty in the above programs can benefit immensely through a partnership between CIC Vancouver and KPU's Faculty of Political Science. These benefits include:

  • Free access to our speakers and networking events for the KPU community
  • Discounted access to our membership, which includes a professional mentorship program
  • Opportunities for political science students at KPU's Faculty of Political Science to volunteer with our Executive team
  • Increasing KPU's Faculty of Political Science's public exposure and profile through CIC Vancouver's outreach platforms
  • Opportunities to showcase students' academic research or thesis on CIC Vancouver platforms
  • Opportunities to connect students with experienced policy makers and international affairs practitioners through our Mentorship program 


KPU Graduate Luthfi Dhofier is the President of CIC Vancouver


KPU Political Science Student Jemma Heathcote is a Volunteer and Events Manager with CIC Vancouver

TALK program

talk program

Dr. Ross (left), Samantha Jack (middle), and Kine Afework (right) 

On Friday October 14th, 2022, Dr. Ross, gave a TALK Seminar with Samantha Jack, a KPU Graduate and advisor on First Nations Policy with KPU and Kine Afework, a 4th year KPU Student in Political Science. The Seminar highlighted Water Rights in Canada among First Nations Citizens, in Ethiopia and Thailand.

Canadian Club Speakers Series

POLI Speaker

Through the framework of narrative identity, Bassam Abu-Nadi (pictured) discussed the challenges and opportunities for Muslims to write themselves into the Canadian story.


Canadian Muslim Identity

Thursday, Oct 13 at 6:00 PM
KPU Surrey Campus - Fir 128

Description of the Talk:

This talk will focus on the richness and depth of Muslim identities and both of the confusion and opportunities that this identity presents for adherents of the faith. Using the framework of narrative identity, the presenter will share some insights into the stories that Muslims tell about themselves. The talk will culminate with suggestions to help create a more harmonious multi-faith polity.

The Speaker:

Bassam Abun-Nadi is an educator, researcher, and community activist with over 7 years of experience creating and delivering learning content. At RECLAIM, Bassam leads a team that works to accurately express the Muslim experience and bring that experience into the classroom. He has a B.A in Political Science (SFU, 2010) and completed his MEd (UBC, 2017) where he specialized in the impact of globalization upon education reforms in the Middle East.

He is also the host of the podcast PreOccupation: A Not-So-Brief History of Palestine. The podcast is a deep dive into the social, economic, and politival histories of Palestine (and the post-Ottoman mashriq as a whole). 

The World Water Day Article


"A Photo Journey Through Dharamsala" by Dr. Ross Michael Pink 

'Dharamsala is the spiritual, political and cultural center of the Tibetan refugee community and home to the Dalai Lama. Dr. Pink lived in Dharamsala for 7 weeks meeting people and interviewing for a Book on the Tibetan Refugee Community in Dharamsala. Dr. Pink met scores of brave and dedicated Tibetans including the Dalai Lama's Chief of Staff, Government in Exile House Speaker, Cabinet Ministers, Senior Monks, Students, the Art School Director of Tibet Children's Village, political prisoners and leading Poets and Writers. Dr. Ross Michael Pink will guide the audience through Dharamsala to meet the people described and learn about the harmonious Tibetan Buddhist culture with a beautiful powerful and fascinating photo slide show'

United Nations Association in Canada (Vancouver) for Think Global

Friday, March 11th, 2022

Invitation Letter 2022
Early-bird tickets are just $15 plus fees.
After February 20th, tickets are available for $20 plus fees, with tickets on sale now at Eventbrite!

KPU Political Mentorship Program: Article

March 18, 2022

The Runner | KPU political science mentorship pairs students with local politicians




TALK LECTURE  October 29, 2021

The fascinating well attended Lecture addressed the challenges of population decline and climate change confronting 5 ancient Ethnic / Indigenous communities in the World


Good afternoon,

Applications for the 2023 session of the BC Legislative Internship Program (BCLIP) are almost open! Every year, our wonderful academic steering committee promote the program and offer on-campus information sessions at SFU, UBC, UNBC and UVic. This year, to increase access to students at other universities and support virtual engagement, we are offering a Zoom information session from 10:30-11:30 am on November 16, 2021. The webinar will provide an overview of the position and program, answer application and interview questions, and feature recent alumni!

To register:

For more information about the program, including eligibility:

Please share with your networks.

All the Best,

Esther Rzeplinski (she, her, hers) | Parliamentary Education Officer & Program Manager, BC Legislative Internship Program (BCLIP)

Parliamentary Education Office | Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

250-208-6577 | |

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

UBCMUN 2022 

Apply to become a part of the UBCMUN team for their next Model United Nations conference in January 2022. For more information click the images below!

Poli sci event 2021

BC Political Studies Association 2021 Student Essay and Marjorie Griffin Cohen Competitions

Student Essay Prizes

Up to four prizes are awarded each year in the following three categories: 

Mike Meade Prize - the Mike Meade Prize recognizes the best lower division (first and second year) undergraduate paper. Up to two Mike Meade Prizes are awarded each year. 

Norman Ruff Prize - the Norman Ruff Prize recognizes the best upper division (third and fourth year) undergraduate paper. 

BA Honours Paper Prize - this prize recognizes the best honors paper.

These contests are open to all students enrolled in BC colleges and universities that participate in the BCPSA. Papers may cover any sub-field of political science. Departments are responsible for nominating papers. Each department can nominate two papers for the Mike Meade Prize and no more than one paper for each of the two upper level undergraduate prizes. Papers written from the Summer 2020 to the Spring 2021 term are eligible for the BCPSA 21 competitions. Papers written during the Summer 2021, Fall 2021, and Spring 2022 terms will be eligable for the BCPSA 22 competitions. 

Please send papers as attachments to by June 1, 2021. The results of the competitions will be announced at the BCPSA 21 AGM. 

Details on eleigability, nomination, submission, and adjudication for all competitions can be found on the BCPSA website: Student Competitions and Prizes - British Columbi Political Studies Association. 

Student Leaders Colloquium

The deadline for the Fraser Institute's annual Student Leaders Colloquium will close on April 18th. 

More information and the application can be found on the website:

Student Leaders

Student Essay Contest 2021

This year, students are encouraged to construct an essay exploring Joseph Schumpeter's concept of creative destruction. Both undergraduate and graduate students have the chance to win cash, have their ideas published, and learn about a key economic thinker. 

A video series and the Essential Joseph Schumpeter primer can be accessed for free at Both of these resources can help students explore the ideas of Joseph Schumpeter in order that they can integrate them into their essays. 

The rules, essay guidelines, and past examples of winning essays can be found on the website and the deadline for submissions is June 1, 2021. 

UNAC (United Nations Association in Canada) Think Global Act Local Event

Think Global Act Local

Ross Michael Pink and Luthfi Dhofier: World Refugee Day 2020: Is It Time for a New Refugee Convention?

On June 19, 2020 Dr. Ross Michael Pink, Chair of the Political Science Department along with former KPU BA Graduate and UBC MA Graduate, Luthfi Dhofier published an article for World Refugee Day 2020 in The GlobePost under the Opinions section of the paper. The article can be found:

Ross Michael Pink and Luthfi Dhofier: Climate change impacts water security in Egypt, India, Indonesia and Australia

On March 21, 2020  Dr. Ross Michael Pink, Chair of the Political Science Department along with former KPU BA Graduate and UBC MA Graduate, Luthfi Dhofier published an article for World Water Day in the Vancouver Sun under the Options section of the newspaper. The article can be found:

Networking for Success Talk

In February 2020  Dr. Ross Michael Pink, Chair of the Political Science Department presented a Talk entitled 'Networking for Success'  to Student Ambassadors and Staff from the KPU Future Students Office

Networking for Success

Networking for Success

KPU Open House

The KPU Open House on February 8, 2020 was a successful Event. The Political Science Department was hosted by Department Chair Dr. Ross Michael Pink and Instructor Dr. Serdar Kaya who had the opportunity to showcase an exciting display booth and engage with scores of interested guests and prospective students.

Political Science Department at KPU Open House
Political Science Department at KPU Open House

KPU Student Climate Change Ambassador Program

Climate Change Ambassador

Climate Change Ambassador Speaker
The KPU student climate change ambassador program is innovative environmental activism that brings students and professors into high schools, universities and the community to discuss important climate change topics. climate change is the leading environmental and human rights issue on the planet. By 2050 the United Nations predict there will be 200 million climate change refugees.  

Climate Change Ambassador Speaker
On December 11, 2019 at Princess Margaret Secondary School in Surrey, 4 outstanding student climate change ambassadors, Kine Afework, Ronell Pena, Abdul Salam Arif and Lincoln Saugstad along with Dr. Ross Michael Pink addressed 3 different classes with 100 students. Social science department head, Drew Kowalenko welcomed the KPU team. The PowerPoint session outlined the main issues around climate change and highlighted 4 country experiences:

Climate Change Ambassador Program Group

The Philippines, Ethiopia, India, and Kenya. the high school students were eager to learn and asked dozens of fascinating questions.  

Visit by the UN Independent Expert for Persons with Albinism

IK Ero

On October 8, 2019, Dr. Ross Pink's Political Science 1125 Class in KPU Richmond hosted IK Ero who is the United Nations Expert for Albinism. She was born in Nigeria, attended law school in Canada, and works in a leadership role with the NGO 'Under the Same Sun.' She spoke about the awful discrimination and violence that albinos face worldwide.


KPU Political Science Department Federal Candidate Debate

Federal Candidate Debate
A lively and important Federal candidate debate attended by 140 guests was hosted by the Political Science Department on September 26th, 2019 at KPU Surrey featuring the candidates in the Surrey Newton riding which is home to KPU.  

Attending were the Liberal MP Sukh Dhaliwal, Conservative candidate Harpreet Singh and NDP candidate Harjit Singh Gill.  The event was moderated by Political Science Instructor and Chair of the Political Science Department Dr. Ross Michael Pink. Enthusiastic students from Dr. Pinks Political Science 3131 class attended and participated with articulate questions along with members of the public and media.

Student Samantha Jack opened the event with an important First Nations acknowledgement. Students George Gardinetti, Karishma Ram and Marco Limongelli were excellent moderating the audience questions. There was a strong clash of ideas and opinions that was conducted peacefully which is a hallmark of democracy.  

In the subsequent October 2029 Federal election, Mr. Sukh Dhaliwal retained the Federal seat for the Liberal Party.