Centre for Global & Multicentric Education
CGME was established in 2009. It is preceded by the efforts, dedication, and collective actions of a number of Kwantlen instructors who formed a committee with a mandate to internationalize curriculum at Kwantlen and to explore the ways in which they could institutionalize non-European knowledge forms as legitimate ways of viewing the world.
CGME's members come from different disciplines and bring with them transnational experiences, varied expertise, and different intellectual traditions. Despite our different positionalities and experiences, we all share one goal: advancing the interests of all students by improving instruction and curriculum and by promoting anti-hegemonic practices.
CGME's aim is to initiate conversations between, within, and across disciplines about multicentric teaching and learning. Global and Multicentric Education (GME) is a multidisciplinary and integrative approach to educational, political, cultural, and economic issues with diverse practical manifestations.
Two of the objectives of CGME are: 1) to acknowledge and to learn from diverse traditions of knowledge and scholarship as we strive to make the education system responsive, open, and relevant to local and global groups and communities; and 2) to apply the knowledge, experiences, frames of reference, and learning styles of diverse students and communities in developing new theoretical and practical perspectives in science, education, anthropology, business, economy, culture, and history.
CGME will develop and distribute digital and non-digital educational materials that promote justice, peace, and equality transnationally and account for the pedagogical implications of national and transnational approaches to educational issues and curriculum construction.