Carlos Sandoval
BA (SFU), MA (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Limited Term: Fall 2022 - Spring 2023
After having participated in various social movements for the freedom of political prisoners in Mexico, Carlos completed his Master of Arts at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) where he focused his research on autonomism and indigenous movements. He focused his professional and academic work on the construction of the indigenous social subject, through cultural and language revitalization, particularly among the Nahua people of Veracruz. This included an active role in various community efforts towards the normalization of the Nahuatl language. He has participated as keynote speaker in numerous conferences on language and cultural revitalization, such as the colloquium “Nahuatl Across Borders” organized by the University of California in San Diego (UCSD) or the Diploma Program “Ok Nemi Totlahtol” organized by the UNAM and the Centre for Research and Higher Studies on Social Anthropology (CIESAS). More recently, Carlos has worked in various advocacy groups in support of Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada, particularly those who are part of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP).
Courses taught
Areas of Interest
Social Movements, Indigenous Movements, Decolonization of Education Language and Cultural Revitalization, Labour and Migration, Global Inequality.