Dr. Fabricio Telo
BA (UFSM), MA (UFRRJ), PhD (UFRRJ)Prior to joining KPU's Sociology Department in the Fall 2021, Fabricio served as a sociology instructor at the Federal Fluminense University in Brazil. He completed his Master of Arts and PhD in Social Sciences at the Federal Rural University in Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Brazil, where he joined the Centre for Research, Documentation and Reference on Social Movements and Public Policies in the Countryside (NMSPP/CPDA/UFRRJ). As an awardee of the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program, Fabricio went to the University of Victoria, Canada in 2018 for a PhD exchange program that focused on transitional justice. Following his passion for public scholarship, Fabricio has been contributing to Brazil's Peasant Truth Commission, raising public awareness on the history of the Brazilian military dictatorship of 1964-1985 and advocating for agrarian reform and reparation to victims of violence in rural Brazil.
Courses taught
- SOCI 1125: Introduction to Society
- SOCI 2311: Social Justice in the Global and Local Contexts
- SOCI 3320: Sociology of Global Inequalities
- SOCI 3330: Contemporary Sociological Theories
- SOCI 4230: Advanced Topics in Race/Ethnicity: A Global Perspective
- ARTS/ DESN 3000: Interdisciplinary Amazon Field School
Areas of Interest
Rural and political sociology; social movements; the agrarian question; authoritarian regimes; political violence; transitional justice; business and human rights; and post-colonial and Latin American studies.
Scholarly Work
- Telo, F. (2024). Políticas de reparação para camponeses e indígenas vítimas de violações de direitos humanos no Brasil. In: Lopes, J. et. al. (orgs.). Memória, Movimentos Sociais e Direitos Humanos [Reparation policies for peasants and Indigenous people victims of human rights abuses in Brazil. In: Lopes, J. Memory, Social Movements and Human Rights]. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ Press.
- Telo, F. (2021). Communication between militants of the Revolutionary Movement October Eight and peasants of Brotas de Macaúbas, Bahia, Brazil (1969-1971). Journal of Latin American Studies.
- Telo, F.; Medeiros, L.; Saraiva, R.; Gasparotto, A. (2021). Land and Transitional Justice in Brazil. International Journal of Transitional Justice, vol. 15, n. 1, 190–209.
- Telo, F.; Gasparotto, A. (2020). Histórias de Lutas pela Terra no Brasil (1960-1980) [Histories of Land Struggles in Brazil (1960-1980)]. São Leopoldo/RS: Oikos.
- Telo, F. (2019). Campesinos, emociones y tentativas de resistencia armada a la dictadura empresarial-militar de Brasil [Peasants, Emotions and Attempts of Armed Resistance against the Military Dictatorship in Brazil]. Polis Revista Latinoamericana. Vol. 1, Santiago, Chile.
- Telo, F. (2019). A memória sobre a questão agrária durante a ditadura de 1964-1985: a Comissão Nacional da Verdade e a sociedade civil. [Memory of the Agrarian Question in the Dictatorship of 1964-1985: the National Truth Commission and Civil Society]. Raízes, v. 39, n. 1, Campina Grande, Brazil.
- Telo, F.; Brito, R. (2019). Sob o signo do despejo: a resistência camponesa no estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) a partir da trajetória de Roseli Borges [Evictions and Peasant Resistance in the State of Rio de Janeiro: the Trajectory of Roseli Borges]. Exploraciones IPDRS, n. 43, La Paz, Bolívia.
- Other publications