Course Listings for Fall 2018

Dept Course Section Course Name CRN Instructor
ACUP 2160 R10 Acupuncture Western Medical Diagnosis (Imaging and Lab Testing) 34056 Lenore Riddell
ACUP 2170 R10 Acupuncture Pharmacology 34057 Lenore Riddell
ANTH 1300 R10 Archaeology 30690 Ken Stark
ANTH 1300 S10 Archaeology 30676 Ken Stark
ANTH 2310 R10 Archaeology of Death 30691 Ken Stark
ANTH 3211 S10 Forensic Science: Fact and Fiction 34399 Sabine Stratton
ANTH 3300 S10 Archaeological Theory 33543 Ken Stark
ASIA 1100 R10 Introducing Asia 34376 Jack Hayes
ASIA 1111 S10 The Religions of India 31038 Kamala Nayar
ASIA 1111 S11 The Religions of India 34215 Kamala Nayar
ASIA 2240 S10 Sikh Gurus: Life and Teachings 34380 Kamala Nayar
ASIA 2290 S10 South Asians around the Globe 33387 Kamala Nayar
ASIA 2351 R10 Opium, Alcohol, & Tobacco in Asian History & Culture 34377 Jack Hayes
ASIA 3140 S10 Environment and Society in East Asia 34378 Jack Hayes
ASIA 3870 S50 Bhangra Movements and Identity 34379 Ranbir Johal
BIOQ 1098 S10 Introduction to Biology 33154 Dossou Assogba
BIOQ 1099 S10 Introduction to Human Biology 30394 Dossou Assogba
BIOQ 1099 S11 Introduction to Human Biology 30400 Dossou Assogba
CMNS 1110 R10 Fundamentals of Business Communication 32548 Melissa Ashman
CMNS 1140 R10 Introduction to Professional Communication 30540 Ange Frymire
CMNS 1140 R11 Introduction to Professional Communication 30544 Ange Frymire
CMNS 1140 R12 Introduction to Professional Communication 30800 Melissa Ashman
CMNS 1140 R14 Introduction to Professional Communication 32817 Ange Frymire
CMNS 1140 R50 Introduction to Professional Communication 32702 Melissa Ashman
CMNS 1140 R51 Introduction to Professional Communication 33695 Melissa Ashman
CMNS 1140 S11 Introduction to Professional Communication 30550 Panteli Tritchew
CMNS 1140 S15 Introduction to Professional Communication 31845 Panteli Tritchew
CMNS 3000 A77 Advanced Professional Business Communications 33460 Panteli Tritchew
CMNS 3000 R12 Advanced Professional Business Communications 34675 Ange Frymire
CNPS 3310 S10 Theories of Counselling 31073 Sarah Hickinbottom
CNPS 3310 S11 Theories of Counselling 34444  
CNPS 3320 S10 Career Counselling and Career Education 33601 Sarah Hickinbottom
CRIM 1100 S14 Introduction to Criminology 31863 Mike Larsen
CRIM 2205 S10 Crime, Criminal Justice, and the Media 33581 Mike Larsen
CRIM 3111 R10 Contemporary Sociological Criminology 32947 Michael Ma
CRIM 3111 S10 Contemporary Sociological Criminology 31155 Michael Ma
CRIM 3213 S10 Community Corrections 32405 Alana Abramson
CRIM 3213 S11 Community Corrections 32948 Alana Abramson
CRIM 4112 R10 Contemporary Psychological Criminology 32831 Lana Besel
CRIM 4112 S50 Contemporary Psychological Criminology 32260 Lana Besel
CRIM 4301 R10 Community Advocacy and Human Rights 31313 Michael Ma
CRWR 1100 S12 Introduction to Creative Writing I 32936 Ross Laird
CRWR 1200 S11 Introduction to Craft and Process in Creative Writing 33783 Ross Laird
CRWR 3130 S10 Creative Nonfiction: Writing from the Self 31068 Ross Laird
CRWR 3400 S10 Special Topic: Writing the Sacred 32938 Ross Laird
EDAS 1105 L10 Supporting Learning in Schools 34544 Bill Cowell
EDAS 1105 L15 Supporting Learning in Schools 34545 Bill Cowell
EDAS 1105 S20 Supporting Learning in Schools 34546 Nancy Norman
EDAS 1120 S20 Introduction to Practice and Positive Behaviour Support 34549 Victoria Johnston-Hatch
EDAS 1162 S25 Change and Development: Adolescence Through Middle Adulthood 34556 Nancy Norman
EDUC 1100 R10 Introduction to Higher Education 34460 Tony Edwards
EDUC 1100 R11 Introduction to Higher Education 34461 Tony Edwards
EDUC 1100 S11 Introduction to Higher Education 34269 Ann-Marie McLellan
EDUC 1100 S12 Introduction to Higher Education 34464 Ann-Marie McLellan
EDUC 1100 S50 Introduction to Higher Education 34465 Tony Edwards
EDUC 1100 S95 Introduction to Higher Education 32954 Candy Ho
EDUC 1150 R10 Introduction to Higher Education for International Students 32779 Lilach Marom
EDUC 1150 R11 Introduction to Higher Education for International Students 34213 Lilach Marom
EDUC 1150 S10 Introduction to Higher Education for International Students 33482 Dianne Simmons
EDUC 1150 S11 Introduction to Higher Education for International Students 34208 Candy Ho
EDUC 1150 S13 Introduction to Higher Education for International Students 34466 Dianne Simmons
EDUC 3320 S10 Career Counselling and Career Education 34742 Sarah Hickinbottom
EDUC 4100 S10 Post University Transition 34468 Candy Ho
EDUC 4100 S95 Post University Transition 34467 Candy Ho
ENGL 1100 A75 Introduction to University Writing 34309 Paul Ohler
ENGL 1100 A78 Introduction to University Writing 33800 Deborah Blenkhorn
ENGL 1100 A79 Introduction to University Writing 33813 Deborah Blenkhorn
ENGL 1100 L13 Introduction to University Writing 33839 Brian Swail
ENGL 1100 L15 Introduction to University Writing 33841 Betty Anne Buirs
ENGL 1100 L17 Introduction to University Writing 33796 Betty Anne Buirs
ENGL 1100 S11 Introduction to University Writing 33820 Gillian Dearle
ENGL 1100 S13 Introduction to University Writing 33867 Gillian Dearle
ENGL 1100 S15 Introduction to University Writing 33807 Paul Tyndall
ENGL 1100 S22 Introduction to University Writing 33825 Fred Ribkoff
ENGL 1100 S29 Introduction to University Writing 33808 Gillian Dearle
ENGL 1100 S30 Introduction to University Writing 33809 Nate Szymanski
ENGL 1100 S37 Introduction to University Writing 33879 Greg Chan
ENGL 1100 S43 Introduction to University Writing 34315 Greg Chan
ENGL 1100 S54 Introduction to University Writing 34117 Kiran Clements
ENGL 1100 S55 Introduction to University Writing 34193 Gillian Dearle
ENGL 1100 S96 Introduction to University Writing 33877 Fred Ribkoff
ENGL 1100 S97 Introduction to University Writing 33874 Fred Ribkoff
ENGL 1104 L10 Reading and Writing Skills for Educational Assistants 33019 Julia Grandison
ENGL 1202 R10 Reading and Writing about Selected Topics: An Introduction to Literature 30960 Gillian Bright
ENGL 3328 S10 Romantic Poetry and Poetics 34319 Kiran Clements
ENGQ 1089 L10 Writing Skills - Focus on Paragraphs 32053 Mark Diotte
ENGQ 1089 R10 Writing Skills - Focus on Paragraphs 31804 Sean Conway
ENGQ 1092 A80 Professional and Technical English 12 33608 Janet Webster
ENGQ 1092 S10 Professional and Technical English 13 33149 Sue Shu-Hsien Lee
ENGQ 1096 R10 University Writing Workshop 34356 Gillian Sudlow
ENGQ 1099 R10 Writing Skills with Readings 30810 Jennifer Spence
ENGQ 1099 R12 Writing Skills with Readings 30968 Janet Webster
ENGQ 1099 R13 Writing Skills with Readings 31124 Janet Webster
ENGQ 1099 R15 Writing Skills with Readings 32055 Sean Conway
ENGQ 1099 S10 Writing Skills with Readings 30811 Rachelle Hollaway
ENGQ 1099 S11 Writing Skills with Readings 31063 Danny Wrench
ENGQ 1099 S17 Writing Skills with Readings 30891 Gillian Sudlow
ENGQ 1100 S21 Writing Skills with Readings 30837 Rachelle Hollaway
FINA 1100 S11 Introduction to Drawing 30126 Elizabeth Barnes
FINA 1100 S12 Introduction to Drawing 30142 Liz Toohey-Wiese
FINA 1100 S13 Introduction to Drawing 32931 Liz Toohey-Wiese
FINA 1100 S15 Introduction to Drawing 33638 Robert Gelineau
FINA 1100 S10 Introduction to Drawing 30152 Elizabeth Barnes
FINA 1100 S11 Introduction to Drawing 30153 Liz Toohey-Wiese
FINA 1130 S10 Ceramics I 30156 Ying-Yueh Chuang
FINA 1130 S11 Ceramics I 31312 Ying-Yueh Chuang
FINA 1131 S10 Sculpture I 30160 Alison MacTaggart
FINA 1131 S11 Sculpture I 30161 Alison MacTaggart
FINA 1135 S10 Introduction to Digital Media I 30165 Paulo Majano
FINA 1135 S12 Introduction to Digital Media I 34265 Scott McBride
FINA 1142 S10 Introduction to Print Media 34454 Kitty Leung
FINA 1142 S11 Introduction to Print Media 34750 Kitty Leung
FINA 1167 S10 Visual Language: Making and Meaning 30874 Liz Toohey-Wiese
FINA 1230 S10 Ceramics II 30231 Ying-Yueh Chuang
FINA 1231 S10 Sculpture II 30267 Alison MacTaggart
FINA 1242 S10 Print Media II 34470 Kitty Leung
FINA 2270 S12 Digital Photography 32836 Kira Wu
FINA 2270 S13 Digital Photography 33665 Kira Wu
FINA 2300 S10 Advanced Drawing I 30415 Elizabeth Barnes
FINA 2310 S10 Advanced Painting Studio I 30417 Elizabeth Barnes
FINA 2330 S10 Ceramics III 30418 Ying-Yueh Chuang
FINA 2331 S10 Sculpture III 31794 Alison MacTaggart
FINA 2335 S10 Digital Media: Video and Installation 34474 Scott McBride
FINA 2342 S10 Print Media III 34471 Kitty Leung
FINA 2400 S10 Advanced Drawing II 30429 Elizabeth Barnes
FINA 2410 S10 Advanced Painting Studio II 30430 Elizabeth Barnes
FINA 2431 S10 Sculpture IV 31795 Alison MacTaggart
FINA 2442 S10 Print Media IV 34472 Kitty Leung
FINA 3100 S10 Advanced Studio Practice and Seminar I 30529 Scott McBride
FINA 3200 S10 Advanced Studio Practice and Seminar II 30822 Scott McBride
FINA 4300 S10 Advanced Studio Practice and Thesis I 32928 Robert Gelineau
FINA 4400 S10 Advanced Studio Practice and Thesis II 32929 Robert Gelineau
FREN 1100 R10 French for Beginners I 30049 Somayeh Kamranian
FREN 1100 S10 French for Beginners I 30053 Olivier Clarinval
FREN 1100 S50 French for Beginners I 30057 Somayeh Kamranian
FREN 1101 S10 French for Beginners II 30062 Olivier Clarinval
FREN 3110 S10 Francophone Culture Through Film 33984 Olivier Clarinval
GEOG 1101 L10 Human Geography 30951 Parthiphan Krishnan
GEOG 1101 S10 Human Geography 30066 Parthiphan Krishnan
GEOG 1101 S11 Human Geography 32385 Parthiphan Krishnan
GEOG 1110 R10 Atmospheric Science 30076 John Martin
GEOG 1120 R10 Earth Science 30078 John Martin
GEOG 1120 S10 Earth Science 30071 John Martin
GEOG 1120 S11 Earth Science 33592 Joe Koch
GEOG 1120 S50 Earth Science 33593 Joe Koch
GEOG 2140 R10 Regional Geography of Canada 34480 John Rose
GEOG 2320 S74 Geomorphology 32963 Joe Koch
GEOG 3130 S50 Society and Urban Space 34481 John Rose
GEOG 3310 S10 Natural Hazards 34482 Joe Koch
GLBL 1101 S10 Global Competencies: Global Awareness 34507 Lesley McCannell
GLBL 1102 S10 Global Competencies: Global Perspectives 34732 Lesley McCannell
GLBL 1103 S10 Global Competencies: Languages and Cultures 34733 Lesley McCannell
GLBL 1104 S10 Global Competencies: Global Engagement 34734 Lesley McCannell
GNIE 1102 L10 Relational Engagement in Nursing Practice 31800 Gail Hills
GNIE 1102 L11 Relational Engagement in Nursing Practice 31801 Gail Hills
HAUC 1190 F10 Clinical 1 34613 Radhika Kumar
HAUC 1190 F11 Clinical 1 34614 Lisa Gedak
HAUC 1190 F12 Clinical 1 34615 Aurora Belisario
HAUC 1190 HLD Clinical 1 34612 Radhika Kumar
HEAL 1100 L10 Mental Wellness and Communication 33294  
HEAL 1100 L11 Mental Wellness and Communication 33885  
HEAL 1100 L12 Mental Wellness and Communication 33886  
HEAL 1100 L13 Mental Wellness and Communication 33887  
HEAL 1150 L10 Personal Care Skills: Lab 1 33296  
HEAL 1150 L11 Personal Care Skills: Lab 2 33888  
HEAL 1150 L12 Personal Care Skills: Lab 1 33889  
HEAL 1150 L13 Personal Care Skills: Lab 1 33891  
HEAL 2150 L10 Health Lab Practice 2 33926  
HEAL 2150 L11 Health Lab Practice 2 33927  
HEAL 2250 L10 Health Lab Practice 3 34383  
HEAL 2250 L11 Health Lab Practice 3 34384  
HIST 1100 R10 Reel History: History through Film 34372 Robert Menzies
HIST 1113 R110 Cultures in Collision: Canada to 1867 30014 Eryk Martin
HIST 1130 R10 Empires in Arms: Twentieth Century World 1900-1945 34373 Kyle Jackson
HIST 1145 S10 Expansion, Revolution, & Civil War: American History 1607-1865 33616 Bob Fuhr
HIST 1146 S10 World Wars, Reform, & Cold War: American History 1865-1974 30883 Bob Fuhr
HIST 2351 R10 Opium, Alcohol, & Tobacco in Asian History & Culture 34370 Jack Hayes
HIST 3140 S10 Environment and Society in East Asia 34361 Jack Hayes
HIST 3145 S50 Earth & Air / Fire & Water: An Introduction to Eco-Activist Movements 34036 Robert Menzies
HIST 3315 S50 Radicalism, Resistance, and Revolution 34363 Eryk Martin
HIST 3361 S50 Indian Subcontinent since 1947 34362 Robert Menzies
JRNL 1160 L10 Introduction to Journalism 31039 Chad Skelton
JRNL 1160 S10 Introduction to Journalism 30748  
JRNL 1160 S11 Introduction to Journalism 31040  
JRNL 1220 S10 Citizen Journalism 31041 Chad Skelton
JRNL 3165 S10 Data Visualization 34487 Chad Skelton
JRNL 3260 S10 Media Economics and Entrepreneurial Journalism 34486 Mark Hamilton
LANC 1870 S10 Intro to Bhangra Dance: Modern and Traditional 33293 Gurpreet Sian
LANC 1870 S11 Intro to Bhangra Dance: Modern and Traditional 34199 Gurpreet Sian
LANC 3110 S10 Francophone Culture Through Film 33982 Olivier Clarinval
LANC 3870 S50 Bhangra Movements and Identity 34520 Ranbir Johal
LING 1100 R10 Introduction to Language Structure 30018 Paivi Koskinen
LING 1100 S10 Introduction to Language Structure 33302 Paivi Koskinen
MATQ 1099 S11 Qualifying Studies Math 30419 Terry Berg
MATQ 1099 S12 Qualifying Studies Math 30421 Terry Berg
MUSI 1130 R10 Music Technology I 34024 Gordon Cobb
MUSI 1167 L50 Kwantlen String Orchestra I 33960 Rob Goddard
MUSI 1168 L50 Kwantlen Wind Ensemble I 31225 Scott MacLennan
MUSI 1169 L50 Kwantlen Chorus I 30575 Gail Suderman
MUSI 1171 L20 Guitar Chamber Ensemble I 30576 Don Hlus
MUSI 1173 L20 Percussion Ensemble I 30860 Daniel Tones
MUSI 1178 L20 Jazz Combo I 31227 Jodi Proznick
MUSI 1178 L21 Jazz Combo I 33129 Jodi Proznick
MUSI 1180 L50 Opera Workshop Ensemble I 31228 Gail Suderman | Dale Throness
MUSI 1181 L20 Kwantlen Chamber Singers I 31099 Gail Suderman
MUSI 1267 L50 Kwantlen String Orchestra II 33986 Rob Goddard
MUSI 1268 L50 Kwantlen Wind Ensemble II 31231 Scott MacLennan
MUSI 1269 L50 Kwantlen Chorus II 31362 Gail Suderman
MUSI 1278 L20 Jazz Combo II 31232 Jodi Proznick
MUSI 1278 L21 Jazz Combo II 33329 Jodi Proznick
MUSI 1280 L50 Opera Workshop Ensemble II 34526 Gail Suderman | Dale Throness
MUSI 2367 L50 Kwantlen String Orchestra III 33988 Rob Goddard
MUSI 2368 L50 Kwantlen Wind Ensemble III 31234 Scott MacLennan
MUSI 2369 L50 Kwantlen Chorus III 30595 Gail Suderman
MUSI 2373 L20 Percussion Ensemble III 30862 Daniel Tones
MUSI 2378 L20 Jazz Combo III 31235 Jodi Proznick
MUSI 2380 L50 Opera Workshop Ensemble III 31236 Gail Suderman | Dale Throness
MUSI 2381 L20 Kwantlen Chamber Singers III 31101 Gail Suderman
MUSI 2478 L20 Jazz Combo IV 34000 Jodi Proznick
MUSI 2481 L20 Kwantlen Chamber Singers IV 34527 Gail Suderman
MUSI 3540 L20 Collaborative Piano III 34539 Jane Hayes
MUSI 3567 L50 Kwantlen String Orchestra V 33978 Rob Goddard
MUSI 3568 L50 Kwantlen Wind Ensemble V 30611 Scott MacLennan
MUSI 3569 L50 Kwantlen Chorus V 30620 Gail Suderman
MUSI 3571 L20 Guitar Chamber Ensemble V 30613 Don Hlus
MUSI 3578 L21 Jazz Combo V 33342 Jodi Proznick
MUSI 3580 L50 Opera Workshop Ensemble V 31243 Gail Suderman | Dale Throness
MUSI 3581 L20 Kwantlen Chamber Singers V 31103 Gail Suderman
MUSI 3669 L50 Kwantlen Chorus VI 30612 Gail Suderman
MUSI 3678 L20 Jazz Combo VI 31244 Jodi Proznick
MUSI 4767 L50 Kwantlen String Orchestra VII 33981 Rob Goddard
MUSI 4768 L50 Kwantlen Wind Ensemble VII 31246 Scott MacLennan
MUSI 4769 L50 Kwantlen Chorus VII 31126 Gail Suderman
MUSI 4771 L20 Guitar Chamber Ensemble VII 31127 Don Hlus
MUSI 4780 L50 Opera Workshop Ensemble VII 31366 Gail Suderman | Dale Throness
NRSG 2135 L10 Relational Practice: Advanced Communications 33900  
NRSG 2145 L10 Nursing Practice 1 33901  
NRSG 2145 L11 Nursing Practice 2 33902  
NRSG 2145 L12 Nursing Practice 3 33903  
NRSG 2145 L13 Nursing Practice 4 33904  
NRSG 3121 L10 Professional Identity 2 34385  
NRSG 3145 HLD Nursing Practice 3 34387 Judy Lee
NRSG 3145 L10 Nursing Practice 3 34388  
NRSG 3145 L11 Nursing Practice 3 34389  
NRSG 3145 L12 Nursing Practice 3 34390  
NRSG 3145 L13 Nursing Practice 3 34391  
NRSG 3175 L10 Nursing Applications 3 34397  
NRSG 3350 L10 Consolidated Nursing Practice 1 34593  
NRSG 3350 L11 Consolidated Nursing Practice 1 34594  
NRSG 3350 L12 Consolidated Nursing Practice 1 34768  
NRSG 4122 L10 Professional Growth 4: Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis 32621  
NRSG 4142 L10 Nursing Practice 7: Change 32622  
NRSG 4142 L11 Nursing Practice 7: Change 32623  
PHIL 1100 L10 Introduction to Philosophy 33725 Patrick Findler
PHIL 1100 L11 Introduction to Philosophy 34766 Patrick Findler
PHIL 1100 S14 Introduction to Philosophy 33457 Liam Dempsey
PHIL 1110 L11 Confronting Moral Issues: Introduction to Ethics 34411 Patrick Findler
PHIL 1145 S12 Critical Thinking 34767 Colin Ruloff
PHIL 1145 S50 Critical Thinking 34168 Colin Ruloff
PHIL 1145 S51 Critical Thinking 33739 Colin Ruloff
PHIL 1150 L10 Introduction to Formal Logic 34414 Wayne Fenske
PHIL 1150 S10 Introduction to Formal Logic 31960 Wayne Fenske
PHIL 1150 S11 Introduction to Formal Logic 34084 Wayne Fenske
PHIL 2210 S10 Epistemology 33750 Colin Ruloff
PHIL 3033 A75 Business Ethics 32692 Mazen Guirguis
PHIL 3033 A76 Business Ethics 34415 Mazen Guirguis
PHIL 3109 S10 Foundations in Ethics 33752 Wayne Fenske
PHYQ 1098 S11 Introduction to Physics 30427 Terry Berg
POLI 1110 L10 Ideology and Politics 32653 Greg Millard
POST 3110 S10 Applied Policy Seminar I 32445 Ellen Pond
POST 4150 S10 Psychology and Sustainability: Attitudes and Behaviour 32911 Arleigh Reichl
POST 4900 S10 ST: Community Engagement 34167 Ellen Pond
PSYC 1100 S14 Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes 34252 Rajiv Jhangiani
PSYC 1100 S21 Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes 34210 David Froc
PSYC 1100 S23 Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes 34275 Rajiv Jhangiani
PSYC 1100 S54 Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes 30181 Rajiv Jhangiani
PSYC 1200 S12 Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications 31061 Kurt Penner
PSYC 1200 S13 Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications 34129 Kurt Penner
PSYC 1200 S14 Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications 30911 Kurt Penner
PSYC 2370 S10 Psychology of Personality 30135 Kurt Penner
PSYC 2385 R10 Cognition 34021 Rajiv Jhangiani
PSYC 3215 S10 Psychology of Memory 31747 Daniel Bernstein
PSYC 3325 S10 Psychology of Gender 33917 Cory Pedersen
PSYC 3350 S50 Advanced Topics in Psychopathology 34431 Evan Lopes
PSYC 3800 S50 Evolutionary Psychology 32461 Farhad Dastur
PSYC 3950 S10 Cognitive Ergonomics 32462 Farhad Dastur
PSYC 4150 S10 Psychology and Sustainability: Attitudes and Behaviour 31799 Arleigh Reichl
PSYC 4900 S10 Personality Development in Emerging Adulthood 34432 Kyle Matsuba
PSYC 5000 S50 Honours Thesis I 31111 Daniel Bernstein
SOCI 1125 L10 Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures 30108 Fiona Whittington-Walsh
SOCI 1125 L50 Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures 34241 Fiona Whittington-Walsh
SOCI 1125 R10 Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures 30101 Rebecca Yoshizawa
SOCI 1125 S11 Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures 30077 Fiona Whittington-Walsh
SOCI 1125 S12 Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures 31003 Seema Ahluwalia
SOCI 1125 S15 Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures 32275 Claudio Vidal
SOCI 1125 S51 Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures 33679 Claudio Vidal
SOCI 2225 S10 Canadian Society: Conflict and Consensus 33680 Claudio Vidal
SOCI 2240 S50 Women in Canada 32678 Rebecca Yoshizawa
SOCI 2280 S50 Sociology of Health, Disability, and Society 33682 Rebecca Yoshizawa
SOCI 4310 S10 Terrorism, Globalization, and Social Justice 33687 Claudio Vidal
SOCI 4325 S10 Sociological Aspects of Community Service 32676 Seema Ahluwalia
SPAN 2200 S10 Intermediate Spanish I 30478 Constanza Rojas-Primus