Assessment & Testing Services

Assessment & Testing Services supports prospective students, current students and community clients by providing secure, universally accessible and inclusive testing experiences.

Do not use your old account to book exams. Clear your bookmarks/cache and only use your new email account.

Out of Town students can do a remote Admissions test. This option is only available if you live more than 100 KMS from KPU. You will be asked to verify your address to confirm that you live outside the 100km limit.  

Surrey campus testing center will be moving to CEDAR 3040/3045 as of August 22

KPU collects personal information from students and corporate test takers pursuant to section 26(c) of British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“the Act”). Personal information collected for exams and test registration will be stored and accessed by RegisterBlast on servers located within Canada. Storage and access to personal information by RegisterBlast is required to authenticate and authorize access to exam registrations. For more information contact