
Dominic Bernard

M.Sc. (Heriot Watt), B.Sc. (SFU), B.Ed. (SFU)

Dominic is passionate about the engineering and scientific aspects of the brewing process, and he strives to make sure that his teaching methods reflect that. Brewers from around the world are always making new discoveries in their craft, and the constant innovation in the industry fuels his enthusiasm.

Dominic has worked in a number of different roles at breweries in BC, Quebec and Belgium, and he taught science at the high school level before joining the Brewing and Brewing Operations program at KPU. His prior experience in education and brewing allows him to put the course material into relatable and practical context, which he believes makes a big difference for students. Dominic combines direct instruction with hands-on learning that fosters critical thinking and cultivates an understanding of the course material that helps students become well-rounded brewers.

He enjoys teaching the brewing classes and is constantly impressed by the beers that are brewing produced by students for the Student Signature Series. He is delighted to see the students apply the knowledge they have gained in the Brewing diploma program to their Signature capstone project beers. Dominic is also proud to see Brewing students engage and collaborate with KPU's Applied Genomics Centre in research projects, such as hops and low alcohol beer. 

Though his taste in beer varies with the setting, he usually prefers Belgian beers.

  • Master of Science in Brewing & Distilling, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
  • Bachelor of Science, Major in Chemistry, Simon Fraser University
  • Bachelor of Education, Simon Fraser University
  • Curriculum Developer — Brewing and Brewery Operations Diploma Program, KPU
  • Brewer — Les 3 Brasseurs, Montreal, Quebec
  • Volunteer work term —  Orval Trappist Brewery, Belgium
  • Assistant Brewer — Mission Springs Brewery, Mission, BC
  • High school chemistry and science teacher — various locations in Metro Vancouver