
Andrew Frank

B.A. Hons., Radio & Television (Ryerson), MA Communication (SFU)
Andrew Frank Headshot
Phone: 604.367.2112
Richmond Office: 2465

Andrew teaches in the Public Relations and Environmental Protection programs at KPU, where he works to create inclusive and supportive learning environments that help students develop the skills and confidence to achieve their goals as professionals and citizens. He also uses humour to introduce levity and critical thinking in the classroom.

Outside the classroom, Andrew is a communications consultant to Indigenous nations, law firms and non-profits, focusing on issues of social justice and sustainability. He has produced award-winning communication campaigns and media relations strategies, and his writing has been published in major Canadian newspapers. In 2013, the Gitga’at Nation named Andrew a “Friend of the Great Bear Rainforest” for his work publicizing opposition to oil tankers in their marine territory.

Andrew lives with his family in the unceded territory of the Musqueam and Kwantlen nations. To learn more, visit