> Kwantlen University College > Calendar > Programs > Fine Arts Diploma

This is an ARCHIVED version of the Kwantlen University College Calendar for 2007-2008 (FALL) and is provided for historical reference only. See the current version of the Calendar for updated information.

Fine Arts Diploma

Fine Arts offers a two-year Fine Arts Diploma Program (Associate in Fine Arts) and a one-year Foundation Certificate Program. Both are designed to enable students to acquire a solid foundation in the basic skills of visual arts. Selected courses and groups of courses within the program may be applied to university transfer credit in Fine Arts and Education.


The sixty (60) credits for the diploma may be accumulated on a full or part-time basis. In order to receive a diploma, students must complete 54 Fine Arts credits, and 6 additional academic credits. Upon completion of the two-year diploma program at Kwantlen, graduates will have acquired both intellectual and technical skills to cope with a wide range of media. With these skills students can continue to develop their creative potential individually or at another learning institution. Most Fine Arts credits are university transferable.


See Certificate section for further details regarding program content for the Diploma


See Certificate section for further details regarding program graduation designations for the Diploma.