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College of Qualifying Studies
The University of Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) is the most widely recognized certification in the world for ESL teacher training. It is a highly practical course that aims to give people with little or no previous training, the knowledge, awareness and skills to begin a career in the field of English language teaching. Over 10,000 candidates took the certificate in 2006 in over 250 centers worldwide. Features of the course include:
Applicants are required:
The course is highly practical and it focuses on teaching English to adult classes at beginner to upper intermediate levels. The course aims to
There are five main units of learning:
The course is intensive and demands a considerable commitment. There are four components to the course:
Theory and Methodology
The emphasis is on participation and group work rather than a lecture style of presentation.
Teaching Practice
Teaching practice is a major part of the course which runs parallel with the theory and methodology sessions. The teaching consists of supervised teaching of ESL classes, guided analysis and reflection on the teaching sessions, practice teaching workshops, guided lesson preparation, observation of experienced teachers.
There are 3 individual interviews with the course instructors to review progress and assess strengths and weaknesses.
Preparation and Homework
This includes background reading, pre and post session tasks, written assignments and project work, lesson planning and preparation of materials. Students should expect to do at least 80 hours of study outside course hours.
Upon successful completion of the course, CELTA graduates are eligible for TESL Canada Level 1 accreditation.
Please see the CELTA web site for further information.