Canada Job Grant

Canada Job Grant

The Canada Job Grant helps employers train new or existing employees for jobs that need to be filled. This flexible program is designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, in all industries and regions.

Having the right skills helps employees excel and succeed in today’s fast-paced labour market. Find out how the Canada Job Grant can help you.


How does the Canada Job Grant work?

As an employer, you are in the best position to identify the skills your business needs or areas where you are having difficulty finding workers with the right skills.

The Canada Job Grant offers funding toward the cost of training provided by eligible third-party trainers. The total cost of training will be shared between the Government of Canada and employers.

The Government of Canada could provide two-thirds of the cost of training, up to a maximum of $10,000 per grant. Employers will be required to contribute the remaining one-third of the training costs.


What type of training can I provide?

The Canada Job Grant provides funding for training programs offered by eligible third-party trainers, such as community or career colleges, trade union centres or private trainers.

Training can take place in a variety of settings, including a classroom, at a workplace or online.

The Canada Job Grant can provide training to help individuals improve their skills or develop new skills in a variety of areas such as:

  • truck and transport mechanics
  • carpentry
  • computer science
  • engineering
  • other workplace skills


What types of training costs are covered?

The Canada Job Grant may be used to support the following training costs:

  • tuition fees or fees charged by training providers;
  • mandatory student fees;
  • textbooks, software and other required materials; and
  • examination fees.


Eligible Programs

Project Management Certificate

Professional Management Certificate

Leadership Development Extension Certificate