CAPER provides accessible formats of textbooks and course materials in three easy steps.

CAPER Requests

Work with a member of the Accessibility Services team to submit your requests.
If you want to have your textbooks and materials before your course begins, begin this work as soon as you are registered in your courses.

Register with CAPER

Complete the application form with a member of the Accessibility Services team.

Choose your format

We will help you identify the format that best works for you and your technology.

Send your request

Email your requests to with CAPER REQUEST in the subject line.
Requests for textbooks must include exact information. Send all the information directly from KPU’s book list and/or send a photo of the book’s title page.
If Textbooks are not yet listed for your course, send Annie the course name, number, and instructor’s name.
Check your KPU email in case we need to ask you for clarification or more information.  

Once your textbook is available, download it to your computer or device. Check that the files work with your computer, devices, and software and ask for help if you have any issues using your files or technology.