Post a Job or Volunteer Opportunity

How to register and post a job in Career Connection

Please note: this is a free service for all employers.


Register in Career Connection

1. Click Register and complete the form; then click Submit.
2. Check your inbox for the email requesting your confirmation of registration. (Please note: this could end up in your junk mail filter.)
3. Once you have confirmed your email address, another email will be sent containing your username and password.
4. Log in using the username and password that has been assigned to you.

Post a job

1. Log into Career Connection. Announcements will appear on the main screen with informationrelevant to you as an employer.
2. Select the Job Postings tab at the top of the screen or Post a Job on the right hand side.
3. Include how the students are to apply to the position, and click Submit.

Your job will be approved by Career Services staff within 1 business day (if all necessary information is included in posting).