Looking for Work?

Are you ready to search for a job? Whether your priority is to find work to pay your bills or you are looking to transition into a new career field, the Career Development Centre is ready to help you land that job!

Find out about job openings with Career Connection

Career Connection is KPU’s online job and volunteer board, where employers & community partners on post positions daily. Browse through full-time, part-time, temporary, student assistant, work study, apprenticeships, and volunteer positions and apply online. Login with your KPU student ID and password to get started

You can also use Career Connection to find out about career events such as workshops, networking opportunities, and employers on campus.


Update your Resume, Cover Letter, & LinkedIn profile

Make a positive first impression and let employers know what you can offer. Need help building your resume? Don’t have a resume, cover letter or LinkedIn profile? Not to worry – we can help.

Drop in to a Peer to Peer Resume Review Session https://kpu.ca/careers/peer2peer

Submit your Resume online for review and feedback https://kpu.ca/careers/peer2peer#Resume%20upload

Make an appointment to have your resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile reviewed  https://kpu.ca/volunteer/advisor

Job Search Planning

How can you search for jobs most effectively? What strategies are proven to work? Work with a Career Advisor to help clarify your job target and market your experience to match the expectations of employers.


Interview Preparation

So you’ve landed an interview?! Great! To prepare to do your best, research the company, your potential future boss, and the position. Get out your interview clothes and items you want to bring to the interview. Then, practice! Want to practice with someone and get some feedback and tips? Make an appointment with one of our advisors.


Working on Campus

KPU offers students some options for working on campus. Two positions with possibilities in different areas are “Student Assistant” and “Work Study”.  Find out more about these positions here:



Other options on campus include Tim Horton’s and the Grassroots Café. Please apply directly to these businesses with a resume.

Business Cards

Did you know you can order KPU student business cards? Network in style!
