
Do you want to read the latest news about CIR:CLE? For articles, please visit our Pressroom.


  • The CIR:CLE is proud to announce the launch of our website. Please explore, to learn more about our purpose, people, events and opportunities to connect.
  • Mark your calendars! Deadlines are approaching for engagement fund applications. Visit our Get Involved! page for information on applying for funding.
  • We are in the process of organizing more Brown Bag sessions. We want to hear valuable community input from people like you. Stay tuned for details on how to participate.
  • CIR:CLE will be leading a number of informative presentations in the near future. These will include presentations on the iR3 evaluation, the Bridges evaluation, and Challenges and Opportunities associated with working with various community stakeholders.

To keep up-to-date on the latest news from the CIR:CLE, or simply to connect, follow us on Twitter at @KwantlenCIRCLE.