Creating Cell Phone Apps for your Business (LERN) - MMRK 9018

It seems that nearly everyone is carrying and using a smart phone these days.  Whether you favour the Android, iPhone or Blackberry platforms, once you get used to having Internet access with you “everywhere” you go, it’s hard to be unplugged. Smart organizations across the globe are investing in building smartphone applications. The challenge with traditional smartphone applications is that development is highly technical and very expensive. In this four week course, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how non-technical users can build, deploy and market smartphone applications across Android and iPhone platforms.  This course is ideal for business owners and executives who want to understand how smartphone applications can be inexpensively built and also for technical users who want to understand to how quickly deploy smartphone applications. NOTE – This course will not include any programming.  At the end of this course, each participant will discover how easy they can build smart phone applications for their businesses, without any of the programming which is normally required.

Unit 1
  • Why your organization should leverage smart phones
  • Ideas for smartphone applications
  • The smartphone landscape & platform options
  • RSS feeds explained
  • What is twitter?
  • What is facebook?
  • What is youtube?
  • What is a blog?
  • What are QR codes?
  • Web apps vs smart phone applications
  • Building your first application
Unit 2
  • Building your second application
  • Basic image manipulation for smart phone use
  • Sharing your application with others
  • Previewing your application on a smart phone
  • Tracking your application usage
Unit 3
  • Building your third application (2 week project)
  • Options for monetizing your application
  • Understanding publishing guidelines for applications
Unit 4
  • Deploying to the App Stores
  • Monetizing through AdMob
  • App builder roundup

Instructor: LERN
Oct 2-27, 2017
$319 + GST

CRN: Oct 80046register now button

For more information about LERN click here