Nursing Leadership & Management 9038* (online)


Course Description

This self-paced online course will explore the constructs of Leadership, and the role of Nurse Manager utilizing the concepts of self-awareness, professional communication, power/influence, ethics, self, resiliency and emotional/social intelligence. With emphasis on leadership within the role of nurse, this course examines the inherent responsibility for self-discovery and reflection, as well as the practical application of formalized management. Focus will be on planning and organizing aspects, organizational culture, clarifying roles and objectives, monitoring operations and performance using relational engagement and HR management. This course explores relevant social issues, cultural awareness and political stimulus in relation to managing with intention to address racial inequities in healthcare. Embedded throughout is critical analyses of nursing’s complicity in Indigenous health and discourse in practice, and the need for anti-oppressive actions and assimilation of “othered” knowledge in systemic processes. Learners will become aware of, and gain an understanding of bias, prejudice and racism, to understand and confront the roles nursing plays in perpetuating injustices. Through the on-line learning platform learners will engage in reflective activities, examine core values, and explore how history has informed current practice. Learners will develop a personal leadership plan that identifies how leaders and managers can work to breakdown cultural barriers in practice. Learners will also share their insights and perspectives through collaborative activities, including how to deconstruct conflict leading to resolution.

Course Format

This is a fully on-line, self-paced course.  This course is approximately 100 hours of self-guided online learning and learners must complete the course by the deadline, extensions are not possible.  Learners should be prepared to spend anywhere from 10-12 hours per week.  Note:  It is recommended learners register prior to the start of the course however, late registrants are permitted up to one week after start of the course but this will limit time available in the course.

Course Cost

$550.00 CAD, plus GST  (Please note: All Faculty of Health, Professional Studies course fees are non-refundable/non-transferrable.) 

Course Grade

Successful grade for this course is Mastery.

Learners who are not successful in PNUR 9038, Nursing Leadership & Management (online) may attempt the course for a second time. Learners requesting a second attempt are required to seek permission from the our office, in writing. Learners are advised to contact their Canadian Nursing Regulatory Body for advisement if they are not successful after a second attempt. Third attempts are not permitted. No exceptions. Please note, there is no appeal mechanism within KPU for students receiving non-mastery.

Entrance Requirements

To be eligible to register, applicants must have one of the following:

  • Completion of KPU Competency Assessment and Enhancement for Nurses’ (CAEN) assessment; OR
  • A letter or email referral from a Canadian Nursing Regulatory Body; or
  • Nursing licensure (pre/post licensure) and foundational nursing knowledge

Please note:  Access to a computer and reliable internet is required

How to Register

Registration is completed via Elevate.  The course to search is PNUR 9038.

Registration deadline

Registration for this course closes one (1) week after the start of the course to ensure learners have sufficient time to complete the course.

Current Course Schedule

Current course schedules are available on Elevate by searching for PNUR 9038 and on our home page under "Upcoming Courses".

Text books/Course Materials

The required textbook for this course is  Leading and Managing in Canadian Nursing, 1st Edition.  Yoder-Wise. (2015)., Elsevier Canada

OR comparable Canadian Nursing Leadership/Management Text (current within 10 years)

Reliable Internet access required.  Wi-Fi technology not recommended for quiz/tests.  Online course modality may not be fully functional when utilizing iPads &/or android devices.

Online simulation learning resources of approximately $175 CAD are an expected requirement when purchasing this course.  Fees are the responsibility of the learner and will be paid to the vendor directly.

It is the belief of FOHPS that these resources are vital and offer exceptional value as the resources are utilized in multiple FOHPS courses.  Students purchase the resource at the beginning of their educational journey for courses and may remain available for two (2) years after initial purchase.  


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