Digital Badges
Digital Badges represent non-credit-bearing, completion-based learning through an activity offered by a KPU academic or service unit. They are verifiable, portable, and shareable.
New digital badges at KPU are reviewed and approved by the Digital Badge Committee, which reports to the Provost and Vice-President Academic, as outlined in Policy AC15 and its associated Procedure.
For more information about digital badges, see our frequently-asked questions.
Frequently-asked Questions
During a pilot phase and prior to the approval of Policy AC15, KPU developed and offered digital badges for Academic Integrity (offered to students) and Indigenous Awareness course modules (offered to employees). As new digital badges are approved for use at KPU, they will be listed on this webpage.
Digital badges include meta-data about the relevant learning activity. A digital badge clearly articulates the nature of the learning that has taken place, including what the outcomes of the learning were, when it was completed (and whether it expires), and whether the digital badge is one of a sequence or stack. It may be useful to think of this meta-data as the equivalent of a food label, but for small units of completion-based learning.
The international technical standards for digital badges were first developed by Mozilla but are now managed and sustained by the IMS Global organization.