Metaphor Workshop/A Final Farewell with Indigenous Writer in Residence, Selina Boan

Metaphor Workshop/A Final Farewell. Monday, June 24, from 12:00PM to 1:00PM at the Gathering Place. Join Selina Boan, Indigenous Writer in Residence, for this workshop designed for anyone interested in creative writing or looking to strengthen their overall writing skills. All writing interests and skill levels are welcome!
KPU Surrey
The Gathering Place, Main Building


Join Indigenous Writer in Residence, Selina Boan, for a final farewell workshop on making metaphors.

This one-hour workshop during lunch will focus on making unique and memorable metaphors. This workshop is designed for anyone interested in creative writing or looking to strengthen their overall writing skills.

From poetry, short stories, essays to novels, the art of a well-placed metaphor has the power to draw your reader in and create an unforgettable text. In this workshop, you will work on crafting your own memorable metaphors through a guided writing exercise and craft conversation. A great opportunity to connect with other writers and hone your skills.

Everyone is welcome!