Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw No. 2500

Sub-topic(s): ALR, covenants, farm retail/farm gate sales, farm worker accommodation, farmers' markets, food processing, greenhouses, residential development, siting and coverage, zoning

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development and productive use of agricultural land; siting and coverage; See document for siting and coverage regulations for agricultural buildings and structures in Rural Zones.  201.6-201.7 and subsequent rural zones.
development and productive use of agricultural land;

farm worker accommodation;

residential development;

Temporary Farm Accommodation

The provision of temporary farm labourer accommodation is subject to the following:
a) Accommodations to be occupied between April 1st and November 30th in any calendar year shall be permitted on farms requiring seasonal help, subject to the units being occupied by an employee of the owner where such property is operated as a bona fide farm; provided, however, that the accommodation shall not be occupied by any person at any other time of the year;

b) The minimum lot size shall be 4.0 hectares.

c) Accommodation shall be at the ratio of 10 persons for each 4 hectares up to a maximum of 40 persons per bona fide farm; and

d) The maximum allowable floor area per occupant shall be 10 m2 of which the required floor area for sleeping accommodations shall be not less than 4.6 m2 and not more than 5 m2 per occupant.

development and productive use of agricultural land;

farm worker accommodation;

residential development;

Migrant Agricultural Worker Accommodation

1) Migrant Agricultural Worker Accommodation shall be permitted on farms requiring farm help, subject to the following: Units being occupied by a migrant agricultural worker must be on parcels no less than four (4) hectares in size.

2) Accommodation shall be at a ratio of 1 migrant agricultural worker per 1000 m2 of principal farm building floor area for commercial greenhouses, mushroom and berry/vegetable processing operations up to a maximum of 130 persons per bona fide farm. All other farm commodities shall have a maximum allowance of up to 40 workers per farm.

3) The property owner shall register a restrictive covenant on the property stating that the new migrant agricultural worker accommodation will only be used by migrant agricultural workers and that the owner will remove the migrant agricultural worker accommodation and restore the land to agricultural use if the migrant agricultural worker accommodation is vacant for two (2) consecutive years. If an existing building is converted to migrant agricultural worker accommodation and is not used by migrant agricultural workers for two (2) consecutive years, the owner must either have the building removed or decommissioned so that it is no longer habitable at their own expense.

4) The migrant agricultural worker accommodation can be used to house migrant agricultural workers employed on other farm operations in the Township of Langley provided a statutory declaration is filed with the Municipality describing the terms of the arrangement and there is a written agreement between the farm operations. The workers must be employed at least six (6) months of the year on the farm with the migrant agricultural worker accommodation.

5) A statutory declaration must be filed with the Municipality annually stating that the building will only be used for migrant agricultural worker accommodation for a specified period of time. The statutory declaration shall verify the following:... See document for additional regulations related to migrant agricultural worker accommodations.


food production;

water management;


Requirements for Commercial Greenhouses

Prior to issuance of a building permit for commercial greenhouse, the following
shall be required:
a) a report from a recognized independent sound consultant certifying that noise from the proposed commercial greenhouse operation will not exceed levels permitted in the Noise Control Bylaw,

b) a storm water management plan in compliance with the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw 2011 No. 4861 as amended, and

c) a water well test performed by a Professional Engineer to address the adequacy of the aquifer to supply the water required by the proposed commercial greenhouse operation and drawdown rates of wells on adjacent property.

food processing, storage and distribution; food processing;

See document for regulations for Agricultural Processing Zone (RU -6).

food sales, access and distribution;

farmers; markets;

farm retail/farm gate sales;




Uses Permitted
...rural farm markets in the Agricultural Land Reserve subject to:
a) the growing and sale of produce grown on-site remaining the principal permitted use;

b) the RU-14 site area being limited to a maximum size of 0.4 ha and not exceeding 5% of the total farm unit area;

c) the size of the rural farm market building (including outside storage and display) used for the sale of produce grown off-site being limited to a maximum of 130m2 .A restrictive covenant shall be registered guaranteeing that 75% of all produce sales be of B.C. origin with a maximum of 10% processed farm goods; that grocery and sundry items will not be sold from the farm market; and that the farm unit will have a
minimum size of 8.0 ha;

d) municipal sanitary sewer and municipal water services shall be available to every RU-14 development. Access to a Provincial Highway from an RU-14 development shall be from a municipal road or right of way.

4) rural farm markets not located in the Agricultural Land Reserve may sell produce grown on and off the farm unit, however the area used for the sale of grocery and sundry items shall not exceed 10% of the gross floor area of the farm market building.


See document for additional regulations for Rural Farm Market Zone (RU -14).

food processing, storage and distribution; food processing;

Uses Permitted

In the RU-9 Zone only the following uses are permitted and all other uses are prohibited:

...2) butcher shops limited to a maximum gross floor area of 450 m2...

See document for additional regulations for Rural Butcher Zone (RU-9).



City of Pitt Meadows Agricultural Plan

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): 'benefit to agriculture' language, agricultural advisory committee, ALR, ALR subdivision, disclosure agreement, farm home plate, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, recreational use of agricultural land, research and data collection, residential development, wildlife and ecosystem management

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policy partnerships, advocacy and development; agricultural advisory committee;
Establish a Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee of Council. Suggested membership on the Committee includes a member of Council as liaison, two representatives nominated from the Pitt Meadows Farmers Institute, two representatives from the farming community at large, a representative representing agri-tourism interests, one member representing the Chamber of Copmmerce, one member representing ecological interests, one member representing the Katzie First Nation as a non-voting member.     

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;


disclosure agreement;
residential development;
Request the Real Estate Board to require realtors be adequately trained about the ALR and the Farm Practices Protection Act in order to properly inform potential purchasers of ALR land about living in an agricultural area and an appropriate disclosure statement be signed. The APSC also recommends Council confirm with the Real Estate Board their commitment to maintain all ALR land in the Reserve and that tools to assist realtors with education, such as the BCMAF publication “Countryside and You”, be made available.
economic development; agri-tourism;
agricultural advisory committee;

Support and encourage agri-tourism in Pitt Meadows and liaise with the Canadian Agri-Tourism Network and the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee to develop a strategy for agri-tourism options consistent with already existing agricultural enterprises. 
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR subdivision;
' benefit to agriculture' language;
Support subdivision of agricultural parcels only where the number of parcels does not increase, there are no parcels created that are less than 20 acres,  and there is a net benefit to agriculture, as determined by the local Approving Officer in consultation with the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, with the exception of home site severance for retiring farmers consistent with existing Agricultural  Land Commission policy. Whenever possible, actively look for ways to consolidate smaller parcels to larger ones. 4.8;
development and productive use of agricultural land; farm home plate;
residential development;
Contain all future residential and farm-help dwellings within a strategically located building “envelope” in a manner that optimizes agricultural production in accordance with a policy to be developed by the District of Pitt Meadows in consultation with the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, the ALC and the BCMAF. 4.9;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

residential development;
To maximize the agricultural land available for future agricultural uses, request the Province to review policies on non-resident ownership currently in place in other jurisdictions and consider implementing policies to encourage agricultural uses of all agricultural lands and reduce potential speculation on value of farmland. 4.11;
economic development; agricultural industry services; Investigate a suitable site for an Agricultural Industrial Park, to house value-added agricultural enterprise activities that do not meet the criteria as developed for value-added agricultural enterprise activities on a farm site....( The APSC recommends the site be selected in consultation with the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, Engineering and Development Services, the general public and other relevant groups. 4.13;
food processing, storage and distribution; zoning;
Allow storage of farm inputs on a bona fide farm without further regulation, provided the farm input is not environmentally hazardous, is necessary for the farm operation, will be used in one growing year, and is safely stored at least 15 metres from natural watercourses, ditches or streams and is in accordance with established provincial legislation, regulation, and best practices guidelines.  4.17;
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management;
research and data collection;
Have the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, in consultation with BCMAF, the Pitt Meadows Farmers Institute and others, encourage further research into, review of, and adoption of, alternative bird management practices that are less intrusive than bird cannons.  4.18;
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management;
research and data collection;
agricultural advisory committee;
Have the Standing Agricultural Advisory Committee, in cooperation with the Pitt Meadows Farmers Institute and the BCMAF, continually monitor, review and encourage the use of new technologies and practices which may limit the effects of wildlife on the agriculture industry. 4.21;
development and productive use of agricultural land; recreational use of agricultural land;
Do not allow any more golf courses or driving ranges on any ALR land in Pitt Meadows. 4.24;


District of Saanich Deposit of Fill Bylaw No. 9233

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land

Sub-topic(s): soil, ALR, deposit of fill and dumping

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 A bylaw,regulate, prohibit and impose requirements for the deposit of soil.

City of Langley Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2005, No. 256

Topic(s): Food Production, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Water Management

Sub-topic(s): irrigation and drainage, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, ALR

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food production;

  Agricultural uses with an emphasis on food production shall be encouraged.  16.9.2;  
water management;

irrigation and drainage;


Support infrastructure improvements (drainage, irrigation, transportation) for agriculture in  collaboration with other governments and agencies. 16.9.3;  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; ALR; Urban land uses shall respect the integrity of adjacent ALR lands inside and outside of the City.  16.9.4;  


District of Sechelt Bylaw 492, 2010 Official Community Plan

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Waste Management, Water Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, aquaculture, buffer at agricultural edge, commercial development, farm diversification, farm retail/farm gate sales, farmers' markets, food processing, livestock, residential development, roads in agricultural land, urban containment/growth boundary, water rate for agriculture

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development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban containment/growth boundary;

commercial development;

residential development;

New residential and commercial development will be focused within the Urban Containment Boundary shown on Schedules B and C. These areas provide more than 20 years supply of residential land to accommodate a mix of housing types in various neighbourhood settings, and to allow the District to concentrate infrastructure spending and community amenities within or near the  Resort Developments 1.1; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;

urban containment/growth boundary;


Areas outside the Urban Containment Boundary designated as Agricultural, Resource or Rural Residential will be retained as small acreages ranging from .6 ha (1.5 acre) to 2. ha (5.0 acre) lot sizes for Rural Residential lands (see OCP policy 5.8) and 4.0 hectares (10 acres )for Resource or Agricultural (ALR) lands.  These lands are not intended to develop within the next 15-20 years, and will not be considered for residential development until lands within the Urban Containment Boundary are substantially built out and development is intensified within the Downtown Centre and neighbourhood centres. 1.5; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Within the Agriculture and Resource designations, a minimum parcel size of at least 4.0 hectares applies to lands within the ALR, Provincial Forest or other forestry tenure. For lands outside these tenures, a minimum parcel size of 2.0 hectares will apply. The District will review the zoning bylaw to implement these lot sizes. 
8.3; *

food processing, storage and distribution;

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;;

farmers' markets;

food processing;

farm retail/farm gate sales;

farm diversification;


Growth, diversification and development of the local agricultural economy is supported, including farming and associated activities such as farm-gate marketing, farmer’s markets, value-added agricultural processing, and agri-tourism opportunities that are ancillary to farming and support the viability of the farm use.

water management;

waste management;

water rate for agriculture;

Infrastructure policies such as reduced water rates or use of biosolids that will benefit agricultural production are supported. 8.5;  

development and productive use of agricultural land;

  Intrusions of urban infrastructure into agricultural areas will be minimized. 8.6;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

roads in agricultural land;

buffer at agricultural edge;

residential development;

Residential developments abutting agricultural land will be required to reduce potential conflicts between residential and agricultural uses by:

(a) Designing road access to direct traffic away from agricultural land;

(b) Using larger lot sizes along the interface with farming to provide for greater separation;

(c) Providing screening and landscaping buffers within the residential development to protect residents from agricultural activities;

(d) Increased building setbacks for residential buildings along the agricultural edge; and

(e) Provide a drainage study prepared by a Professional Engineer to ensure runoff from the proposed development does not affect agricultural land.

8.7; *
food production;



Land-based aquaculture is supported in appropriate locations as a means of enhancing local food production.
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;


The District of Sechelt does not support the exclusion of lands from the ALR except where approved by the Agricultural Land Commission. The District may require that equivalent land areas be added to the ALR to compensate for any lands removed.


Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee Land Use Bylaw No. 355

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, farm retail/farm gate sales, food processing, home occupation/home based businesses, roads in agricultural land, zoning

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economic development;



Bed and Breakfast home-based businesses are subject to the following additional conditions:

(1) Not more than 1 bed and breakfast home-based business is permitted on any lot. BL461 (05/13)

(2) Despite Subsection 3.13.1, all bedrooms used to accommodate guests must be located only within a principal dwelling unit or within a seasonal cottage, if one is permitted on the lot.

(3) Not more than 3 bedrooms may be used to accommodate guests on lots that are 1.2 ha or less in area; not more than 4 bedrooms may be used to accommodate guests on lots that are greater than 1.2 ha in area.

(4) Despite Subsection 3.13.2, the total floor area dedicated primarily to the accommodation of guests on any lot, including bedrooms, ensuite bathrooms, closets and common areas, is not to exceed 50 per cent of the total floor area of the single-family dwelling and seasonal cottage on the lot, up to a maximum of 100 square metres. Information Note: Under a General Order of the Land Reserve Commission, bed and breakfast home-based businesses within the ALR are restricted to three bedrooms that must be fully contained within a singlefamily dwelling. The use of further bedrooms will require an application to the Commission and its written approval. Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee 33 July 2015 Land Use Bylaw No. 355 (Consolidated)

(5) Breakfast meals only may be provided to bed and breakfast guests who have been provided with overnight accommodation.

(6) Off-street parking for bed and breakfast home-based business uses must be supplied as outlined in Part 7 and screened from view from abutting lots, highways or parks by a landscape screen.

(7) Despite Section 6.1, signs for bed and breakfast home-based businesses may be indirectly illuminated by a non-flashing light source, external to the sign. Where illumination is provided, it must consist of a maximum 150 watt PAR lamp mounted between 1 and 1.5 meters from each sign face.

development and productive use of agricultural land;

roads in agricultural land;


Highways are not to be provided in a manner that results in a physical division of land in the Parks and Reserves 6 or Parks and Reserves 7 zones; or in a manner such that a farm operation would be interrupted in the Agriculture 1 or Agriculture 2 zone, or a forestry operation would be interrupted in the Forestry 1 or Forestry 2 zone. 5.15.2

development and productive use of agricultural land;

processing, storage and distribution;

economic development;

food sales, access and procurement;

food processing;

farm retail/gate sales;


home occupation/home based business;


See document for related accessory use regulations in Agricultural Zones. 9.1.1
development and productive use of agricultural land;

siting and coverage;


See document for siting and coverage in Agricultural Zones 9.1.2


Schedule A to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014

Topic(s): Economic Development, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban Agriculture, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): 'benefit to agriculture' language, agri-tourism, agricultural impact assessment, ALR, ALR subdivision, BC environmental farm plan, farmers' markets, local procurement, protection of farming development permit area, urban containment/growth boundary, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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wildlife/environmental/pest management;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

BC environmental farm plan;

In recognition of the role that agriculture has on the natural environment and community values, Maple Ridge will work in cooperation with the Agricultural Land Commission to foster and maintain the  agricultural land base. The District will also encourage local farmers to prepare Environmental Farm Plans to enhance sustainable agriculture and minimize potential adverse impacts to the natural environment. 5.17  

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;;

farmers' markets;


local procurement;

Maple Ridge will work cooperatively with senior levels of government and other agencies to promote agricultural business opportunities by:
a) aligning land use bylaws to permit supportive non-farm uses such as   agro-tourism, bed and breakfasts, 
and on-farm sales;
b) assisting agricultural landowners to identify and develop agricultural opportunities (e.g. value added, agri -tourism, bed and breakfast, recreation);
c) identifying and encouraging access by agricultural landowners to agricultural programs;
d) promoting the demand for, and sale of, local agricultural products within the community (e.g. farmer’s  market, on-farm marketing, District food and plant material procurement policies); 
e) developing a small lot agricultural initiative tailored to Maple Ridge conditions.
6-8 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban containment/growth boundary;


Maple Ridge will strive to maintain its agricultural land base in Maple Ridge through the following 
a) supporting the Metro Vancouver Regional Growth Strategy, which includes designated agricultural land;
b) respecting the integrity of the urban area boundary by establishing a distinct separation between rural  and urban designated areas;
c) designating all lands outside of the Urban Area Boundary that are within the ALR as Agriculture in the  Official Community Plan.  Non-farm uses approved by the Agricultural Land Commission and the District  will be permitted on all land designated Agricultural;
d) striving for a balance between farming activity and conservation lands.

6-10 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;


ALR subdivision;

agricultural impact assessment;

buffer at agricultural edge;


'benefit to agriculture' language;

Maple Ridge will protect the productivity of its agricultural land by: 
a) adopting a guiding principle of ”positive benefit to agriculture” when  making land use decisions that could affect the agricultural land base, with favourable recognition of initiatives including but not limited to supportive non-farm uses, infrastructure improvements  for farmland, or the inclusion of land elsewhere in the Agricultural Land Reserve;
b) requiring agricultural impact assessments (AIAs) and Groundwater Impact Assessment of non-farm development and infrastructure projects and identifying measures to off-set impacts on agricultural capability; 
c) preserving larger farm units and areas by using appropriate buffers such as roads, topographic features, watercourses, ditching, fencing, or gradually reduced residential densities on properties adjacent to agricultural land;
d) discouraging the subdivision of agricultural land into smaller parcels, except where positive benefits to  agriculture can be demonstrated;
e) reinforcing the concept that the Agricultural Land Reserve is intended for agricultural use by increasing  the minimum lot size for ALR properties that are zoned Rural Residential;
f) encouraging the amalgamation of smaller parcels of farmland into larger, more cohesive parcels.
6-12 *
urban agriculture;

protection of farming development permit area;

nuisance complaints;

As part of the Agricultural Planning process, Development Permit Area Guidelines for the protection  of farming will be developed to:
a) reduce impacts on farmland and maintain compatibility between farm and non-farm uses; 
b) guide the form and character of future adjacent non-farm development; 
c) place conditions on title to inform non-farming rural residents of normal incidents encountered when  living in an active agricultural area (e.g. noise, odours, crop spraying, traffic).

6-13 *


Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 434, Volume 1: Land Use and Servicing Objectives

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Waste Management, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): 'benefit to agriculture' language, agri-tourism, agricultural advisory committee, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, amenity density zoning/contributions, buffer at agricultural edge, climate change and greenhouse gases, commercial development, crops, demonstration farm, farm worker accommodation, farmers' markets, food processing, food storage, GE/GMO, irrigation and drainage, livestock, research and data collection, residential development, roads in agricultural land, seeds, transfer of development potential, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location Language Rating
wildlife/environmental/pest management; climate change and greenhouse gases; The Local Trust Committee should support local food production as a significant factor in reducing food transportation costs and greenhouse gas emissions. A.6.2.15  
policy partnerships, advocacy and development;


agricultural advisory committee;

agricultural-government liaising;

The Local Trust Committee should maintain an Agricultural Advisory Committee to:
a. provide community advice about bylaw changes, applications for rezoning or subdivision, and applications to the Agricultural Land Commission. b. help in developing and interpreting local policies about farming. c. identify other ways that the Local Trust Committee can encourage and support farming in the community.

food processing,storage and distribution;

development and productive use of agricultural land;


food processing;

food storage;


The Local Trust Committee will not make changes to local bylaws to prohibit or restrict farming in the Agricultural Land Reserve or in areas where farming is now allowed, or that are obstacles to the creation of local abattoirs, cold storage facilities, or other facilities that would improve local food security. B. *

food processing,storage and distribution;

food sales, access and procurement;

food production;

economic development;


farmers' markets;

food processing;

food storage;

farm worker accommodation;


residential development;


agricultural advisory committee;

research and data collection;


On the advice of the Agricultural Advisory Committee, the Local Trust Committee should continue to support local farming by:
a. addressing the need for additional housing on agricultural land.
b. permitting appropriate farm uses as defined by the Agricultural Land Reserve Act and Regulations.
c. recognizing the traditional uses of the property owned by the Salt Spring Island Farmer's
Institute on Rainbow Road.
d. allowing for the processing and warehousing of island farm products on the Institute's
e. supporting zoning that would allow various forms of community farming activities.
f. supporting the development of farmers' markets.
g. considering changes to the Land Use Bylaw, based on the objectives of the Area Farm Plan
and in consultation with the Agricultural Land Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture and
Lands, to permit additional dwellings for farm workers.
h. considering changes to the Land Use Bylaw to further support agri-tourism.
i. supporting all efforts to ensure a viable local livestock industry.
j. updating agricultural information, monitoring changes in the agricultural sector and helping to
identify unused or available farmland.
B. *
development and productive use of agricultural land;


ALR subdivision;


 'benefit to agriculture' language;

The minimum average size of lots that can be created by subdivision in the Agriculture and Watershed-Agriculture Designation will remain the same as permitted by existing zoning. The Local Trust Committee could consider amending the minimum size of individual lots, if such a change would benefit local farming or protect agricultural land by allowing clustered development. Background Note: The minimum parcel sizes and minimum average parcel sizes outlined in the Land Use Bylaw apply only when land is:
a. excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve, or
b. approved for subdivision by the Agricultural Land Commission. An exception to the minimum lot sizes can be made where a home site is being created for a relative as outlined in Section 946 of the Local Government Act. Such subdivisions must also be approved by the Agricultural Land Commission.
B. *

food processing, storage and distribution;

economic development;

waste management;


food processing;

demonstration farm;



The Local Trust Committee could consider changing zoning to permit the following land uses, where permitted by the Agricultural Land Reserve Act or regulations, on individual properties in the Agriculture Designation: small-scale processing and sales of island-grown forest products; farming schools; farm-based tourist accommodation; waste management facilities. Such uses should only be allowed where farming capability is minimal and the planned use would not interfere with land productivity. Preference should be given to proposals that would improve the viability of an existing farm operation. B.  
development and productive use of agricultural land;


transfer of development potential;

The Local Trust Committee should consider rezoning applications from property owners with productive agricultural land outside the Agricultural Land Reserve who wish to transfer their development potential to maintain their farm. Such Land could be considered a Development Potential Donor Area, despite the development potential transfer status of the Designation it is in. Such applications should follow the guidelines in Appendix 4.  B.  
food processing, storage and distribution;


food processing;

food storage;

amenity density zoning/contributions;

The Local Trust Committee could consider rezoning applications to allow higher density in exchange for community owned farmland or land for community farm product processing or storage facilities. Such applications should follow the guidelines in Appendix 3. Such land is an
eligible community amenity, which could be exchanged for a higher density of development as outlined in Appendix 3.
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR; The Local Trust Committee will support the inclusion of agricultural land within the Agricultural Land Reserve.
B. *
development and productive use of agricultural land; ALr subdivision;  The Local Trust Committee could support applications to the Agricultural Land Commission to subdivide land within the Agricultural Land Reserve if:
a. the subdivision results in improved farming capability or production on all proposed lots in a way that would be impossible without subdivision.
b. the subdivision is to provide a house site up to 0.6 ha in size for an adult relative of the property owner, as defined by Section 946 of the Local Government Act and the parcel was held by that owner (or a blood relation) before the adoption of the Agricultural Land Commission Act on December 21,1972.
c. the subdivision is clearly in the public interest consistent with other objectives of this Plan
development and productive use of agricultural land; roads in agricultural land; The Local Trust Committee should only support the use of lands in the Agriculture or Watershed Agriculture Designations for road access to other lands if the proposed road does not interfere with farming capability.  B. *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;


'benefit to agriculture' language;

The Local Trust Committee could support applications to the Agricultural Land Commission for non-farm use or exclusion of land within the Agricultural Land Reserve in some situations where local farming or the greater community would benefit. Support for such applications should only be considered if the application has been referred to the Agricultural Advisory Committee and falls into one of the following categories:
a. the proposed non-farm use or exclusion would allow an active farm to diversify and broaden its income, but not decrease the farming capability of the property.
b. the proposed non-farm use or exclusion is consistent with local zoning or a land use designation or policy in this Plan, including policies B. and B.
c. in the instance of a proposed exclusion, the Local Trust Committee may consider an application that would result in inclusion of existing non-ALR farmland into the ALR.
d. the non-farm use or exclusion of property for essential community services, if the location of the service is limited by engineering constraints, or by strategic considerations such as those that determine the best location for an emergency response station, and the proponent has demonstrated that there is no suitable alternate, non-ALR property. Background Note: This policy suggests the types of applications to the Agricultural Land Commission which could be supported by the Local Trust Committee. However, the final decision regarding all such applications rests with the Commission.]
water management;


irrigation and drainage;

agricultural advisory committee;

agricultural-government liaising;

When it considers rezoning applications that are not related to farming, the Local Trust Committee will ensure the availability of water for farming would not be reduced because of a zoning change. If a rezoning application would result in an increase in water use, the Local Trust Committee will ask the Agricultural Advisory Committee for advice about the potential impacts on farming. B.  

water management;

urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning;

stormwater management;

The Local Trust Committee encourages subdivision layouts that reduce the potential for conflict with farming. When subdivisions are proposed for land that drains towards agricultural lands, the staff shall request that the Subdivision Approving Officer consider how changes to natural drainage patterns could affect agricultural activities. Such applications may be referred to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for advice and the Advisory Committee's suggestions for the protection of farming operations will be forwarded to the Subdivision Approving Officer for consideration.

water management;

urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning;


stormwater management;

buffer at agricultural edge;

When it considers rezoning applications for land that borders or drains into agricultural land, the Local Trust Committee will ensure that zoning changes are not made in a way that would have a negative effect on farming. For example, the Committee could require that a vegetation buffer be maintained on land that is being rezoned next to farm land, if the proposed use could result in conflicts with a farming operation. The Committee should also ensure that a zoning change would not result in detrimental changes to natural drainage or pollution of water supplies. The Agricultural Advisory Committee will be asked for advice about rezoning applications on land that borders or drains into agricultural land. B. 8
development and productive use of agricultural land;


commercial development;

institutional development;

residential development;

Zoning changes should not be made to allow large new multi-family, industrial, institutional or commercial developments in the Agriculture or Watershed-Agriculture Designation. An exception could be considered for community facilities or limited industrial zoning that would provide broad
benefits to the community and are specifically mentioned in this Plan.
B. *

food production;




The Local Trust Committee will support efforts to discourage the use of genetically engineered seeds or plants for locally grown products B.  
water management;


irrigation and drainage;

wildlife and ecosystem management;


When considering rezoning applications, the Local Trust Committee should consider the impacts of the proposed new use on existing wells, springs, or other water supplies. If the proposed use is expected to need more water than the uses already allowed on the property, then the Committee should ask for evidence that wells or other water supplies in the neighbourhood would not be depleted. The Committee should also consider whether water use would affect agricultural activities or deplete any springs necessary to maintain fish habitat. Should a zoning change be proposed where groundwater supplies are not adequate, the applicant could be encouraged to find other means of supplying water. Rainwater catchment or a water conservation program could be considered. C.  




District of Mission Official Community Plan Bylaw 4052-2008

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, BC environmental farm plan, buffer at agricultural edge, community food system education, covenants, farm diversification, food processing, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, recreational use of agricultural land, research and data collection, residential development, roads in agricultural land, soil, stormwater management, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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development and productive use of agricultural land;



Aggregate within Agricultural Land Reserve: Identify opportunities for improving the long-term potential of land through the reclamation of land for agricultural use in cases where some or all of the aggregate resources have been removed and the topsoil layers in their original layers have been replaced 1.4.5  
development and productive use of agricultural land;


residential development;

Rural, Rural Residential and Suburban area provide a large lots housing choice with lot sizes that respect the rural nature of the area and may add additional buffering to environmentally sensitive areas and  agricultural lands.  In general, larger lot sizes shall be retained in the Rural  area to support agriculture, Rural Residential designated densities shall be  maintained to support hobby farming and rural lifestyles, and smaller rural  lots shall be supported in the Suburban area to provide acreage residential lifestyle options. 2.3.1  
economic development/agri-tourism; partnerships/advocacy/liaising;; Develop the agri-tourism sector of the tourism industry through partnerships and marketing activities. 3.1.17  
urban- agriculture conflict/edge planning;

buffer at agricultural edge;


residential development;

Use a range of tools to minimize and mitigate land use conflicts when urban residential development is adjacent to Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) lands. 2.1.14  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


Although not precluding changes, support the Agricultural Land Commission mandate to maintain the farming integrity of lands designated as Agriculture Land Reserve land by exploring alternatives before supporting changes to the ALR. 3.4.2  
economic development/agri-tourism;


farm diversification;

Encourage the provision of a full range of agricultural and complementary uses in the ALR and encourage value-added activities that can improve farm viability such as cottage industry businesses. 3.4.4 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

roads in agricultural land;

recreational use of agricultural land;

Preserve contiguous areas of agricultural land and avoid severance by recreation, parks, transportation and utility corridors. 3.4.5 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Upon application to subdivide ALR lands, minimum lot sizes should be large enough to provide a broad range of agricultural uses and should be at least as large as larger lots in the area. Subdivisions should be designed to accommodate and promote agricultural uses for which the immediate area is best suited. 3.4.6 *

development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;



Recognize and protect the needs and activities of farm operations when considering adjacent and nearby land uses.  3.4.7  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

stormwater management;


Encourage adjacent land uses that are compatible with agricultural uses and that promote the principles of Smart Growth. Consider the use of disclosure statements (via a restrictive covenant) on titles of new developments adjacent to agricultural areas, informing landowners of the possibility of noise, dust and odours arising from normal farm practices. At the same time, ensure that the impact of adjacent development on agriculture lands, such as water runoff from uplands, is minimized.  3.4.8 *
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

buffer at agricultural edge;


Discourage urban development abutting Agricultural Land Reserve lands, and where necessary, require separation of the land uses with setbacks and landscaped and bermed buffers. Landscaped buffer specifications are provided through the Agricultural Land Commission. 3.4.9 *
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; ALR; Consideration should be given to a density transition where urban development is proposed adjacent to Agricultural Land Reserve property. 3.4.10  
development and productive use of agricultural land; recreational use of agricultural land; Where recreation trails pass through agricultural lands, ensure they are designed so as to minimize disruption and other impacts on agricultural activity. 3.4.11  


policy partnerships, advocacy and development;


community food system education;

Support public education, awareness, dialogue and input on agricultural issues in Mission and work with an agricultural group, the Agricultural Land Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and the Fraser Valley Regional District to develop strategies and action plans for the ongoing improvement of Mission’s agriculture sector.  3.4.12  
policy partnerships, advocacy and development;


Request that the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands take a stronger role in providing financial incentives and assistance programs to promote the economic viability of farming underutilized agricultural lands.  3.4.13 *
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem mangement; Encourage eco-friendly farming practices through the coordination of farming and environmental protection efforts (e.g. habitat protection, water use management, drainage management). 3.4.14  

food processing, storage & distribution;

economic development/agri-tourism;

BC environmental farm plan;

Promote participation in the Environmental Farm Planning Program. 3.4.15  

food processing, storage & distribution;

food processing;



Pursue better use of vacant and underutilized Agricultural Land Reserve lands by promoting the integration of farming with other environmental, heritage and economic community goals. Promote initiatives related to agri-tourism, agriculture heritage preservation and the local processing of agricultural products.  3.4.16  

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;


Encourage partnerships with the agricultural community, senior governments and private enterprise to promote the agricultural sector. 3.4.17  

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

economic development/agri-tourism;



Explore partnership opportunities with the University College of the Fraser Valley to grow the agri-tourism industry. 3.4.18  


City of Surrey Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 18020

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Land Access, Nutrition and Public Health, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, agricultural impact assessment, agricultural industry services, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, BC environmental farm plan, buffer at agricultural edge, climate change and greenhouse gases, community food system education, community kitchen, crops, disclosure agreement, farm diversification, farm incubator, farm retail/farm gate sales, farm traffic, farmer training, farmers' markets, food distribution, food policy council, food processing, grocery stores, irrigation and drainage, leasing of land for agriculture, livestock, local food culture, new entrants to farming, nuisance complaints, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, pesticide and pest management, pilot project, pollinators, protection of farming development permit area, research and data collection, roads in agricultural land, soil, urban gardens/orchard, waste to energy, wildlife and ecosystem management

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development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


Maintain the integrity of the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and its existing boundaries. E3.1;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;



Protect and support the continued designation and use of agricultural land for agricultural purposes regardless of soil types and capabilities. Encourage locating non-soil based agricultural structures on less productive soils, where feasible, in order to fully utilize prime soil resources.
E3.3; *
development on agricultural land;   Encourage the continued use of farmland located outside of the ALR for agriculture purposes, subject to the development of an approved secondary plan. E3.4;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Avoid the fragmentation of ALR lands. Limit the subdivision of land within the ALR to greater than 4 ha (10 ac). Limit the subdivision of designated agriculture land outside the ALR to greater than 2 ha (5 ac). Encourage the amalgamation of lots in agricultural areas.
E3.5; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;


agricultural impact assessment;

Require 2 ha of land, within Surrey, of equivalent or better soil capacity, to be included into the ALR for each 1 ha of land excluded from the ALR with the submission of an Agricultural Impact Assessment detailing how this conversion provides a net benefit to agriculture in Surrey. E3.6; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

roads in agricultural land;


Ensure that the potential fragmentation of agricultural lands by linear development such as new road construction, hydro corridors or pipeline or road upgrades, does not negatively impact the viability of farm operations or access to farm parcels.   E3.7; *
land access;


leasing of land for agriculture;

Maximize the productive utilization of agricultural land through such means as:
 Leasing City-owned ALR land to farmers
 Amending by-laws, policies and other regulations, as appropriate, to support agricultural production and innovation.
E3.8; *

research and data collection;

Support Surrey-based research and development of innovative production technologies and practices, such as ‘vertical farming’, roof-top farming and advanced irrigation and fertilization systems.

economic development;

food production;

farm diversification;


Encourage the diversification of agricultural operations and the production of new crops and commodities, particularly high-value crops and those serving new markets with growth potential.
waste management; waste to energy; Encourage innovation in the management and recycling of agriculture and food waste, including waste-to-energy projects in the agri-food sector such as anaerobic digestions and other means of converting waste into a resource. E3.12; *
land access;

farm incubator;

new entrants to farming;

 Support programs that help new farmers overcome financial and other barriers to accessing land (includes but is not limited to incubator farms). E3.13; *

community food system education;

farmer training;

Work with local secondary and postsecondary institutions to support training and education programs in agriculture and food systems.

research and data collection;

farmer training;

Work with post-secondary institutions to facilitate agricultural research partnerships and technology transfer to local farmers.
E3.15; *
education; local food culture; Support public awareness programs and events to highlight the importance of agriculture to Surrey’s economy. Showcase local producers and increase public awareness of farming practices.  E3.16; *

roads in agricultural land;

farm traffic;

Ensure Surrey has a safe and convenient transportation network that supports agriculture, including access between farms and markets, farm vehicle travel routes and direct access between fields and farm operations.
E3.17; *

water management; 

food processing, storage and distribution;

food production;

irrigation and drainage;


food processing;


Support land owners and senior levels of government to improve access to an adequate and safe water supply for agricultural operations such as livestock watering, crop irrigation, produce washing and food processing uses.
E3.18; *
economic development; agricultural industry services; Support the development of ancillary agricultural services necessary for the viability of agricultural operations, in appropriate locations.

food processing, storage and distribution;


food processing;


Partner with senior levels of government, commodity groups and industry associations to maintain and grow the food packaging and processing industries in Surrey. E3.21;  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; nuisance complaints; Protect farming and agri-food operations from adjacent urban impacts such as traffic, flooding, nuisance complaints, trespassing and noxious substances.
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

protection of farming development permit area;

buffer at agricultural edge;


Protect and enhance the interface between urban areas and the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) by using fencing, landscaping buffers and building separations between urban and agricultural lands, in accordance with DP4 of the Implementation Section of this OCP.
E3.23; *

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

protection of farming development permit area;

buffer at agricultural edge;


wildlife and ecosystem management;

Support density increases in areas adjacent to the ALR, as part of a comprehensively planned neighbourhood, where the required agricultural buffers are widened proportionally to the increase in density (see DP4 of the Implementation Section of this OCP), where cluster housing is used and where natural features such as watercourses, steep slopes, tree preservation, valuable ecosystems and sensitive soils are accommodated.

E3.24; *

food sales, access and procurement;

farmers' markets;

farm retail/farm gate sales;


Support the growth and development of farm markets and stands selling local products directly to consumers.
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; buffer at agricultural edge; Carefully plan public areas and recreational trails in areas adjacent to farmland. Provide sufficient separation and physical barriers such as fencing, plantings and topographic features, to reduce conflicts between recreational uses and farming.
E3.26; *
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; disclosure agreement; Use Agricultural Disclosure Agreements, at various stages of development, adjacent to agricultural areas to increase awareness of owners about the presence and implications of living near agricultural activity. E3.27; *

local food culture;


Raise public awareness and promote and celebrate local agriculture in Surrey through initiatives such as farm tours, media materials, community events, and by encouraging partnerships with producer associations and grocery stores to promote local farm products.
E3.28; *

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;

farm retail/farm gate sales;


Explore agri-tourism opportunities for producers to diversify their farm operations, create an identifiable brand, and sell more products and services directly to consumers. E3.29; *
wildlife/environmental/pest management;

BC environmental farm plan;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

Encourage sound environmental agricultural and farm practices by working with farmers to participate in the Provincial Environmental Farm Plan program in order to promote clean and healthy air, water and soils.
waste management;   Encourage the management and recycling of manure and agricultural wastes in a sustainable manner. E3.31;  
wildlife/environmental/pest management; pollinators; Support programs and opportunities that help support pollinators and their valuable role in the continued viability of farming operations.
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Encourage Best Management Practices for riparian areas and streams in agricultural areas in order to support fish populations in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and the Provincial Water Act, as amended. E3.33;  
waste management;

pilot project;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

waste to energy;

Explore opportunities related to recovering heat, generating clean energy and other resources and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by recycling food wastes and other organic materials through pilot projects and partnerships.  E3.34;  

food sales, access and procurement;

urban agriculture;

farmers' markets;

urban gardens/orchard;

 grocery stores;

community kitchen;

Improve access to healthy and affordable food, particularly in lower-income neighbourhoods,through the planning and implementation of community gardens,farmer’s markets, urban agriculture projects,community kitchens, neighbourhood grocery stores and food assistance programs, as appropriate.
F5.1; *
policy partnerships, advocacy and development;


food policy council;

Create a Food Policy Council and Surrey Food Charter to help develop formalized structures for tackling food security issues. Work in conjunction with the Agricultural and Food Security Advisory Committee. F5.2; *

food sales, access and procurement;

food processing, storage and distribution;

farmers' markets;

farm retail/farm gate sales;

Encourage and support the development of local on-farm markets and urban farmer’s markets for local, direct food distribution in appropriate locations.
F5.3; *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Examine means of how to integrate locally supported agriculture (e.g. community gardens, community orchards, urban agriculture and small farms) into existing neighbourhoods and new areas of urban development.

urban agriculture;

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

urban gardens/orchard;

pesticide and pest management;


Partner with local neighbourhood associations, school districts and non-profit groups to encourage, organize, develop and manage community gardens, rooftop farming, fruit trees and other edible landscapes on public and private lands, in suitable urban locations while also using appropriate, integrated pest management practices.  F5.6; *
food sales, access and procurement;

farmers' markets;

food distribution;

urban gardens/orchard;

 grocery stores;

Encourage mixed-use neighbourhood design and redevelopment to include small and mid-size grocery stores (e.g. 300—1,850 sq. m), seasonal farmer’s markets and open space for community gardens.
F5.7; *

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

nutrition and public health;

food access, sales and procurement;

partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Support the efforts and programs of Fraser Health and other non -governmental organizations that promote access to healthy nutritious foods.

policy partnerships, advocacy and development;

nutrition and public health;


research and data collection;;

Assist non-profit agencies and public/private non-profit partnerships engaging in anti-hunger, nutrition and agriculture activities by sharing data for planning and by implementing and evaluating programs.
food access, sales and procurement;


Work with non-profit organizations such as food banks, food agencies, food gleaners, and food hamper supporters to ensure healthy food options are available to all residents of Surrey regardless of location or income level. F.10;