Electoral Area D Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1135

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Land Access, Nutrition and Public Health, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, amenity density zoning/contributions, BC environmental farm plan, climate change and greenhouse gases, community food system education, community kitchen, composting, edible landscaping, farm retail/farm gate sales, farmland trust, food distribution, food processing, food storage, greenhouses, home occupation/home based businesses, leasing of land for agriculture, livestock, pesticide and pest management, protection of farming development permit area, residential development, urban gardens/orchard, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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wildlife/environmental/pest management;

BC environmental farm plan;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

As initial steps toward completing a comprehensive greenhouse gas
reduction strategy and ultimately reducing emissions, the following
elements are incorporated into this OCP...•Support for local agriculture...•.
Encourage the adoption  of Environmental  Farm plans & Whole Farm plans

urban agriculture;  

Support the emergence of rural and planned communities with a
vibrant mix of uses combined with distributed renewable
power generation, agriculture, and green infrastructure.


food processing, storage and distribution;

food access, sales and procurement;

urban agriculture;

food storage;

urban gardens/orchard;

amenity density zoning/contributions;


community kitchen;

Support measures to ensure that all new development is designed 
with the ability to grow and store food,  including  the provision of 
community gardens, greenhouses or green roofs, and community kitchens. 

4.0.8; *
food access, sales and procurement

amenity densityzoning/contributions; 

community kitchen;

residential development;

Support measures to ensure that shared facilities are provided in new 
multi family developments, such as meeting  and work space, and 
community kitchens/ovens in order to support food preservation.

4.0.9; *
food processing, storage and distribution;


food processing;

Support measures that are consistent with Agricultural Land Commission 
Regulations, to ensure that all local agricultural zoning bylaws allow for local 
processing of food to reduce transportation requirements. 

4.0.10; *
education; community food system education;

Support initiatives to build capacity for local food production and will consider
working with member municipalities, non-profits, and the School Districts to 
provide food preservation education using publicly accessible facilities. 

4.0.11; *
urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard; 

edible landscaping; 

Support the planting of public streets with species that can provide nutrition 
or medicinal health benefits that are not necessarily attractive to bears. 
4.0.12; *
food processing, storage and distribution;


food processing; 

food storage;

Encourage innovation with regard to land use and policies that support growing, 
processing, preserving, and storing food. 
4.0.13; *
    Lands designated for agricultural use are indicated on Map 1. These lands shall be managed to retain their agricultural potential.    5.5.6; *
development and productive use of agricultural land; farmland trust;  The use of tools and approaches such as Agricultural Land or Farmland Trusts, and the Community Farms Program (administered by Farm Folk/City Folk in collaboration with The Land Conservancy of BC) is supported. 5.5.7;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;



residential development;

Consider regulating the siting and size of residential uses in the ALR, through the implementing bylaw. 5.5.9;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


Subdivision and exclusion of land for non‐farm purposes from the Agricultural Land Reserve is discouraged. 5.5.10;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;   Paved and unpaved helipads and airstrips are discouraged on agricultural lands 5.5.12  
land access; leasing of land for agriculture;

The owners of agricultural lands are encouraged to facilitate the use of the land for agriculture by actively farming, leasing or loaning their lands to persons that would undertake active farming


economic development;

food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales;


home occupation/home based business;

 The Board encourages economic diversification initiatives accessory to and compatible with farming that add value to locally produced farm products by:

 Supporting the development of farm outlets for the sale of local agricultural products;

 Permitting roadside stands for farm gate sales of agricultural products;

 Permitting bed and breakfasts in agricultural areas and guest houses/small scale agritourism operations that feature farm vacations and farming related activities;and,

 Supporting home occupations that produce value added products from locally produced agricultural products.

5.5.14 *
economic development;


residential development;


Agritourism accommodation may be permitted by way of rezoning, and only to a maximum of 10 sleeping units per farm operation. 5.5.15; *
wildlife/pest/environmental management; wildlife and ecosystem management;

Farmers are encouraged to identify ecologically significant areas such as wetlands, abandoned watercourses and other sensitive areas, and avoid practices that would cause negative impacts to those areas


wildlife/pest/environmental management;

BC environmental farm plan;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

Farmers are encouraged to prepare Environmental Farm Plans to assess how they may operate in a manner that sustains farming as well as protects wildlife, protects against soil erosion and degradation, maintains water quality, and supports natural ecosystems.

wildlife/pest/environmental management;

pesticide and pest management;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

The development of farms that follow organic and natural farming practices that do not rely on pesticides is supported.


food production;

food processing, storage and distribution;

food sales, access and procurement;

waste management;


nutrition and public health;

urban agriculture;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

food distribution;

edible landscaping;


community kitchen;

farmland trust;


Food security should be supported through community gardens and agricultural land trusts, public edible landscaping, responsible composting and animal rearing, preservation and appropriate use of the Agriculture Land Reserve, support of local food growers and community kitchens, food distribution and cooking programs and food and nutrition education. 5.5.21; *
urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning protection of farming development permit area; See document for guidelines for Protection of Farming Development Permit Area Guidelines. 7.7  

District of Saanich Sustainable Saanich Official Community Plan

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Urban Agriculture, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, BC environmental farm plan, buffer at agricultural edge, crops, deposit of fill and dumping, farm diversification, farmers' markets, irrigation and drainage, soil, urban containment/growth boundary, urban gardens/orchard, water rate for agriculture, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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development and productive use of agricultural land; urban containment/growth boundary;

Maintain the Urban Containment Boundary as the principal tool for growth management in Saanich, and encourage all new development to locate within the Urban Containment Boundary. *
development and productive use of agricultural land; urban containment/growth boundary;

Do not consider major changes to the Urban Containment Boundary except as an outcome of a comprehensive fi ve year review of the Regional Growth Strategy. *
development and productive use of agricultural land; urban containment/growth boundary;

Do not adopt any bylaw or resolution providing for a major expansion to the Urban Containment Boundary without first obtaining the assent of the electors through a referendum or plebiscite. *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban containment/growth boundary;


Support the retention of rural and farm lands through adherence to the Urban Containment Boundary policy and preservation of the Agricultural Land Reserve (Map 19).;  
development and productive use of agricultural land; zoning; Maintain farming, food production, and large lot residential as the predominant land use on rural lands.; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Maintain a minimum parcel area of 2.0 ha for the A-1 (Rural) zone and 4.0 ha for the A-4 (Rural) zone.; *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Consider opportunities to incorporate food producing community gardens into parks and other public open spaces, where appropriate.;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;


Do not support applications to exclude land from the Agricultural Land Reserve,unless: a qualified professional agrologist provides evidence that the property is incorrectly designated; and exclusion would not adversely affect the long term agricultural value of the adjoining land within the Reserve.; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Do not forward applications to the Agricultural Land Commission to subdivide land within the Agricultural Land Reserve ( Map 19) unless: the owner has continuously owned and occupied the property as a principal residence since December 21, 1972 and no subdivision has occurred since that date; or there are already two dwellings on the parcel; or it would facilitate changes to an existing public institution; or ƒit would increase the agricultural capability of an existing farm as defined by the BC Assessment Authority and there is on-site evidence of keeping animals or land cultivation at a commercial level.; *

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;

farmers' markets; Support innovative farming and local marketing techniques such as pocket farm markets, which help improve the economic viability of food production in the community.; *

food production;

water management;

irrigation and drainage;



Support efforts of farm operators and other agencies to enhance farmland and increase crop yield, by improving water supply and undertaking drainage improvements and improving soil capabilities, while considering environmental impact.; *
wildlife/environmental/pest management; BC environmental farm plan; Encourage environmentally sound agricultural practices by promoting the BC Environmental Farm Program.; *

food production;

economic development;

farm diversification;


Support the development and operation of specialty crop farms to diversify farm production, increase economic development, increase local food production, and improve farm income.; *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Strengthen local sustainable agriculture by supporting “backyard gardening” and community garden initiatives.; *

urban- ag conflict/edge planning;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban containment/growth boundary; Support small-scale agricultural initiatives on lands inside the Urban Containment Boundary, while balancing the need of neighbouring residents.; *
urban- ag conflict/edge planning; buffer at agricultural edge; Buffer rural and agricultural lands from adjacent urban residential development as part of redevelopment and subdivision proposals, where appropriate.; *
water management; water rate for agriculture; Continue to support a special water rate for agriculture.; *


development and productive use of agricultural land;



deposit of fill and dumping;

Encourage the Agricultural Land Commission to review current deposit of fill practices on ALR lands, in order to preserve the agricultural capability of ALR lands.; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;



deposit of fill and dumping;

Discourage the deposit of fill on rural and ALR lands that results in the soil’s agricultural capability being diminished.; *
wildlife/environmental/pest management;



Support the preservation and enhancement of the soil’s agricultural capability on rural and ALR lands.;  

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

food production;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

Encourage the development of a Property Assessment policy that primarily supports local food production, and does not inadvertently result in ecological degradation.;  



City of Richmond Official Community Plan Development Permit Guidelines

Topic(s): Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): protection of farming development permit area, buffer at agricultural edge, ALR, wildlife and ecosystem management

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The City of Richmond development permit guidelines for designated areas including all land abutting to the edge of  the Agricultural Land Reserve, and all designated Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) on both urban and agricultural land. 

City of Victoria Official Community Plan

Topic(s): Economic Development, Education, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): beekeeping/apiculture, climate change and greenhouse gases, commercial development, community food system education, composting, edible landscaping, emergency preparedness, farmers' markets, farmland trust, food processing, food recovery/gleaning/donation, greenhouses, grocery stores, home occupation/home based businesses, livestock, local food culture, mobile/street food vending, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, pilot project, pollinators, research and data collection, residential development, stormwater management, urban chickens, urban farm, urban gardens/orchard, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location Language Rating

urban agriculture;

food production;


urban gardens/orchard;

Parks, schools, public facilities and utilities, public assembly, community services, pathways, open space, urban food production,institutional, and recreational uses are permitted in all designations as determined in accordance with zoning. 6.4; *

urban agriculture;

water management;

food production;

urban gardens/orchard;

stormwater management;

pilot project;

[Implement the City’s Greenways Plan as shown in Map 6, seeking opportunities to enhance recreational opportunities, identity, green features and the pedestrian and cycling experience by]...

...Piloting green infrastructure and urban food production in greenways

9.7.3 *

food production;

food processing, storage and distribution;

food access, sales and procurement;

nutrition and public health;

economic development;


food processing;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

local food culture;

Participate in coordinated community and regional efforts to develop a more sustainable food system that considers all stages of the food system as shown in Figure 18, and that:

17.1.1 Contributes to the economic development, environmental management, and social well-being of Victoria and the region;

17.1.2 Encourages local and regional food production and processing, and protection of productive farmland;

17.1.3 Recognizes access to safe, sufficient, culturally appropriate and nutritious food as a basic need for all citizens;

and,17.1.4 Celebrates local food culture, cuisine, and indigenous and local food traditions.

17.1; *
policy partnerships, advocacy and development   Assess neighbourhood food system features and needs as part of local area planning. 17.3;  

urban agriculture;

food production;

urban gardens/orchard;

edible landscaping;

Review and develop City policy to increase the number of allotment gardens, commons gardens, edible landscapes, food-bearing trees and other types of food production activities that considers other uses and identifies:

17.4.1 The land types and potential City-held sites where different food production activities might be supported;

17.4.2 The roles and responsibilities of participants; 

17.4.3 Mechanisms to encourage and support food production sites on City-held lands, other publicly-held lands, and on private lands;

and 17.4.4 Mechanisms to acquire land for food production purposes, where appropriate.

17.4; *

urban agriculture;

food production;

urban gardens/orchard; Encourage food production activities in visible and suitable public places to foster a connection between people and the process of growing, harvesting and eating fresh produce.  17.5; *

urban agriculture;

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

food production;

urban gardens/orchard; Include urban food production objectives in the development of management strategies to address pests, disease, invasive species, urban wildlife and other ecological issues on public and private lands. 17.6; *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Support the establishment of at least one allotment garden per neighbourhood, co-located with community facilities or services where possible, and more in neighbourhoods that feature a high proportion of rental or attached housing, where feasible. 17.7; *
urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard;

pilot project;

Work with community groups to develop pilot projects for the planting, maintenance and harvesting of food-bearing trees on suitable City-held lands. 17.8; *

food production;

urban agriculture;

partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Consider new and innovative approaches to urban food production that increase food security, in partnership with citizens, community groups and other stakeholders. 17.9;  

food production;

urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard;

Support food production on private land where it is safe, suitable and compatible with the Urban Place Guidelines in this plan. 17.10;  

urban agriculture;

food production;

urban gardens/orchard;

residential development;

Encourage the provision of gardens and other food production spaces for the use of residents in new multi-unit housing. 17.11; *
food production;

urban chickens;




Support the keeping of small livestock in the city by:

17.13.1 Maintaining regulatory support for the keeping of poultry and honeybees;

and,17.13.2 Reviewing regulations to consider the keeping of other small livestock for food production, appropriate to an urban environment, in collaboration with senior levels of government and the health authority.

17.13; *
urban agriculture;


urban farm;

urban farm;home occupations/ home-based business;

commercial development;

institutional development;

residential development;


Explore expanded small-scale commercial urban agriculture through a review of policy and regulations to consider the opportunities for, and implications of:

17.14.1 Enabling infrastructure and human resources needed to support small-scale commercial urban agriculture as a home occupation;

17.14.2 Using residential accessory buildings for commercial agricultural purposes; and, 17.14.3 Allowing commercial urban agriculture uses, including greenhouses, in commercial and industrial zones.

17.14; *
food sales, access and procurement; grocery stores; Support the achievement of residential densities sufficient to support food stores and other food retail uses such as bakeries, restaurants and pubs, in town centres and large urban villages. 17.15;  
food sales, access and procurement; mobile/street food vending Explore expanded street food vending opportunities to animate the public realm and showcase local cuisine, through the review of existing regulations and the development of a program in partnership with local businesses and the health authority. 17.16; *
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets;  Encourage the development of farmers markets in Town Centres and Urban Villages, and a viable year-round farmers market in the Downtown Core Area, to animate the public and private realm and support local growers and food processors. 17.17;  

waste management;

urban agriculture;

food production;

food processing, storage and distribution;

pilot project;

food processing;

food recovery/gleaning/donation;

Pilot new uses in appropriate locations that enhance urban food production, processing and food waste recycling. 17.18; *
food processing, storage and distribution;

food processing;

farmland trust;


Work with neighbouring municipalities, the Capital Regional District, the provincial government and other food system stakeholders to increase the regional food supply by:

17.19.1 Establishing policies, tools and initiatives to protect and expand working farmland, such as a regional farmland trust; and,

17.19.2 Implementing strategies to support and re-establish key food system infrastructure such as meat, fruit and vegetable processing facilities. 

17.19; *

nutrition and public health;

food sales, access and procurement;

community food system education; Support the efforts of community centres, community organizations, the health authority, the school district, senior government and the private sector to establish programs and resources that build knowledge and skills to help people move towards healthier, and more secure and dignified access to nutritious food. 17.21; *
food sales, access and procurement;

emergency preparedness;

research and data collection;

Identify short and long-term food supply and infrastructure needs as part of a critical infrastructure assessment in City emergency preparedness planning.  17.22; *
policy planning, partnerships, advocacy and development;

emergency preparedness;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

Work with regional partners to enhance the capacity of the regional food system to adapt to climate change impacts, including water shortages, extreme weather events and fluctuations in global food and energy prices. 17.23; *
waste management; food recovery/gleaning/donation; Support the efforts of community organizations and the private sector to establish initiatives that divert recoverable food from the pre-waste stream for redistribution to local food security organizations. 17.25; *
waste management;


commercial development;

residential development;

Encourage the Capital Regional District to undertake a regionally coordinated approach to the recycling of food waste that retains biological nutrients regionally by:

17.26.1 Promoting household composting systems;

17.26.2 Establishing a household organic waste collection program with opportunities for finished compost to be made available for farmers and other food producers within the region;

and,17.26.3 Developing strategies to encourage organic waste diversion from multi-unit housing and commercial properties.

17.26; *

City of Kelowna Official Community Plan 2030 Bylaw No. 10501

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Urban Agriculture, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): 'benefit to agriculture' language, agri-tourism, agricultural industry services, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, buffer at agricultural edge, covenants, edible landscaping, farm home plate, farm traffic, farm worker accommodation, farmers' markets, protection of farming development permit area, residential development, roads in agricultural land, urban containment/growth boundary, urban gardens/orchard, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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development and productive use of agricultural land;

agricultural industry services;


ALR exclusion;


farmers' markets;

Agri-business Land use Designation: Rural land preserved for agriculture and agriculture-related businesses that support local farming and farmers... Agriculture related commercial uses (retail and office) necessary to support a farmers’ market and public market may be considered within this designation. Limited residential uses may be supported within this designation and include a single caretaker’s unit and accessory live/work accommodation which support the agriculture-related business function. Despite the potential for “non-farm use” activities, lands within this designation will not be supported for exclusion from the ALR and only non-farm uses approved by the Agricultural Land Commission will be permitted. An example of appropriate zoning within this designation is Comprehensive Development (CD) zone CD2. 4.2 *

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;

urban containment /growth boundary; Lands within the permanent growth boundary may be considered for urbanuses within the 20 year planning horizon ending 2030. Lands designated as Future Urban Reserve within the permanent growth boundary may be considered for urban uses beyond 2030. Lands outside the permanent growth boundary will not be supported for urban uses. Non-ALR land outside the Permanent Growth Boundary will not be supported for any further parcelization. 4.7 *

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

wildlife and ecosystem management; Integrate land use approaches wherever possible to improve opportunities for biodiversity, ecosystem connectivity, recreation, agriculture and local food production, while reducing conflicts. 5.2.5 *

food sales, access and procurement;

development and productive use ofagricultural land;

farmers' markets;


Support the development of farmer’s markets on non-ALR sites. ALR sites located near the urban – rural edge, in accessible, central locations may be considered if a non-ALR alternative cannot be secured. 5.13.1 *
urban agriculture; edible landscaping; Encourage the use of building setback, backyards and landscaped areas, for growing edible plants. 5.13.2 *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/ orchard; Encourage private and non-profit sector universally-accessible community gardening. Where appropriate, consider the use of city-owned land for use as community gardens. 5.13.3  
urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard ;

residential development;

Encourage new development to include contiguous space intended for garden space for residents. 5.13.4  
development and productive use ofagricultural land; ALR; Retain the agricultural land base by supporting the ALR and by protecting agricultural lands from development, except as otherwise noted in the City of Kelowna Agricultural Plan. Ensure that the primary use of agricultural land is agriculture, regardless of parcel size. 5.33.1 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land; ALR exclusion;ALR; The City of Kelowna will not support ALR exclusion applications to the ALC except in extraordinary circumstances where such exclusions are otherwise consistent with the goals, objectives and other policies of this OCP. Soil capability alone should not be used as justification for exclusion. 5.33.2 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land; urban containment/growth boundary; Direct urban uses to lands within the urban portion of the Permanent Growth Boundary, in the interest of reducing development and speculative pressure on agricultural lands. 5.33.3 *

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

urban agriculture;

buffer at agricultural edge; Consider complementary agricultural land uses such as urban agriculture (as defined in the Zoning Bylaw) along the urban-rural interface that act as a transition between existing urban development and farming operations. 5.33.4 *

economic development;

development and productive use ofagricultural land;

farm gate/farm retail sales;



Support agritourism uses that can be proven to be in aid of and directly associated with established farm operations. Permit wineries, cideries and farm retail sales (inside and outside the ALR) only where consistent with existing ALC policies and regulations. 5.33.5 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land;


'benefit to agriculture' language;

 Support non-farm use applications on agricultural lands only where approved by the ALC and where the proposed uses:• are consistent with the Zoning Bylaw and OCP;• provide significant benefits to local agriculture;• can be accommodated using existing municipal infrastructure;• minimize impacts on productive agricultural lands;• will not preclude future use of the lands for agriculture;• will not harm adjacent farm operations. 5.33.6 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


'net benefit to agriculture' language;

Maximize potential for the use of farmland by not allowing the subdivision of agricultural land into smaller parcels (with the exception of Homesite Severances approved by the ALC) except where significant positive benefits to agriculture can be demonstrated. 5.33.7 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land;


residential development;

Discourage residential development (both expansions and new developments) in areas isolated within agricultural environments (both ALR and non-ALR). 5.33.8 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land;


residential development;

 Encourage secondary suites on agricultural land to be located within a permitted principal dwelling. 5.34.1 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land;

farm worker accommodation;

residential development;


Accommodation for farm help on the same agricultural parcel will be considered only where: agriculture is the principal use on the parcel, and the applicant demonstrates that the additional housing is necessary to accommodate farm employee(s) whose residence on the farm property is considered critical to the overall operation of the farm. The primary consideration is whether the scale of the farm operation is large enough that permanent help is deemed necessary. Temporary farm worker housing (e.g. bunkhouse accommodation on non-permanent foundations) is the preferred solution where the need for farm worker housing is justified. 5.34.2 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land;

farm home plate;


residential development;

Locate buildings and structures, including farm help housing and farm retail sales area and structures, on agricultural parcels in close proximity to one another and where appropriate, near the existing road frontage. The goal should be to maximize use of existing infrastructure and reduce impacts on productive agricultural lands. 5.34.3 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land;


institutional development; 

Discourage the use of agricultural lands for public or institutional uses such as schools, parks and churches except as identified in the OCP. 5.34.4 *
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Maintain and improve biodiversity through the establishment of corridors (connectivity) and where appropriate, through the integration of wild species within agricultural landscapes. 5.35.1 *
wildlife/environmental/pest management;


wildlife and ecosystem management;

Promote the use of conservation covenants on agricultural land. Conservation covenants will:• balance both agricultural and environmental values and recognize the complex relationships between some agricultural use and areas of environmental interest;• protect environmental values identified through current statutory provisions (e.g. Species at Risk) and values identified through current federal, provincial and local inventory programs;• place only reasonable restrictions on agriculture in order to protect important environmental values;• allow for specified farm activities in locations that will not unduly impact or diminish the identified environmental values; and• focus on those areas specifically identified as containing important environmental values, and should not unduly restrict agriculture elsewhere on the property. 5.35.2 *
development and productive use ofagricultural land;

farm traffic;

roads in agricultural land;

Minimize the impact of penetration of road and utility corridors through agricultural lands, utilizing only those lands necessary and to the maximum capacity prior to seeking new corridors. Provision should be made for farm traffic to cross major roads. 7.5.1 *

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

urban agriculture;

protection of farming development permit area;


buffer at agricultural edge;

See document for farm protection development permit guidelines. chapter 15 *


City of Pitt Meadows Zoning Bylaw No. 2505, 2011

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Waste Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, agricultural industry services, buffer at agricultural edge, composting, farm diversification, farm retail/farm gate sales, home occupation/home based businesses, livestock, recreational use of agricultural land, residential development, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
development and productive use of agricultural land; home occupation/home based businesses;

Home‐Based Businesses

...xi. In the case of home‐based businesses in the Agricultural Land Reserve, be limited to a floor area of 100 sq m...

5.3 a (xi)
development and productive use of agricultural land; residential development;

Additional Farm House  

An additional farm house shall be permitted in the A‐1 and A‐2 zones subject to the following conditions:

a) The farm operation within which the lot on which the additional farm house is located is no less than 8 ha in total area, and all of the lots comprising the farm operation are contiguous.

b) The lot upon which the additional farm house is located is within the Agricultural Land Reserve and classified as a “farm” under the Assessment Act.

c) The additional farm house contains only one dwelling unit provided the total number of dwelling units, excluding migrant farm‐worker housing, does not exceed two dwelling units per farm operation.

d) Despite subsection 5.9 c), where the farm operation is greater than 40 ha in area, two additional farm houses may be located on a lot, provided that the total number of dwelling units, excluding migrant farm‐worker housing, does not exceed three dwelling units per farm operation....See document for additional regulations for additional farm house.

development and productive use of agricultural land; farm worker housing;

Migrant Farm‐Worker Housing

a) The accommodation of migrant farm workers shall only be permitted on lots within the Agricultural Land Reserve if the following conditions are met:

i. The lot upon which the accommodation is located is classified as a “farm” under the Assessment Act and is primarily used for berry or horticultural operations.

ii. The farm operation on which the migrant farm workers are employed has an area of at least 8 ha and all of the lots comprising the farm operation are contiguous.

iii. The accommodation is located on a lot with an area of at least 4.05 ha.

iv. The accommodation is located on a lot that is serviced by a public road and has adequate services and utilities to support the accommodation....See document for additional regulation for migrant farm worker housing.

food sales, access and procurement; farm retail/gate sales;

Farm Retail Sales and Winery / Brewery / Distillery / Meadery or Cider Lounges  

a) The total combined indoor and outdoor retail sales area for farm retail sales shall not exceed 300 sq m where all of the products offered for sale are not produced on the farm operation on which the retail sales are taking place and at least 50% of any retail sales area must be used for the sale of farm products produced on the farm operation on which the retail sales are taking place....See document for additional regulations for far mertail sales and winery/brewery/distillery/meadery/cidery lounges.

food production; livestock;

Keeping of Swine 

The keeping of swine

a) shall not be conducted on a lot with an area of less than 16.0 ha;

b) shall not be conducted unless a manure storage facility is provided with sufficient capacity to contain all manure generated from the swine operation over a period of at least four months;

c) shall not be conducted unless a mechanical ventilation system is provided for all buildings and structures housing swine;

d) and the storage of manure derived from the keeping of swine shall not be conducted in any building, structure, facility, or enclosure that is within 500 m of the Urban Area boundary as shown on Schedule F of this bylaw;

 e) shall be permitted on lots with areas of less than 16.0 ha for the owner’s or occupier’s consumption only, provided that no more than six swine, including weaners, shall be kept at any time.

urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning; buffer at agricultural edge;

Specifications for Landscaping Buffers

...b) A landscape buffer is required for all land abutting the Agricultural Land Reserve, regardless of zone, according to the Landscape Buffer Specifications of the Agricultural Land Commission.

c) All required landscape buffer areas shall be watered by a fully automatic irrigation system that is installed and operated so as to avoid run‐off onto sidewalks, roads, or parking areas.

6.4 (b) (c)
development and productive use of agricultural land; siting and coverage;

See document for siting and coverage regulations for buildings and structures in General Agriculture Zone (A1).


waste management; composting;

The area used for composting of livestock wastes shall not exceed 465 sq m per farm operation.

8.1.10 (c)
development and productive use of agricultural land; residential development;

Accessory farm residential buildings shall

i. not contain a kitchen or any habitable space;

ii. be limited to one washroom with a maximum floor area of 10 sq m, which must not contain a bathtub and which must be located on the ground floor;  

iii. if designed and used for the storage or parking of vehicles on the ground floor, be designed and constructed with access to

 the ground floor being limited to one door, which must provide access to and through the vehicle storage or parking area;

 the upper storey being limited to the interior of the building.

8.1.10 (d)
food sales, access and procurement; farm retail/gate sales; Farm retail sales are permitted provided that a minimum of 50% of the products are produced in the farm operation of which the lot on which the retail sales occur forms a part. 8.1.10 (g)
food processing, storage and distribution; food processing; Processing and sales of farm and animal products are permitted, provided that a minimum of 50% of the products are produced in the farm operation of which the lot on which the processing and sales occur forms a part. 8.1.10 (h)
economic development;

agricultural industry services;

farm diversification;

Agricultural and Farm Industrial

The intent of the Agricultural and Farm Industrial (A‐3) Zone is to enhance the economic viability of farming and promote investment and diversification of the agricultural industry in Pitt Meadows with regulations consistent with the provisions of the Agricultural Land Commission Act and regulations. See document for regulations for Agricultural and Farm Industrial Zone (A3).


recreational use of agricultural land;


Agricultural and Golf Course

This intent of the Agricultural and Golf Course (A‐4) Zone is to permit the use of lands within the Agricultural Land Reserve for existing golf course uses and compatible accessory uses and agriculture. See document for regulations for Agricultural and Golf Course Zone (A4).

wildlife/pest/environmental management; wildlife and ecosystem management;

Agricultural and Wildlife Management

The intent of the Agricultural and Wildlife Management (A‐5) Zone is to protect the farming areas of the municipality and support and acknowledge efforts to accommodate and foster wildlife with regulations consistent with the provisions of the Agricultural Land Commission Act and regulations. See document for regulations for Agricultural and Wildlife Management Zone (A5).



Note: Regulations above are cited from the General Agriculture Zone (A1). See document for regulations for Large-Lot Agriculture Zone (A2).