Electoral Area D Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1135

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Land Access, Nutrition and Public Health, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, amenity density zoning/contributions, BC environmental farm plan, climate change and greenhouse gases, community food system education, community kitchen, composting, edible landscaping, farm retail/farm gate sales, farmland trust, food distribution, food processing, food storage, greenhouses, home occupation/home based businesses, leasing of land for agriculture, livestock, pesticide and pest management, protection of farming development permit area, residential development, urban gardens/orchard, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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wildlife/environmental/pest management;

BC environmental farm plan;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

As initial steps toward completing a comprehensive greenhouse gas
reduction strategy and ultimately reducing emissions, the following
elements are incorporated into this OCP...•Support for local agriculture...•.
Encourage the adoption  of Environmental  Farm plans & Whole Farm plans

urban agriculture;  

Support the emergence of rural and planned communities with a
vibrant mix of uses combined with distributed renewable
power generation, agriculture, and green infrastructure.


food processing, storage and distribution;

food access, sales and procurement;

urban agriculture;

food storage;

urban gardens/orchard;

amenity density zoning/contributions;


community kitchen;

Support measures to ensure that all new development is designed 
with the ability to grow and store food,  including  the provision of 
community gardens, greenhouses or green roofs, and community kitchens. 

4.0.8; *
food access, sales and procurement

amenity densityzoning/contributions; 

community kitchen;

residential development;

Support measures to ensure that shared facilities are provided in new 
multi family developments, such as meeting  and work space, and 
community kitchens/ovens in order to support food preservation.

4.0.9; *
food processing, storage and distribution;


food processing;

Support measures that are consistent with Agricultural Land Commission 
Regulations, to ensure that all local agricultural zoning bylaws allow for local 
processing of food to reduce transportation requirements. 

4.0.10; *
education; community food system education;

Support initiatives to build capacity for local food production and will consider
working with member municipalities, non-profits, and the School Districts to 
provide food preservation education using publicly accessible facilities. 

4.0.11; *
urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard; 

edible landscaping; 

Support the planting of public streets with species that can provide nutrition 
or medicinal health benefits that are not necessarily attractive to bears. 
4.0.12; *
food processing, storage and distribution;


food processing; 

food storage;

Encourage innovation with regard to land use and policies that support growing, 
processing, preserving, and storing food. 
4.0.13; *
    Lands designated for agricultural use are indicated on Map 1. These lands shall be managed to retain their agricultural potential.    5.5.6; *
development and productive use of agricultural land; farmland trust;  The use of tools and approaches such as Agricultural Land or Farmland Trusts, and the Community Farms Program (administered by Farm Folk/City Folk in collaboration with The Land Conservancy of BC) is supported. 5.5.7;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;



residential development;

Consider regulating the siting and size of residential uses in the ALR, through the implementing bylaw. 5.5.9;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


Subdivision and exclusion of land for non‐farm purposes from the Agricultural Land Reserve is discouraged. 5.5.10;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;   Paved and unpaved helipads and airstrips are discouraged on agricultural lands 5.5.12  
land access; leasing of land for agriculture;

The owners of agricultural lands are encouraged to facilitate the use of the land for agriculture by actively farming, leasing or loaning their lands to persons that would undertake active farming


economic development;

food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales;


home occupation/home based business;

 The Board encourages economic diversification initiatives accessory to and compatible with farming that add value to locally produced farm products by:

 Supporting the development of farm outlets for the sale of local agricultural products;

 Permitting roadside stands for farm gate sales of agricultural products;

 Permitting bed and breakfasts in agricultural areas and guest houses/small scale agritourism operations that feature farm vacations and farming related activities;and,

 Supporting home occupations that produce value added products from locally produced agricultural products.

5.5.14 *
economic development;


residential development;


Agritourism accommodation may be permitted by way of rezoning, and only to a maximum of 10 sleeping units per farm operation. 5.5.15; *
wildlife/pest/environmental management; wildlife and ecosystem management;

Farmers are encouraged to identify ecologically significant areas such as wetlands, abandoned watercourses and other sensitive areas, and avoid practices that would cause negative impacts to those areas


wildlife/pest/environmental management;

BC environmental farm plan;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

Farmers are encouraged to prepare Environmental Farm Plans to assess how they may operate in a manner that sustains farming as well as protects wildlife, protects against soil erosion and degradation, maintains water quality, and supports natural ecosystems.

wildlife/pest/environmental management;

pesticide and pest management;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

The development of farms that follow organic and natural farming practices that do not rely on pesticides is supported.


food production;

food processing, storage and distribution;

food sales, access and procurement;

waste management;


nutrition and public health;

urban agriculture;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

food distribution;

edible landscaping;


community kitchen;

farmland trust;


Food security should be supported through community gardens and agricultural land trusts, public edible landscaping, responsible composting and animal rearing, preservation and appropriate use of the Agriculture Land Reserve, support of local food growers and community kitchens, food distribution and cooking programs and food and nutrition education. 5.5.21; *
urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning protection of farming development permit area; See document for guidelines for Protection of Farming Development Permit Area Guidelines. 7.7  

District of Saanich Sustainable Saanich Official Community Plan

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Urban Agriculture, Water Management, Wildlife/Environmental/Pest Management

Sub-topic(s): ALR, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, BC environmental farm plan, buffer at agricultural edge, crops, deposit of fill and dumping, farm diversification, farmers' markets, irrigation and drainage, soil, urban containment/growth boundary, urban gardens/orchard, water rate for agriculture, wildlife and ecosystem management, zoning

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development and productive use of agricultural land; urban containment/growth boundary;

Maintain the Urban Containment Boundary as the principal tool for growth management in Saanich, and encourage all new development to locate within the Urban Containment Boundary. *
development and productive use of agricultural land; urban containment/growth boundary;

Do not consider major changes to the Urban Containment Boundary except as an outcome of a comprehensive fi ve year review of the Regional Growth Strategy. *
development and productive use of agricultural land; urban containment/growth boundary;

Do not adopt any bylaw or resolution providing for a major expansion to the Urban Containment Boundary without first obtaining the assent of the electors through a referendum or plebiscite. *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban containment/growth boundary;


Support the retention of rural and farm lands through adherence to the Urban Containment Boundary policy and preservation of the Agricultural Land Reserve (Map 19).;  
development and productive use of agricultural land; zoning; Maintain farming, food production, and large lot residential as the predominant land use on rural lands.; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Maintain a minimum parcel area of 2.0 ha for the A-1 (Rural) zone and 4.0 ha for the A-4 (Rural) zone.; *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Consider opportunities to incorporate food producing community gardens into parks and other public open spaces, where appropriate.;  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;


Do not support applications to exclude land from the Agricultural Land Reserve,unless: a qualified professional agrologist provides evidence that the property is incorrectly designated; and exclusion would not adversely affect the long term agricultural value of the adjoining land within the Reserve.; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Do not forward applications to the Agricultural Land Commission to subdivide land within the Agricultural Land Reserve ( Map 19) unless: the owner has continuously owned and occupied the property as a principal residence since December 21, 1972 and no subdivision has occurred since that date; or there are already two dwellings on the parcel; or it would facilitate changes to an existing public institution; or ƒit would increase the agricultural capability of an existing farm as defined by the BC Assessment Authority and there is on-site evidence of keeping animals or land cultivation at a commercial level.; *

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;

farmers' markets; Support innovative farming and local marketing techniques such as pocket farm markets, which help improve the economic viability of food production in the community.; *

food production;

water management;

irrigation and drainage;



Support efforts of farm operators and other agencies to enhance farmland and increase crop yield, by improving water supply and undertaking drainage improvements and improving soil capabilities, while considering environmental impact.; *
wildlife/environmental/pest management; BC environmental farm plan; Encourage environmentally sound agricultural practices by promoting the BC Environmental Farm Program.; *

food production;

economic development;

farm diversification;


Support the development and operation of specialty crop farms to diversify farm production, increase economic development, increase local food production, and improve farm income.; *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Strengthen local sustainable agriculture by supporting “backyard gardening” and community garden initiatives.; *

urban- ag conflict/edge planning;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban containment/growth boundary; Support small-scale agricultural initiatives on lands inside the Urban Containment Boundary, while balancing the need of neighbouring residents.; *
urban- ag conflict/edge planning; buffer at agricultural edge; Buffer rural and agricultural lands from adjacent urban residential development as part of redevelopment and subdivision proposals, where appropriate.; *
water management; water rate for agriculture; Continue to support a special water rate for agriculture.; *


development and productive use of agricultural land;



deposit of fill and dumping;

Encourage the Agricultural Land Commission to review current deposit of fill practices on ALR lands, in order to preserve the agricultural capability of ALR lands.; *
development and productive use of agricultural land;



deposit of fill and dumping;

Discourage the deposit of fill on rural and ALR lands that results in the soil’s agricultural capability being diminished.; *
wildlife/environmental/pest management;



Support the preservation and enhancement of the soil’s agricultural capability on rural and ALR lands.;  

wildlife/environmental/pest management;

food production;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

Encourage the development of a Property Assessment policy that primarily supports local food production, and does not inadvertently result in ecological degradation.;  



City of Campbell River Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3475, 2012

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Food Self Reliance, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management, Water Management

Sub-topic(s): amenity density zoning/contributions, food processing, food distribution, food storage, zoning, water rate for agriculture, composting, urban chickens, beekeeping/apiculture, pollinators, ALR exclusion, ALR subdivision, protection of farming development permit area, buffer at agricultural edge, ALR, community food system education, local procurement, local food culture, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, livestock, farmers' markets, urban gardens/orchard, residential development

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development and productive use of agricultural land; ALR; The Agriculture Land Reserve (ALR) is recognized as a vital mechanism for preserving the agricultural land base and protecting opportunities for food security. 4.26.1  
  ALR; It is recognized that the ALR boundary may require refining in specific locations in the community based on site specific information pertaining to agricultural capability or suitability demonstrating that specific lands are precluded from soil bound or non soil bound forms of agriculture. In this context, ALR applications will be considered on a case by case basis. 4.26.2 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR exclusion;


Applications to exclude lands from the Agriculture Land Reserve (ALR) will be discouraged, except in circumstances where land has demonstrated limited agricultural capability or suitability and where exclusion would be consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Campbell River Agricultural Plan. 4.26.3 *

ALR exclusion;

ALR subdivision;


Requests to exclude lands from or subdivide lands within the ALR will require an assessment by of a Professional Agrologist to confirm the limited agricultural capability or suitability of the lands, the impact of the proposal on agriculture or potential agriculture in the area and should be identified for the long term development needs of the City. 4.26.4 *
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

buffer at agricultural edge;


The City will work closely with the Agricultural Land Commission to plan proactively for agricuture and manage"edge" conditions. 4.26.5  
food self reliance;   Campbell River will have capacity to be at least 10% self-sufficient in food. chapter 12 desired outcome 2020  
food self reliance;   Campbell River will have capacity to be 50% self-sufficient in food. This entails having the capacity for a largely self-reliant agriculture and food system, with the majority of food consumed locally being produced, raised and/or produced on Vancouver Island. chapter 12 desired outcome 2060  
food processing, storage & distribution; food sales access, and procurement;


farmers' markets;

food processing;

food storage;

food distribution;

Initiatives that help build local food infrastructure capacity will be promoted and supported. This may include an abattoir, apermanent Farmers' market, and other food processing, storage, packaging, and distribution facilities. This can include strategic provisions in the Zoning Bylaw. 12.1.2 *

food production;

urban agriulture;

urban chickens;




The keeping of poultry and bees in the City is generally supported. Reviewing and amending zoning regulations may be undertaken to support keeping of poultry and bees. 12.2.3  
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Community orchards, community and demonstration gardens, and outdoor kitchens will be planted where feasible and appropriate in the public realm including parks, rights-of-way, boulevards, and vacant lots. 12.2.4 *
urban agriculture;   Food and agricultural spaces will be designed to provide optimal accessibility. 12.2.5 *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Residential gardens and other urban agriculture opportunities in the private realm will be supported through education and awareness raising campaigns and events. 12.2.6 *
water management; water rate for agriculture; Irrigation water can be a key component of agricultural operations and establishing specific rates for agriculture water use in areas where the water system has capacity without impacting demand may be considered. 12.2.29  
urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard;

residential development;

Collaborate with the development industry to identify opportunities to provide food production opportunities in new multi-family developments. This can include developing a Food and Agriculture Checklist or guidelines that establish a framework that facilitates functional and accessible growing space. 12.3.1 *
urban agriculture;   Development on the urban edge should consider integration of urban and agricultural uses and activities through siting, programming, governance structure, and design. 12.3.2  
urban agriculture; amenity density zoning/contributions; The City will consider establishing density bonus criteria for projects that provide significant food and agriculture production area with the development. 12.3.3  
education; community food system education; Both community education and promotion programs will be supported to raise awareness about various scale and forms of agriculture, backyard composting, extending the growing season, container gardening, where to find local foods, and more. Schools, senior'S centres and other community organizations will be targeted. 12.4.1 *
  local food culture; The City will assess opportunities to host at least one food celebration event per year. 12.4.2  
  local procurement; Promote demand for and sale of agricultural products within the community such as City food and plant procurement. 12.4.5 *
  partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Promote opportunities for education in cooperation with agencies such as the Ministry of Agriculture, BC Institute of Agrologists or post secondary institutions. 12.4.6 *
  ALR; Strategically manage the land base to create opportunities for the establishment of agricultural nodes focused on lands and locations within the City having the highest agricultural capability and suitability. 12.4.7 *
  zoning;ALR; Consider the impacts on existing or potential agriculture in governance and land use decisions. 12.4.9  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; protection of farming development permit area; Establish development permit guidelines for agricultural interface lands.  12.4.12 *
waste management; composting; Participation in recycling and composting collection or drop-off service is required for all major ICI developments. 15.2.5 *
waste management; composting;  Three-stream waste separation (recyclables, organics/ compostables, and residual garbage) shall be provided in new ICI developments and multi-family buildings. 15.2.7 *
waste management; composting; The City will work with the Regional District to establish long-term and local disposal capacity, a regional compost facility that is capable of accepting food waste, and enhanced services for hazardous material disposal. 15.3.8  


City of Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw No. 2400-2014 Agricultural Zone A1

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, composting, farm retail/farm gate sales, farm worker accommodation, food processing, livestock, residential development, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
development and productive use of agricultural land; siting and coverage; See document for siting and coverage regulations in Agricultural Zones. 210.3-210.4
development and productive use of agricultural land;

residential development;


An Accessory Family Residential Use:

a. shall only be permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 3.8 ha;

b. shall only be permitted on lots in the Agricultural Land Reserve;

c. shall be located on a lot that is classified as “farm” under the B.C. Assessment Act;

d. shall be limited to one dwelling unit for such use per farm operation, provided the total number of dwelling units, excluding Accessory Seasonal Employee Residential Use Buildings, will not exceed two dwelling units per farm operation;

e. on a farm operation consisting of one lot, may be located on the same lot as a Single Detached Dwelling;

f. on a farm operation consisting of two or more lots, at least one of which is unoccupied and all of which are owned by the owner of the farm operation and managed as a farm operation, may be located on the same lot as a Single Detached Dwelling, subject to prior registration of a restrictive covenant in favour of the City against the titles of the unoccupied lot or lots and of the lot containing the two dwelling units agreeing that no dwelling unit shall be constructed on the unoccupied lot or lots while more than one dwelling unit remains on the other lot;

g. where permitted in the form of a manufactured home, shall be placed on a non-permanent foundation without Basement excavation;

h. shall not be contained within, or attached to, a Building or structure used for a Single Detached Dwelling;

i. shall only be permitted: i. where the owner of the farm operation is a resident on the same lot where the Accessory Family Residential Use is to be located. In the case of a corporation, the owner shall be one of the directors of the corporation; ii. where a statutory declaration is deposited with the City setting out the conditions of the City’s consent, subject to annual renewal prior to the anniversary date of the approval of such use;

development and productive use of agricultural land; farm worker accommodation;

.4 An Accessory Full-Time Employee Residential Use:

a. shall only be permitted on lots within the Agricultural Land Reserve;

b. shall be located on a lot that is classified as "farm" under the B.C. Assessment Act;

c. shall be limited to one dwelling unit for such use per farm operation provided the total number of dwelling units, excluding Accessory Seasonal Employee Residential Use Buildings, will not exceed two dwelling units per farm operation;...See document for additional regualtions related to Accessory Full-Time Employee Use.

j. shall only be permitted where:

i. the owner of the farm operation is a resident on the same lot where the Accessory Full-Time Employee Residential Use is to be located, and an adult member of the owner’s immediate family works full-time on the farm operation. In the case of a corporation, the owner shall be one of the directors of the corporation. Despite the above, where a lot line realignment or lot consolidation results in a reduction in the number of contiguous lots in a farm operation and the two dwelling units have already been legally constructed and qualify as either a Single Detached Dwelling or an Accessory Full-Time Employee Residential Use, the owner of the farm operation need not reside on the farm operation;

ii. a statutory declaration is deposited with the City setting out the City’s conditions of consent;

iii. the resident employee is employed a minimum of 35 hours per week averaged over each month; and

iv. the minimum established level of operation on the farm operation meets or is equivalent to the following standards: ... See document for standards.


development and productive use of agricultural land; farm worker accommodation;

.5 An Accessory Seasonal Employee Residential Use shall:

a. only be permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 3.8 ha;

b. only be permitted on lots within the Agricultural Land Reserve; c. be located on a lot that is classified as “farm” under the B.C. Assessment Act,

d. be limited to a maximum floor area of 200 m² for such use per farm operation, except that where the owner of a farm operation can document by ownership records or copies of leases registered in the Land Title Office that the subject berry or vegetable farm operation is at least 40 ha in size, a maximum of 300 m² for an Accessory Seasonal Employee Residential Use per farm operation shall be permitted; and ....See document for additional regulations related accessory seasonal employrr residential use.

food processing, storage and distribution; food processing;

.6 An Accessory Processing Use shall only be permitted:

a. where approved by the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission;

b. where the Buildings and structures housing such use together do not exceed 2,000 m² in floor area; and

c. where associated unenclosed storage, including storage of drums, flats, and other containers, does not cover a lot area exceeding the floor area of the Buildings and structures housing the Accessory processing use.

food sales, access and procurement; farm retail/gate sales;

.7 Buildings and structures for Farm Retail Sales shall be:

a. limited to one per farm operation; and b. have a maximum floor area of 300 m2 , including both indoor and outdoor sales and display areas.

food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales;


.8 Buildings and structures for a winery shall:

a. be permitted only where licensed by the Province of British Columbia;

b. be permitted where: i. at least 50% of that farm product is grown on the farm on which the winery is located; or ii. the farm that grows the farm products used to produce wine or cider is more than 2 hectares in area, and, unless otherwise authorized with the Agricultural Land Commission, at least 50% of the total farm product for processing is provided under a minimum 3 year contract from a farm in B.C.;

c. be limited to a maximum area for sampling, food and beverage service, retail wine display and sales of 125 m2 indoors and 125 m2 outdoors, and may include picnic areas Accessory to a winery use.

economic development; agri-tourism

.9 Buildings and structures for Agri-Tourism shall:

a. be limited to 300 m2 in area, excluding exterior activity areas;

b. be limited to a catered food and beverage service where farm products from the farm operation are highlighted;

c. exclude permanent commercial kitchen facilities;

d. be limited to a total of 10 months of any calendar year;

e. provide within the lot, parking for all visitors; and f. not exceed 100 m2 in area where utilized for biodiversity conservation, passive recreation, heritage, wildlife and scenery view purposes, as long as the area occupied by

food production; livestock;

.10 An Agricultural Use consisting of the keeping of swine:

a. shall only be permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 8.0 ha;

b. shall be provided with a manure storage facility with sufficient capacity to contain all manure generated from the swine operation over a minimum period of four months;

c. shall be provided with a mechanical ventilation system for all Buildings and structures housing swine;

d. existing on the date of adoption of this Bylaw, may be expanded provided such expansion is in accordance with section 210.3.4; and

e. shall ensure that all new development maintain a minimum 500 m minimum separation distance between the nearest points of any Building, structure, facility or enclosure used for the storage of swine, including manure storage facilities for the storage of swine manure and the Urban Area Boundary as shown within the Official Community Plan.

waste management;



.11 The area used for processing of livestock wastes into garden compost shall not exceed 465 m 2 per farm operation. 210.7.11
food processing, storage and distribution; food processing; See document for regulations for Agricultural and Resource Processing Zone. section 230
food processing, storage and distribution; food processing;

See document for regulations for Agricultural and  Produce Processing Zone 

section 240
food processing, storage and distribution; agricultural industry services;

See document for regulations for Agricultural and Farm Industrial Zone

section 250
waste management;



See document for regulations for Agricultural and Commercial Mushroom Composting Zone

section 260

Note: While all agricultural Zones (A1-A6) contain Conditions of Use regulations, only those is the A1 Agricultural Zone (section 210) are identified here due to the similarity of these regulations across all agricultural zones. See complete zoning document for Conditions of Use pertaining to each agricultural zone.  



City of Abbotsford Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2016, Part 3, Section 6 Agricultural Policies

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Food Self Reliance, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): beekeeping/apiculture, covenants, endowment fund, farm retail/farm gate sales, food distribution, food processing, livestock, local food culture, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, pollinators, research and data collection, urban farm, waste to energy, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic  Policy or Policy excerpt Document Location Language Rating
food system policy partnerships, advocacy and development process; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Continue to work with the Agricultural Land Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture to develop up-to-date regulations to enable agriculture to grow and thrive.  6.1;  

development and productive use of agricultural land;

economic development;

endowment fund;

research and data collection;


Implement the Agricultural Enhancement Endowment Fund (‘Ag Trust Fund’) by requiring a $20,000 per acre contribution for land that is rezoned in the area identified on Map 16. Consider expanding the Ag Trust Fund program to further support agricultural research, innovation, and farm practices.  6.2; *

food processing, storage & distribution;

economic development;

food processing; Encourage a thriving and innovative agricultural sector by supporting value-added agri-businesses in appropriate locations, including directing agri-processing facilities to specific areas.  6.3; *
economic development; research and data collection; Support and showcase agricultural enterprise, research, and best practices.  6.4;  

economic development;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

  Support the agricultural sector by preserving the agricultural land base, marketing the industry, and supporting local and regional initiatives to protect and further develop the local food industry and culture.  6.6; *

food processing, storage & distribution;

food sales, access and procurement;

waste management;

food processing;

food distribution;

local food culture;

waste to energy;

Support a thriving food system throughout the city, including local production, processing, distribution, celebration, consumption, nutrient recovery, and waste to energy.  6.7; *
  research and data collection; Identify rural centres to enable support services for the rural farming community. 6.8; *

food sales, access and procurement;

urban agriculture;

urban farm;

farm retail/farm gate sales

Enable the production and sale of food throughout the urban area by developing urban agriculture guidelines and permitting small scale, commercial urban food gardens 6.9; *

urban agriculture;

food self reliance;

food production;





Consider supporting additional urban agriculture activities that encourage self sufficiency such as keeping bees in the urban area.  6.10;  


Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002

Topic(s): Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): farm retail/farm gate sales, zoning

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food sales, access and procurement; farm retail/ farm gate sales; A roadside stand for farm gate sales of locally produced agricultural products accessory to agricultural use that does not exceed 2.5 metres in height and 10 square metres in floor area shall have a minimum setback of 4.6 metres from a highway. 3.14


City of Vancouver Administration of Community Food Markets Bulletin

Topic(s): Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): farmers' markets

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City of Vancouver's policy outlining the administration of community food markets and criteria for which community food markets are permitted to operate without further land use approval.

City of Vernon Zoning Bylaw #5000, Agricultural Zones in ALR

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, food processing, farm retail/farm gate sales, ALR, siting and coverage

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
development and productive use of agricultural land;

siting and coverage;


See document for coverage and siting regualtions in Agriculture Zones within the ALR.

food procesing, storage and distribution;

food processing;


Farm and animal products processing is allowed provided that a minimum of 50% of the products are produced on-site. 8.1.6
food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales;


Agricultural and garden stands selling produce grown on the site or another site operated by the same producer do not have a maximum area. The maximum gross floor area of stands selling produce that is produced off-site shall be 50.0m2 . For sites within the Agricultural Land Reserve, the maximum gross floor area of agricultural and garden sales for produce off-site shall be lesser of 33% of the total floor area of the agricultural or garden stand or 50.0m2 . 8.1.6
economic development; agri-tourism; Agri-tourist accommodation shall not be located on lots smaller than 2.0ha (5 acres) in size and shall not exceed 10 bedrooms, campsites or recreational vehicle pads.  8.1.6

Regulations included above are for section 8.1 Agriculture within the ALR (A1). See complete zoning bylaw for other agricultural zoning regulations including large and small holdings outside of the ALR (A2).

District of Saanich Zoning Bylaw 8200

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): demonstration farm, farmers' markets, food distribution, food processing, food storage, siting and coverage, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
development and productive use of agricultural land; siting and coverage;

See document for siting and coverage of buildings and structures for agriculture, single family dwelling and accessory uses. 1 

101.3 - 101.7 ; 125.4-125.8
education demonstration farm; See document for regulations of Rural Demonstration Farm Zone (A-1DF).2 schedule 103
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets See document for regulations of Rural Zone Farm Market Zone (A-3). schedule 120

food processing, storage and distribution;

food sales, access and procurement;

food distribution;

food storage5;

See document for regulations of Rural Commercial Zone (C-1R).3 schedule 812
food processing, storage and distribution;

food storage5;

food processing;

See document for regulations of Food Processing Zone (M-5). schedule 925

1 The majority of rural parcels in the District of Saanich are covered in the A1 and A4 zones, section 101 and 125 respectively. Reference:Food and Agriculture Policies and Regulations,  District of Saanich, retrieved December 2016 from http://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/community/agriculture-food-security/policies-regulations.html

2 " In 2006, the Capital Regional District transferred a piece of land zoned Utility (P-2) to the District of Saanich for the purpose of local sustainable agriculture. The District of Saanich rezoned the piece of land as Rural Zone (Demonstration Farm)(A-1DF). This land is now leased to the Haliburton Community Organic Farm Society, and is home to the Haliburton Community Organic Farm. The Society rents land to three farm businesses."  Reference: The Land Conservancy of BC, BC’s Farming and Food Future: Local Government Toolkit for Sustainable Food Production, published December 2009, retrieved December 2016.

3 "The C-18 Rural Commercial Zone was created to recognize the activities required for the sale and distribution of local agricultural products to the community."  Reference:Food and Agriculture Policies and Regulations,  District of Saanich, retrieved December 2016 from http://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/community/agriculture-food-security/policies-regulations.html

4 "The zoning bylaw permits food processing (and warehousing) in the M-5 Zone but not Rural Zones. "  Reference:Food and Agriculture Policies and Regulations,  District of Saanich, retrieved December 2016 from http://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/community/agriculture-food-security/policies-regulations.html

5 Warehousing is a permitted use in most industrial zones as well as select commercial zones. Reference:Food and Agriculture Policies and Regulations,  District of Saanich, retrieved December 2016 from http://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/community/agriculture-food-security/policies-regulations.html 



District of Saanich Local Food Procurement Policy

Topic(s): Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): local procurement

View policy:  HTML PDF

A policy outlining that all District of Saanich Divisions engaged in the purchase of food for operational needs, or engaged in leasing Saanich owned space to operators of food concessions, will ensure that when practical, both operationally and economically, 40% of purchases shall be local.


from http://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/local-government/bylaws.html#letter-l