City of Victoria Zoning Regulation Bylaw No. 80-159 Introduction and General Regulations

Topic(s): Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): greenhouses, residential development, urban farm, zoning

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urban agriculture;

food production;

urban farm; Small-scale commercial urban food production is permitted in all zones, provided it is not noxious or offensive to neighbours or the general public by reason of emitting odour, noise or artificial lighting, and is subject to the regulations contained in Schedule “L”. 42
urban agriculture;


residential development;

A rooftop greenhouse is not to be included in the calculation of total floor area, height or number of storeys, except when located on a lot which contains: (a) a single family dwelling; (b) an attached dwelling; (c) a semi-attached dwelling; (d) a house conversion; or (e) a multiple dwelling containing fewer than four self-containing dwelling units. 43
urban agriculture; greenhouses; A rooftop greenhouse must not exceed: (a) 3.65m in height; or (b) 28m² or 50% of the building’s roof area, whichever is less. 44


Corporation of Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 2750

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): zoning, farm retail/farm gate sales, composting, farm home plate, pollinators, beekeeping/apiculture, livestock, siting and coverage, ALR, farm worker accommodation, residential development

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food production;

urban agriculture;





Notwithstanding Section 304, the keeping of ‘bees’ are permitted as an accessory use to a ‘dwelling, single family’, ‘dwelling duplex’ or in any Public (P) zone provided that:

a) Not more than two ‘beehives’ and two ‘nucleus colonies’ are permitted on ‘lots’ equal to or less than 1,000 m2 in area.

b) Not more than four ‘beehives’ and four ‘nucleus colonies’ are permitted on ‘lots’ larger than 1,000 m2 in area.

c) Each ‘beehive’ and ‘nucleus colony’ shall be located to the rear of the principal building on a ‘lot.

d) Each ‘beehive’ and ‘nucleus colony’ shall comply with one of the following siting requirements: i. be raised a minimum of 2.5 m above grade; ii. be located a minimum of 7.5 m from all ‘lot’ lines; or iii. be behind a continuous ‘fence’ or hedge a minimum of 1.8 m in height located parallel to an adjacent property line and extending a minimum of 6.0 m horizontally beyond the ‘beehive’ or ‘nucleus colony’ in either direction.

e) In the P zones: i. written permission is obtained from the property owner; and ii. the keeping of ‘bees’ is for educational purposes.

development and productive use of agricultural land;

siting and coverage;


See document for siting and coverage regulations for buildings and structures in Agricultural Zone A1.

502 ; 503 ; 510-512
development and productive use of agricultural land;

farm home plate;


‘Farm Home Plate’ and ‘Farm Home Plate’ – ‘Migrant Farm Worker Housing’:

See document for regulations and related to farm home plate in Agricultural Zone A

development and productive use of agricultural land;

residential development;

farm worker accommodation:


Area of a ‘Farm House’, ‘Additional Farm House’ or ‘Migrant Farm Worker Housing’:

See document for regulations and related to area of a farm house,  additional farm house or migrant farm worker housing in Agricultural Zone A.

development and productive use of agricultural land;

residential development;


Additional Farm House:

See document for regulations and related to additional farm house in Agricultural Zone A1.

development and productive use of agricultural land;

farm worker accommodation;


‘Migrant Farm Worker Housing‘:

See document for regulations related to migrant farm worker housing in Agricultural Zone A1.

508 B

food processing, storage and distribution;



‘Agricultural Product’ and ‘Mushroom Growing Medium’ Storage, Processing and Preparation:

A minimum of 50% of the total volume of the ‘Agricultural Products’ or ‘Mushroom Growing Medium’ stored on a ‘Lot’ or processed or prepared by ‘On-farm Processing’ or ‘On-Farm Product Preparation’ on a ‘Lot’:

a) must be consumed as animal feed or used in the production of mushrooms, on a farm owned or operated by the owner or lessee of the ‘Lot’: or

b) must have been harvested, grown, raised, or produced on a farm owned or operated by the owner or lessee of the ‘Lot’.

waste management;



Agricultural Waste Management and ‘On-Farm Composting’

See document for regulations related to agricultural waste management and 'on- farm' composting in Agricultural Zone A1.

food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales


Farm Retail Sales

See document for regulations related to farm retail sales in Agricultural Zone A1.



Corporation of the City of Port Coquitlam Zoning Bylaw No. 3630

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Food Production, Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): beekeeping/apiculture, farm home plate, farm residence maximum setback, livestock, pollinators, siting and coverage

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development and productive use of agricultural land;

farm home plate;

farm residence maximum setback;


1) A farm residence and all farm residence accessory facilities must be located within the farm home plate.

2) The area of the farm home plate is limited to the greater of 10% of the lot area or 1000m2 , up to a maximum of 2000m2 .

3) A farm residence must be entirely located within an area no more than 50m from the front lot line or the exterior side lot line, whichever provides access to the farm residence. 4) Farm residence accessory facilities on lots with a lot width of more than 33m must be entirely located within an area no more than 60m from the front lot line or the exterior side lot line, whichever provides access to the farm residence.

development and productive use of agricultural land; siting and coverage; See document for regulations for siting and coverage for buildings and structures in Agricultural Zone (A). Table 1.4 and notes to Table 1.4

urban agriculture;

food production;





14.1. Accessory hobby beekeeping must comply with the following regulations:

a. A maximum of 2 beehives and 2 nucleus colonies may be located on a lot;

b. The lot must have a minimum width of 14 metres (46 ft.);

c. A beehive or nucleus colony must not be located in a front or side yard;

d. A beehive or nucleus colony must not be located within 2 metres (6.6 ft.) of a rear lot line; and,

e. A solid fence or landscape screen with a minimum height of 2 metres (6.6 ft) must enclose a rear yard containing a beehive or nucleus colony.

section III 14

Town of Smithers Animal Control and Licensing Bylaw No. 1780

Topic(s): Food Production, Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): livestock, urban chickens

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food production;

urban agriculture;

urban chickens;



Poultry, Pigeons or Doves - No poultry, pigeons, or doves shall be kept in any part of a dwelling house or in any store or other place of business, except in a business licensed through the Town of Smithers to sell or keep such fowl.

Permitted Areas for Hens

ln residential zones R-l, R-2, R-6 and P-1 in auxiliary to a Community Garden (as well as existing permitted zoned R-7 and A-1 and the Fall Fair Grounds) the keeping of hens will be permitted for personal use, provided that no neighbourhood health, environmental or nuisance problems result.

Keeping of Hens

The keeping of hens for domestic purpose is permitted as an auxiliary use to a detached, singte-family dwelling on any lot with an area greater than 550mt ¡5,920 f() in R-1, R-2, R-6 and P-1 Zones, subject to the following conditions:

a) The owner of the propefty resides on the property where the hens are kept, or obtains written permission from the property owner;

b) Roosters are prohibited;

c) The keeping of hens is limited to a maximum of: i. six (6) hens as an auxiliary use for a detached, single-family dwelling; ii. twelve (12) hens on a P-1 property in conjunction with a Community Garden; iii. twelve (12) poultry for each 0.4 ha of parcel area in zones A-1 or R-7.

d) Hens must be kept in a run that is: i. fenced on all sides and entirely covered from above in a manner that will keep predators and vermin from entering and hems from escaping; ii. of sufficient size to provide at least 1.0 m' (10.76 f() of roofed outdoor enclosure per hen; and iii. sited at least 3.0 m (9.84 ft) from the principal building and 1.5 m from the side or rear property line, while being located to the side or rear of the principal building.

e) At least one (1) coop must be provided in such a way that it: i. is kept clean and be monitored daily for suitable cleanliness; ii. is sited at least 3.0 m (9.84 ft) from the principal building and 1.5 m from the side or rear property line, while being located to the side or rear of the principal building; iii. altows at least 0.5 mz (ffi f() of coop floor area per hen; and iv. includes af /easf one perch no shorter than fifteen (15) cm, per hen and one nest box, per 4 hens

 f) All hens must be provided sufficient food, water, shelter, light, ventilation, veterinary care; and opportunities for essential behaviors such as scratching, dust-bathing, and roosting; to maintain good health; 6-4. TOWN OF SMITHERS BYLAW NO. 1780 Page 10

g) That feed be stored in such a manner as to not provide an attractant to bears, other wildlife, or vermin;

h) Manure must be stored within a fully enclosed structure, with no more than O.O8*t P fÛ of manure stored at one time;

i) All manure not used for composting or fertilizing must be removed from the property;

j) Biosecurity procedures musf be followed as recommended by the Canadian Food lnspection Agency;

k) Hens are permitted for personal use only, and selling eggs, manure, meat, or other products derived from hens is prohibited;

l) Slaughtering or euthanizing hens within Town limits is prohibited unless at a certified facility; and m) Backyard hen flocks must be registered for a fee of $15 with the Town of Smithers by completing Schedule 'C' of this Bylaw.

food production; livestock;


No person shall cause or permit any cattle or farm animals to be kept or harboured within the Town, whether on private property or not, unless as allowed in the R-7 Rural Residential Hobby Farm, A-1 Agricultural Zone, or as allowed on the Fall Fair Grounds.



Village of Cumberland Zoning Bylaw No. 1027, 2016

Topic(s): Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban - Agriculture Conflict & Edge Planning, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): zoning, composting, urban chickens, beekeeping/apiculture, signage in agricultural areas, urban farm, pollinators, farm retail/farm gate sales, livestock, nuisance complaints

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Topic Sub-Topic Policy or Policy excerpt Document Location

urban agriculture;

urban-agriculture conflict and edge planning;

urban farm;

nuisance complaints;

Urban Agriculture

a) Urban agriculture shall not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or parking, in excess of that which is characteristic of the Zone in which it is.

b) Urban agriculture activity shall not generate odour, waste, noise, smoke, glare, fire hazard, visual impact, or any other hazard or nuisance, in excess of that which is characteristic of the Zone in which it is located under normal circumstances wherein no urban agriculture exists.

4.13 (a) (b)

waste management;

urban agriculture;

composting; c) Compost bins and composting shall: i) be located at least 3.0metres (9.8feet) from any lot line; however, this setback may be reduced to 0.0metres (0.0feet) when opaque screening is in place or a solid bin is in use; and ii) only consist of plant, plant based material, or animal manure and shall not utilize any mechanized processes. 4.13 (c)

urban agriculture;

food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales;

urban farm;

d) A roadside stand shall: i) be the only form of commercial sales for an urban agriculture use; ii) have a GFA of not more than 5.0square metres (53.8square feet); iii) only allow sales between 7am and 9pm; iv) be entirely located on the lot on which the produce is grown; and v) be located on the property and must not impede sightlines to and from a public road, driveway or laneway. 4.13 (d)

urban agriculture;

food production;




e) Beekeeping (beekeeping for domestic purposes) is permitted on all lots allowing urban agriculture provided that:

i) lots have a minimum lot width of 15.0metres (49.2feet);

ii) lots have a minimum lot area is 550.0square metres (1,804.4sqaure feet); Zoning Bylaw No. 1027, 2016 Page 43 As Adopted September 6, 2016 Part 4 – Additional Zoning Regulations for Certain Uses or Circumstances

iii) a solid fence or dense hedge, known as a “flyway barrier,” at least 1.8metres (6.0feet) in height, shall be placed along the side of the hive that contains the entrance to the hive, and shall be located within 1.5metres (5.0feet) of the hive and shall extend at least 0.6metres (2.0feet) on either side of the hive. No such flyway barrier shall be required if all beehives are located at least 7.6metres (25.0feet) from all property lines and for hives that are located on porches or balconies at least 3.0metres (10.0feet) abovegrade, except if such porch or balcony is located less than 1.5metres (5.0feet) from a property line;

iv) hives shall be at least 6.0metres (19.6feet) from any neighbouring house, sidewalks, streets and public areas (e.g., parks);

v) honey bees shall be housed in hives;

vi) hives shall be registered with the Provincial authority, BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands (BCMAL) [for additional information contact the Provincial Apiculturist Apiary Inspector];

vii) only two hives with colonies shall be permitted on each lot;

viii) hives shall be securely located to prevent accidental disturbance or trespass by people and pets, and to prevent damage from wildlife;

ix) hives shall be equipped with adequate ventilation and near a water source; x) honey production is for personal consumption only; and

xi) beekeeping is not permitted in multi-family residential areas, including strata developments, or commercial and industrial areas.

4.13 (e)

urban agriculture;

food production;

urban chickens;


f) The keeping of hens is permitted on all lots allowing urban agriculture use, provided that:

i) a coop and run shall be located at least 1.5metres (4.9feet) from all property lines unless there is a solid barrier such as a wall or fence;

ii) coops and runs shall not be located within a 4.5metre (14.8feet) buffer of habitable structures on adjacent property(ies);

iii) runs shall not exceed 4.5metres (14.8feet) in height;

iv) hens shall only be located in the rear yard;

v) the maximum number of hens shall be six (6) per lot;

vi) roosters are not permitted;

vii) sales of eggs, manure and other products associated with the keeping of hens are prohibited;

viii) coops and runs shall be maintained in a clean condition and the coop shall be kept free of obnoxious odours, substances and vermin;

ix) stored manure shall be kept in an enclosed structure such as a compost bin and no more than 3.0cubic metres (105.9cubic feet) shall be stored at any one time;

x) manure shall be disposed of in accordance with municipal bylaws; hen waste must be solid and bagged; and

xi) home slaughter of hens is prohibited and any deceased hens shall be disposed of at a livestock disposal facility or through the services of a veterinarian.

  4.13 (f)

food production;

urban agriculture;

livestock; g) The keeping and raising of livestock shall only be permitted on lots greater than 0.4hectares (1.0acre). 4.13 (g)

urban agriculture;

food sales, access and procurement;

urban farm;

farm retail/gate sales;

Market Gardens

a) In zones permitting market gardens, the following is permitted:

i) only food and value-added products made from produce grown on site may be sold;

ii) selling requires a Business License from the Village;

iii) sales are only allowed between 7am and 9pm; iv) sales are allowed up to six months between April 1 and September 30 in each calendar year; and v) only one sign is permitted per lot (see Part 5.0 Signage).

4.14 (a)

urban agriculture;

urban- agriculture conflict and edge planning;

nuisance complaints;

urban farm;

b) Market gardens must not:

i) generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or parking, in excess of that which is characteristic of the Zone in which it is located;

ii) generate odour, waste, noise, smoke, glare, and fire hazard, visual impact, or any other hazard or nuisance, in excess of that which is characteristic of the Zone in which it is located under normal circumstances wherein no urban agriculture exists;

iii) Include the growing and sale of mushrooms;

iv) include composting for producing mushroom growing media; and v) include medical marihuana facilities, marihuana dispensary, or any portion thereof, or be used for the growing of marihuana or other controlled substances.

4.14 (b)

urban agriculture;

food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales

c) On-site sales of fruits, vegetables and edible plants shall be permitted within roadside stands for products grown on site provided that the size of the roadside stand does not exceed a GFA of 5.0square metres (53.8square feet). 4.14 (c)
urban agriulture;

urban farm;

signs in agricultural areas;

...b) Signs pertaining to the commercial components on a lot where a mixed use, residential multifamily, commercial, public assembly, industrial, agricultural, or retail development is permitted, provided that the signs permitted by this Part shall only be located on those portions of the lot and building that contain the commercial component. ....

5.4 (b)


Supplementary Information


Municipal Planner Interview with the Village of Cumberland Re: Urban Agriculture and Market Garden Uses

The Village of Cumberland’s zoning bylaw, adopted in September 2016, includes provisions for urban agriculture and market garden land uses including the production and sale of select agricultural and horticultural products.

Permitted activities are described in the Urban Agriculture and Market Garden Toolkit as well as the Zoning Bylaw.

Policy Development and Community Consultation

Cumberland’s zoning bylaw was amended to include urban agriculture and market garden provisions after community members voiced interest in keeping backyard chickens as well as growing and selling agricultural products on properties in the Village.

A number of communities with existing urban agriculture and backyard chicken bylaws were consulted during the development of the bylaw amendments, including the City of Vancouver, the City of Victoria and the City of Campbell River.  Given capacity and resource constraints of the Village, the provisions of practical information and educational resources regarding agricultural practices was prioritized over regulatory enforcement, such as coop registration and inspection.

Community members were consulted regarding bylaw amendments, including this one, in public meetings held during the zoning bylaw revision process. Urban agriculture and market garden provisions were strongly supported by the community. Provisions to include beekeeping among the permitted urban agriculture activities were added as a result of community input. 

Policy Adoption

Urban agriculture and market garden provisions were strongly supported by Council and the community during the adoption of Cumberland’s new zoning bylaw.

Policy Implementation and Outcomes

The new urban agriculture provisions will be communicated to the public in the form of informational brochures/handouts and potential public workshops.  Having adopted the new zoning bylaw in September 2016, the Village of Cumberland is looking forward to new food production enterprises and local food access opportunities.



Village of Cumberland, Planning and Development, personal communication, October 2016

Village of Cumberland, Urban Agriculture and Market Garden Toolkit, 2016 Retrieved from, December 2016.



City of Vancouver Food Strategy

Topic(s): Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Land Access, Nutrition and Public Health, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): local procurement, food distribution, edible landscaping, composting, urban chickens, mobile/street food vending, beekeeping/apiculture, urban farm, pilot project, pollinators, grocery stores, farm retail/farm gate sales, community kitchen, community food system education, commercial development, livestock, farmers' markets, residential development, urban gardens/orchard

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location Language Rating

urban agriculture;

land access;

urban gardens/orchard; Explore opportunities to improve security of tenure for community gardens and community orchards on city property.  1.1  
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard;  Improve accessibility and clarity of application processes for creating or participating in community gardens and community orchards,  particularly for under-represented ethno-cultural communities.  1.2  

urban agriculture;


urban gardens/orchard;

community food system education;

Encourage community garden models which promote community  development opportunities with local schools, Neighbourhood Houses, and other local organizations as part of their education programming.  1.3 *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchards; Enhance funding partnerships to support the creation, operation, improvement and capacity building opportunities for community gardens and community orchards. 1.5  
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Work with the Association of Community Garden Coordinators to implement strategies that will reduce community garden waiting lists  and to improve access for ethno-cultural communities.  1.8  
urban agriculture;

urban farm;

farm retail/farm gate sales;

Explore possibilities for urban farmers to sell produce directly from an urban farm (farm gate sales) with appropriate limitations and  mitigation strategies. 1.11  

urban agriculture;

food processing, storage and distribution;

food distribution;

urban farm;

farmers' markets;

Enable alternative food retail and distribution models for urban farming produce such as community food markets, food distribution hubs and pre-approved Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) distribution sites in locations such as community centres, neighbourhood houses and schools.  1.12 *

edible landscaping;

commercial development;

institutional development;

residential development;

Promote edible landscaping as an alternative to ornamental or flowering plants in residential, commercial, institutional and parks landscaping plans.  1.18  
urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard;

edible landscaping;

Increase the planting of food-bearing trees when planting new trees in parks and on other civic lands, and encourage community stewardship of those trees. 1.19 *

food production;


urban agriculture;



community food system education;


Support public education programs on pollinator bees, honeybees and beekeeping in response to community demand and interest. 1.22 *

food production;


urban agriculture;

urban chickens;

community food system education;


Support public education programs on backyard hens in response to community demand and interest. 1.25 *
food processing, storage and distribution; food distribution; Support businesses and social enterprises involved in processing and distribution of healthy, local and sustainable food within Vancouver and connect to local agricultural producers in the region. 2.4 *
food sales, access and procurement; local procurement; Explore opportunities to increase the percentage of local and sustainable food purchased by City and  school facilities as a way to support local farmers and producers.  2.6  
food sales, access and procurement; local procurement; Explore opportunities to increase the percentage of local and sustainable food purchased by Park facilities including community centres and concessions in parks and beaches.  2.7  
food sales, access and procurement; local procurement; Examine opportunities for aggregation of local and sustainable food purchasing among neighbourhood houses, smaller community centres  and childcare centres. 2.8  
food sales, access and procurement;

community kitchen;

residential development;

Encourage installation of community kitchens or retrofit existing kitchens in new developments, social housing  sites or City facilities.  2.9 *
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets; Explore opportunities to support farmers markets on Park Board sites with electricity and water where appropriate.  3.5  
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets; Establish community food markets as a permitted use and streamline application process.  3.9 *

food sales, access and procurement;

nutrition and public health;

farmers' markets; Encourage integration of community food markets into Vancouver School Board programming as part of healthy food options for youth and families.  3.10 *
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets; Incorporate community food markets into community centre programming. 3.11 *

food sales, access and procurement;

nutrition and public health;

mobile/street food vending; 

pilot project;

grocery stores;

Test pilot programs that improve access to healthy food in neighbourhoods (e.g. healthy corner stores, pop-up grocery stores or mobile green grocers). 3.14 *
food sales, access and procurement; mobile/street food vending; Explore options to enable street food vending on private property.   3.16  
food sales, access and procurement;

local procurement;

mobile/street food vending;

Encourage street food vendors to source local and sustainable ingredients in their menus, and require vendors to use reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging.  3.18 *

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;

mobile/street food vending; Encourage street food vending as an economic development opportunity for low-income groups 3.19 *
waste management;   Develop strategies to reduce food packaging in City facilities. 4.2 *
waste management; composting; Ensure that food composting is available in City facilities, and that dishes and food packaging are reusable, recyclable or compostable.  4.3 *
waste management; composting; Support community composting model. 4.6  


Supplementary Information


Municipal Planner Interview with the City of Vancouver Re: City of Vancouver's Food Strategy

After over a decade of food policy and planning initiatives, the City of Vancouver developed a Food Strategy to establish a coordinated approach to food systems planning.

Policy Development

In 2003, Council approved a motion to develop a “just and sustainable food system for the City of Vancouver”. The motion spurred the formation of Vancouver’s Food Policy Council (a citizen advisory group on food policy issues) as well as the creation of two planning positions to focus on food systems. Subsequently, a number of food-related policy and programs took root between 2003 and 2013. Some of these include the development of urban chicken keeping and beekeeping guidelines, grants to support neighbourhood food networks, street food program expansion, a kitchen scrap collection program, Vancouver’s Food Charter, and the Greenest City Action Plan. The latter two policies, which called for a coordinated strategy to focus the City’s efforts surrounding food systems, ultimately paved the way for the creation of the Food Strategy.


Both internal and public engagement were priorities during the development of the Food Strategy.

These included broad engagement efforts with the general public as well as targeted engagement with specific community groups such as urban farmers, community organizations, cultural groups and youth.

Internally, the planning department reached out to many city managerial divisions, including Real-Estate, Parks, Finance, Sustainability, the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation and others to increase bureaucratic capacity for the project and foster cross-departmental cooperation.

Policy Adoption

The magnitude and range of ideas that were proposed by the draft plan complicated the adoption process, necessitating numerous iterations and a strategic evaluation of the contents against the local government’s capacity and jurisdiction. Applying such a pragmatic approach to refining the document was deemed necessary for the Food Strategy to be useful and achievable.

Policy Implementation

Vancouver’s dedicated staff planning positions have been key to implementing the Food Strategy since its adoption in 2013. It was reported that an ongoing challenge in implementing the Strategy has been adapting and accounting for emerging topics in food systems planning. Examples of these emerging themes include school food programs, indigenous food systems and the relationship between food security and income security.

Policy Outcomes and Recommendations

The Food Strategy has resulted in the creation and implementation of a multitude of policies and projects that are helping Vancouver move toward a just and sustainable food system. Some of these outcomes include:

Given the descriptive nature of the Food Strategy goals, it was reported that monitoring impact is an ongoing challenge. The Food Strategy provides directives, but not measurable goals, and therefore presents a challenge in evaluating progress. While annual reviews are conducted, it was reported that further monitoring could be beneficial.



City of Vancouver, Department of Social Policy, personal communication, November 2016.


City of Vancouver Animal Control By-law No. 9150

Topic(s): Food Production, Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): urban chickens, livestock

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location

food production;

urban agriculture;

urban chickens;


Registration of hens

7.15 A person must not keep a hen unless that person first registers with the city:

(a) electronically by: (i) accessing the city's animal control computer website at, (ii) accessing the link from that website to the on-line registry at x.htm, (iii) reading the information on keeping hens at the on-line registry site, (iv) completing the application at the on-line registry site including the following mandatory fields: (A) the date, (B) the person's name, address and postal code, (C) confirmation that the person resides on the property where he or she will be keeping hens, (D) confirmation that the person has read the information referred to in clause (iii), and - 10 - (v) submitting the application to the on-line registry site; or

(b) by requesting, by telephone to 311, the mailing to that person of the information on keeping hens and an application form, and by: (i) reading such information, (ii) completing the application including the mandatory fields referred to in subsection (a)(iv), and (iii) submitting the completed application to the city; and such person must promptly update, and provide to, the city any information given when any change occurs.”

Keeping of hens

7.16 A person who keeps one or more hens must:

(a) provide each hen with at least 0.37 m² of coop floor area, and at least 0.92 m² of roofed outdoor enclosure;

(b) provide and maintain a floor of any combination of vegetated or bare earth in each outdoor enclosure;

(c) provide and maintain, in each coop, at least one perch, for each hen, that is at least 15 cm long, and one nest box;

(d) keep each hen in the enclosed area at all times;

(e) provide each hen with food, water, shelter, light, ventilation, veterinary care, and opportunities for essential behaviours such as scratching, dust-bathing, and roosting, all sufficient to maintain the hen in good health;

(f) maintain each hen enclosure in good repair and sanitary condition, and free from vermin and obnoxious smells and substances;

(g) construct and maintain each hen enclosure to prevent any rodent from harbouring underneath or within it or within its walls, and to prevent entrance by any other animal;

(h) keep a food container and water container in each coop;

(i) keep each coop locked from sunset to sunrise;

(j) remove leftover feed, trash, and manure in a timely manner;

(k) store manure within a fully enclosed structure, and store no more than three cubic feet of manure at a time;

(l) remove all other manure not used for composting or fertilizing;

(m) follow biosecurity procedures recommended by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency;

(n) keep hens for personal use only, and not sell eggs, manure, meat, or other products derived from hens;

(o) not slaughter, or attempt to euthanize, a hen on the property;

(p) not dispose of a hen except by delivering it to the Poundkeeper, or to a farm, abattoir, veterinarian, mobile slaughter unit, or other facility that has the ability to dispose of hens lawfully; or

(q) not keep a hen in a cage.

7.15 -7.16


City of Vancouver Guidelines for the Keeping of Backyard Hens

Topic(s): Food Production, Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): urban chickens, livestock

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This report provides recommendations for the humane and sanitary keeping of backyard hens in Vancouver. These recommendations include amendments to Zoning and Development Bylaw No. 3575 and Animal Control By-law No. 9150, creation of an on-line registry for hen keepers, and funding for facilities to house hens at the Vancouver Animal Control shelter. The Zoning and Development By-law amendments must proceed to Public Hearing prior to Council action. Since the Zoning and Development By-law amendments are integral to the proposed system of regulation, the remainder of the recommendations are contingent upon their approval. 


City of Vancouver Urban Honey Beekeeping Guideline

Topic(s): Food Production, Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): beekeeping/apiculture, pollinators, livestock

View policy:  HTML PDF

Urban honey beekeeping is permitted everywhere in the city, however site-specific requirements need to be considered for residential and commercial areas or if beekeeping is taking place in community gardens. Section 1 outlines general requirements followed by the specific requirements in Section 2.

City of Vancouver Park Board Urban Agriculture Policy

Topic(s): Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): urban gardens/orchard

View policy:  HTML PDF

Description of appropriate sites, operations, supporitng facilities etc for urban agriculture in City Parks.