Former Student Highlight

Name: Kunal Sharma
Kwantlen Program: BBA in Entrepreneurial Leadership (2007 to 2011)
Professional Title: Biziby co-founder
Company Website:

Busy as a Bee
Are you a shopper who likes to find cool, unique, amazing products -- or a small business or start-up that wants to find cool, unique and amazing customers? Biziby, a new online marketplace co-founded by Kwantlen’s former student Kunal Sharma, just may be your new go-to product portal.

Launched June 20, Biziby is already off to a strong start. Offering everything from original paintings to vehicles, handmade bags, electronics and more, Biziby allows small businesses to create their store, upload products (for as little as two cups of coffee), and sell globally online.

Pronounced Biz-ee-Bee, Sharma says the name Biziby represents “business” and “bees” because, just like entrepreneurs and small businesses, bees are the hardest working species of their class.

“Biziby is like a honeycomb,” says Sharma. “As the bees -- our entrepreneurs and small businesses -- grow and become more successful, the honeycomb grows, and everyone benefits.”

What do you enjoy most about operating Biziby? Biziby is a tech startup, which means it has unknown potential. Building a company from scratch, overcoming challenges, and implementing the ideas gives me great satisfaction.

Where does your inspiration come from? My parents are my greatest inspiration. They have shown me that hard work, focus, and determination are the keys to success.

What are you most proud of? Biziby is all about making small businesses reach their potential by helping them sell online and take part in the rapidly growing e-commerce industry. Small businesses are the creators, the achievers, the dreamers, the builders. They represent hope, growth and the future. I am proud that we are focusing on helping small business owners and startups tell their story to the world, and sell their amazing products across the globe.

Greatest advice for life? Time is the most valuable commodity -- make the absolute most of it!

What was your favourite Kwantlen moment?
(Can't help but smile at this) It's definitely winning the 33 awards and scholarships while at Kwantlen. Having my name called around five to seven times every scholarship night was always fun!

What is the last book you read? As a finance nerd and trader (and founder of Kwantlen's first Finance Club), it's hardly a surprise: Too Big to Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin.

What are your big summer plans? Taking Biziby to the next phase; we aim to grow rapidly in both Canada and the United States. We are currently giving away our platform for free to our Beta sellers for a year, so we especially want to capitalize on the growth potential. It's going to be a fun summer!

For more information about Biziby, visit