Letter of Intent Guidelines

Stage One: Letter of Intent

Applicants will be required to submit a brief letter of intent to determine basic suitability. After reviewing the Endowment Statement of Purpose, the applicant must submit a Letter of Intent that will include the following information:

  • Introduction of the applicant team/department.
  • Brief project overview.
  • Statement of the issue that the project will address, the impact it will have and how the project was identified as a priority.
  • Summary of any other organizations in the community with which the applicant is working (as appropriate).
  • Concise description of the activities to be undertaken.
  • Start-up and completion dates, along with major project milestones.
  • Project budget identifying expenditures and revenue, whether there will be shortfall in funding and the details of how this will be addressed.
  • Explanation of how this project will move forward if not successful in this application.
  • The amount requested from Barber Endowment and how these funds will be allocated within the budgeted expenditures.  Applicants must specify whether the project is single-year or multi-year.  For the latter, the requested funding amount for each year must be included.

Letters of Intent should be no more than two pages in length. The Executive Committee will review the LOIs for basic eligibility and fit within the endowment terms. Applicants will be invited to move on to stage two at the discretion of the Executive Committee.